12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовала
Шабашова Наталия Геннадьевна64
Россия, Чувашская респ., Чебоксары

1. Организационный момент. Приветствие.

Good morning, children and our guests! I’m very glad to see you here. Now we are going to have a competition called “Travelling to the USA”. Two teams will take part in our game. They are the students of the 8th form. This is the first team. Stand up, please! The captain of the team is A.

This is the second team. Stand up, please! The captain of the team is B. You may sit down.

Now I’m going to teach you how to play this game. The game has 9 contests, they are on the screen.

Both teams will play at the same time. The team that answers the first and has more correct answers will get one piece of the map of the USA. The team which gets all the pieces of the map first wins the game.

Ok, let’s start our game!

The First team chooses the task.

The second team chooses the task.

1. «Name the sightseeings»

Your task is to name all these places. Write them down and then give your paper with answers to me. When all the teams are ready. We will check your answers together. I see? now we can check.

Let's look on the screen.

The First picture shows the White House.

The Second picture ... and so on.

The first team "How many correct answers does the second team has?"

The second team "How many correct answers does the first team has?"

The first (second) team wins. This is your part of the map.

2.  Fill in the articles. Your next task is to fill in the articles where it is necessary. 3. Choose the correct variant. Your next task is to choose the correct answer to each question. 4. Match the dates with the names of the holidays. Your next task is to match the dates with the names of the holidays. You should write correct answers in the first column. Washington's birthday is on the 22nd of February.... 5. Match the proverbs and their translation. Your next task is to match the proverbs and their translations. You should write correct answers in the first column. 6. Find the odd word. Your next task is to find the wrong world in each line. You should circle the word which is not necessary. 7. Make up words. Your next task is to make up words from the letters below. The First word is America. 8. Make up sentences. Your next task is to make up the sentences. 9. The tongue-twister. Here you can see the tongue-twister. First let 's listen how I'll read it....Now I need one person from each team to read this tongue-twister as fast as possible. Stand up, please. Ok good. Now I need two members from each team. Stand up, please. Read together. Well done. And now each team should read in a chorus. The team which reads faster will win.

Well, children! We have the winners! The … has got all the pieces of the map. This team has won our game! Well done! So The First (Second) team gets this sertificate...

Our competition is over! Good bye, pupils! See you soon!


2. Fill in the articles.

__ North America

__ Boston

__ Pacific Ocean

__ Great Lakes

__ Grand Canyon

__ Death Valley

__ USA

__ Central America

__ Ontario

__ Washington D.C.

__ English language

__ Alaska

__ Canada

__ Great Plains

__ Las Vegas

__ Potomac River

3. Choose the correct variant.

1. The USA is bordered by ____ (to the North) and ____ (to the South).

a) Russia/ Canada

b) Canada / Mexico

c) Guatemala / Belize

2. The USA has _____ states and a federal district.

a) 49

b) 50

c) 52

3. The capital city of the country is _____.


a) Philadelphia

b) Washington DC

c) New York.

4. _____ is the USA’s largest city.


a) New York

b) Washington DC

c) Los Angeles

5. The National Day of the USA is on ____ .

a) March, 17th

b) June, 21th

c) July, 4th

6. Christopher Columbus discovered America in _____.

  a) 1492

b) 1392

c) 1482

7. Name the holiday which belongs only to American people:



Independence Day

8. The USA was founded by 13 ______ colonies.

  a) British

b) French

c) Dutch

9. _____ is the national bird of the USA.

a) The Bald Eagle

b) The Swan

c) The Hawk

4. Match the dates with the names of the holidays.



Washington’s Birthday


Second Sunday in May



Thanksgiving Day


December 25th 



St. Valentine’s Day


October 12th 



Mother’s Day


October 31st 



Flag Day


February 22nd 





June 14th 



Columbus Day


February 14th 



Independence Day


Fourth Thursday in November





July 4th 

5. Match the proverbs and their translation.



One man, no man.


В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.



There is no place like home. 


На вкус и цвет товарищей нет.



Leave and learn.


Яблоко от яблони не далеко падает. 



Like teacher, like pupil.


Один в поле не воин.



There is no accounting for tastes.


Век живи и век учись

9. The tongue-twister.

Swan swam over the sea. 
Swim, swam, swim: 
Swan swam back again. 
Well swam, swan!

6. Circle the odd word.

the USA, Russia, Germany, New York

the Baikal, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean

west, east, chain, south

deep, continent, large, mighty

Washington D.C., Alaska, Texas, Hawaii

The Ontario, the Superior, the Huron, the Grand Canyon

(the) Germans, (the) Americans, Japanese, (the) British

the Potomac River, the Mississippi, California, the Colorado

7. Make up words.

m, r, i, c, a, a, e

t, t, s, a, e

o, n, n, i, t, c, e, n, t

t, n, i, y, n, a, I, a, l, t, o

a, a, p, c, t, i, l

g, e, a, e, l

n, n, m, o, u, t, a, i

        i, l, a, f, o, r, d

8. Make up sentences.

president, Washington, D.C., of, after, is, the, first, named, America

Lincoln, president, was, 16th, Abraham, the, the, of, USA

fast, industry, largest, the, has, USA, the, in, world, food, the

Americans, skyscrapers, the, built, first

Many, people, United, nationalities, States, different, the, of, the, are,of

country, USA, world’s, largest, fourth, is, the, the


(первый слайд - задание; второй слайд - ответ на задание)


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