Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку «Рождественская сказка»

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Script. Christmas 2017 -2018
Act I
Characters: Girl, Boy and Elf
Появляется эльф. Комната, ель, подарки, ночь, горит огонь в камине.
Elf: Oh, the night is so dark and how many present! And everyone is sleeping. Of course it’s awful to steal presents from poor children but…they will have enough. And poor hungry elf is so cold and alone in this terrible and ugly night.
Эльф занят подарками, не замечает появление детей, которые проснулись ночью для того, чтобы заглянуть под елку.
Boy: Do you think we will be heard?
Girl: No. But don’t be afraid and go ahead.
Boy: Can you hear that? There is a rustling noise. May be we should come back?
Girl: No. If we come back, we will fall asleep. And what do we want to do?
Boy: Not to sleep all night.
Girl: I don’t think something can happen with us during the Christmas night. Run!
Девочка и мальчик замечают эльфа.
Boy: Who is it?
Girl: I don’t know. He says he is elf.
Boy: It’s not true. Elves don’t steal presents.
Girl: You know, I’d like to get to know why he is here?
Boy: Yes, let’s go.
Девочка и мальчик разговаривают с эльфом.
Boy: Don’t move! We’ve caught you!
Girl: Evil thief of presents
Boy: You’d better pray for mercy
Elf: Oh, no. I have no forgiveness. I am a little and stupid elf.
Girl: And what will we do with you?
Elf: Forgive me
Boy: Oh, no.
Elf: Oh, my God. Pardon me, please, but don’t touch my book.
Girl: What is this book?
Elf: Please, pardon poor elf.
Girl: Answer, otherwise we’ll throw it in a fireplace.
Elf: I’ll answer, but let me go and don’t touch my book. If you want to know, I’m not a simple elf. I’m the boss of elves and the keeper of The Book of fairy tales and magic.
Girl: What is this book? What it can do? I don’t believe you, you are not an elf.
Elf: I am a winter elf from the north pole, I am the commander of snow storm, I am the boss of the skies and the only keeper of The Book of fairy tales and magic. And if you don’t know, this book has all stories. It is our treasure. It is our heritage. We are proud of it! But we… we are poor, hungry, lonely and deeply sad elves….. I am so sorry and I invite you in a world full of fairy tales and miracles. Do you agree?
Girl: Of course!
Boy: But there is so dark and cold in the street and there is so warm and cosy at home.
Girl: Are you kidding? It’s so adventurous !
Elf: You won’t be cold with my magic. Are you ready?
Girl: Yes!
Эльф открывает Книгу Сказок.
Characters: Monsters, High Witch, Jack
Хэллоуин-Сити. Собрание монстров, на котором они обсуждают, как отметить Рождестве, а заодно испортить его людям.
Monster 1: There is so much snow today.
Monster 2: Yes, there is nobody outside.
Monster 3: Oh yes, we’ll catch Santa immediately! No way to escape!
Monster 4: We must spoil Christmas!
Monster 5: Ha-ha, right. But how can we do it?
Monster 6: I think our High Witch helps us. She is the most evil creature in the world.
Monster 3: No Christmas, no miracles, no lives!
Появляется Верховная Ведьма.
High Witch: The world will be in the dark! We need Santa Clause's magic staff. All forces are in it!
Monster 2: Let’s steal the staff!
Monster 4: Let’s steal the holiday!
Monster 1: Immerse the world into the darkness.
Monster 6: But who can do it?
Monster 3: Who can fight with the great Santa Clause?
Monster 4: Maybe Jack?
Monster 5: Jack who?
Monster 2: Our Jack Skeleton
Monster 3: Great. He is the person we need.
Monster 6: He is the most flexible.
Monster 1: He’s the bravest.
Monster 2: He’s the best.
Monster 5: He’ll do it
Monster 3: (обращается к Джеку) Well, Jack, are you ready for this business?
Monster 4: Are you willing to sacrifice for our goals?
Jack: I’m ready. I’ll go through fire and water. I’ll destroy this old man Santa whoever he’ll be. I’ll steal his staff. I am Jack Skeleton and I swear I’ll steal Christmas.
Characters: High Witch, Izi.
Верховная Ведьма ведёт двойную жизнь: она не только портит праздники хорошим, безобидным людям, но и преподает магию дочери Снежного Короля и Снежной Королевы. Её имя Изи. Естественно, девочка, как и её родители, не знает о тёмной стороне жизни своей «учительницы».
High Witch: Frog’s legs, elephant toes, children eyes and dead water. Recorded?
Izi: Yes, but these are forbidden spells and I mustn’t….
High Witch: Silent!
Izi: But I….
High Witch: How dare you argue with me! I’m a teacher here and I’m here to teach you magic and I don’t want to hear anything! And mind Isabella..
Izi: My name is Izi..
High Witch: Silent! How dare you open your mouth! We need to know many things. Now I’ll bring Spellbook and we begin the chapter about deadly diseases and how to spell them.
«Учительница» отворачивается от Изи и записывает на доске заклинания. В это время на Apple Watch Изи приходит сообщение.
Izi: It’s strange.. My watch shows that Santa is in danger. He needs help. But what about the lesson? Should I stay and leave Santa in trouble or should I help him and escape from this ugly woman? The choice is clear. I have no time to think. Santa, I‘m coming!
Изи незаметно покидает своё место и сбегает. «Учительница» заканчивает записывать заклинания на доске и поворачивается к Изи. Но та уже скрылась.
High Witch: (в ярости) She’s escaped, nasty girl! How dare she go away from me! You’ll regret it!
Act IV
Characters: Santa Claus, Izi, Indifferent People.
Несколькими часами ранее Джек напал на Санту, когда тот ехал на санях на свою фабрику подарков, и отобрал у него посох. Побитый Санта с трудом добирается до города. Он ничего не помнит, поэтому просит людей о помощи. Однако люди, которые не признают в навязчивом старике всемирно известного волшебника, равнодушно отмахиваются он него.
Santa Claus: Help me people, please!
Появляется Изи. Только ей известно о том, что случилось с Сантой.
Izi: Santa, Santa! Dear, Santa!
Santa Claus: People, help me, help..
Izi: What’s the matter with you? Who did it with you? I want to help you! Come with me, my parents probably know what to do.
Изи и Санта отправляются в замок Снежного Короля и Снежной Королевы.
Act V
Characters: Jack, Monsters.
Крики, смех и музыка слышатся за сценой. На сцену выходит Джек. Садится в углу и грустит. Достаёт из кармана сердце и смотрит на него. На сцену выходят монстры. Они кричат, дико танцуют. В это время Джек убирает сердце обратно. Они замечают Джека, поднимают его и облепляют со всех сторон.
Monster 1: Here is our hero!
Monster 2: Our dark knight!
Jack: Yes, it's me.
Monster 3: Why are you so sad?
Monster 4: You look like an old man.
Monster 5: Relax and enjoy yourself! We have a party!
Jack: You shouldn't worship me.
Monster 6: Why not?
Monster 1: Do you want to say we shouldn't worship our hero?
Monster 3: Our leader?
Monster 2: The man who committed the most terrible crime?
Monster 4: We will worship you forever!
Монстры устраивают хоровод вокруг Джека. Кричат. Джек пытается заткнуть уши, чтобы не слышать их.
Monster 3: Glory Jack Skeleton! The greatest monster ever! The most terrible! The most evil! The most heartless!
Jack: Stop, stop! Do you realise what we have done? Do you realise our crime? We stole Christmas from people and organised something strange. And what did we get? I am ashamed for each of us.
Монстры медленно отходят от него. Некоторые даже в недоумении покидают сцену.
Monster 1: Well, I didn't expect it from you.
Monster 2: Have you lost your mind?
Monster 4: Let's get out of here, he is crazy.
Monster 3: That's terrible.
Монстры уходят. Джек опять достаёт из кармана сердце и смотрит на него.
Jack: A monster... I'm a monster. Terrible, evil and heartless monster. But why? Am I really able to do only bad things? I am a villain, Jack Skeleton. Hate it. Hate everything. I even hate my name. Snow is the only thing I like. It is beautiful and it calms me down. If only I could turn back the clock and change something.
Джек уходит.
Act VI
Characters: The Snow Queen, The Snow King, Witch.
На троне восседают Снежный Король и Снежная Королева. Заходит учительница. Она крайне раздражена.
The Snow King: Hello. We are glad to see you and we would to ask you about our daughter's success.
The Snow Queen: Is she diligent in her studies? Has she learned a lot?
High Witch: Your daughter is the most terrible creature that God has ever created. She is vile, stupid, and selfish.
The Snow King: What? Why do you think so? She is a pretty girl.
The Snow Queen: She never misbehaves. She always studies well and helps us.
High Witch: Well, she is unbearable at the lessons. She always disturbs me, does nothing and doesn't listen to me. Today she has escaped from the lesson.
The Snow King: It's not like her. Maybe you mistake our daughter for another girl?
High Witch: No, I don't. I am sure it is your girl. I don't know how to work with her. I suggest that you should lock her up in prison for several days. She...
The Snow Queen: Stop. Don't be so angry. We are having a conversation with her and finding out what's the matter. I am sure there is an explanation for this situation.
High Witch: There in no sense to talk to her. I am telling you she is always lying. You should lock her up in prison and...
The Snow King: (перебивает её) Enough! I'm tired to listening to this nonsense. It is our business and it is up to us to decide what to do with our daughter.
High Witch: Well, I only tried to help you. However, my point is the same. She is the devil in the flesh. I wouldn't be surprised if she brought a strange man to the castle. And then you will remember my words.
Появляются Изи и Санта. Учительница видит Санту и быстро уходит.
Characters: The Snow King, The Snow Queen, Izi, Santa.
Изи появляется на пороге родного замка вместе с Сантой.
The Snow Queen: Oh my God, Izi! Who is it?
Izi: Mum, Dad, don't be afraid. This is Santa Claus and he is in trouble.
The Snow King: Stop lying, Izi! What's the matter with you? Your teacher complains about you and it seems her words are not far from the truth. You know the rules. No strangers here.
Izi: But, Dad, he is...
The Snow King: I don't care.
The Snow Queen: (перебивает его) Enough, stop crying. (подходит к Санте, рассматривает его) I think... No, it can not be the truth. Come here and have a look.
Снежный Король подходит и рассматривает Санту.
The Snow King: No, I can't believe it...
The Snow Queen: Izi, bring warm clothes and he looks ill.
Изи убегает за пледом, укрывает им Санту.
The Snow Queen: What happened with him?
Izi: I don't know. I had a message he was in trouble.
The Snow King: The guilty will be punished. And I apologize, Izi.
Снежная Королева приносит Санте кружку, он пьет и «оживает».
The Snow Queen: Here is my magic potion. It breaks a fever.
Santa: Where am I?
The Snow King: We are your friends.
The Snow Queen: What happened to you?
Santa: (оглядывается в поисках посоха) Oh, no. Christmas Day is in danger. I was … (пытается встать) I was attacked. Someone stole my magic staff.
Izi: Oh, that's terrible. Is there any way to celebrate Christmas without magic? Mum, dad, we must help Santa.
The Snow Queen: Isi, we need a little time to think it over.
The Snow King: Izi, you did a good job today but now you need to rest. I and your mum solve this problem. And you should do your homework because your teacher has complained about you.
I: Why?
The Snow Queen: Do what your dad says to you, Izi.
Изи делает вид, что уходит. На самом деле прячется за шторой.
The Snow King: Using the Crystal Ball we will find out where the staff is.
Снежный Король достаёт шар, смотрит в него.
The Snow King: Oh, no. The staff is in Halloween City! Monsters stole it.
The Snow Queen: What should we do?
The Snow King: It is in vain to go there.
Santa: But if we can't bring the staff back, there will be no Christmas and the world will be plunged in darkness.
The Snow Queen: We must do something about it. (обращается к Королю) Do you remember the Magic Wardrobe? Can we use it?
The Snow King: By no means! It must be broken. We have to find another solution.
Они уходят. Изи выходит из своего укрытия.
Izi: Christmas is in danger. Do they really understand there is no time for delay? If I could get to Halloween City I would surely bring the staff back and save Christmas. I would pretend to be a little witch, put a black raincoat on, take my spell book, make friends with these monsters, and finally lay a spell on them. It would be great. (ходит по сцене и думает). The Magic Wardbrobe is broken but it is our only chance (подходит к ширме, отодвигает её, смотрит на дверь). Our only chance... I have to take the risk to save Christmas and the whole world.
Изи убегает за сцену; возвращается в плаще и с книгой. Заходит в дверь. В зале гаснет свет.
Characters: Isabella, Jack, Witch, Monsters.
Звучит музыка, монстры веселятся. Джек одиноко стоит в стороне. Изи выходит через дверь портала. Монстры озадаченно смотрят на неё.
Monster 1: Hey, where do you come from?
Monster 2: Who are you and what are you doing here?
Izi: And I… I’d like to ask you where I am?
Monster 3: It depends on where you’ve directed.
Izi: I’m going to Halloween City to meet the monsters.
Monster 4: Yes, exactly it’s all at!
Monster 5: The most terrible monsters are here!
Monster 6: But why should we believe you?
Monster 4: How do we know you aren’t a spy?
Izi: I have got a spell book, but I’m not sure…. Are you monsters? You don't look like dreadful monsters. You are a little bit cute.
Monster 3: We are cute? You, but do you know what we can do?!
Monster 1: Yesterday I stole 3 bags of apples from the shop!
Monster 6: And I took away a huge balloon from a little girl!
Monster 2: Even more, I ruined a snowcastle in the playground!
Izi: Are you serious? What monsters you are! You are just hooligans!
Monster 3: But we if you want to know we played tricks with Christmas!
Izi: Why did you do it?
Monster 4: We are monsters and it’s our job!
Monster 5: Dreadful things and dirty tricks are ours!
Monster 1: We stole the Christmas and now we’re celebrating it!
Izi: But how did you steal it?
Monster 2: Look, the hero of the day is…. Jack Skeleton!
Monster 3: He’s a bit moody today, but he crushed down greybeard Santa Claus!
Monster 4: He picked up the magic staff and whole Christmas with that!
Джек закрывает голову, Изи садится рядом с опаской.
Izi: Did you steal Christmas?
Jack: And you are about the same. For crying out loud? And if you want to know I’d return the staff with a great pleasure and finish this penny gaff!
Изи и Джек сидят молча, монстры продолжают свой праздник.
Izi: And what is it? (указывает на сердце)
Jack: It is my heart but you wouldn't understand.
Izi: Why?
Jack: You’re a monster too, monsters are heartless.
Izi: Untruth! Everybody has a heart, it’s impossible to live without it!
Jack: How can you tell?
Izi: Mmm.., I go to school and I know a lot of things. And you , is it true that you’d like to give back the staff to Santa?
Jack: it is my dearest wish!
Звучит гром, появляется Верховная ведьма, монстры поклоняются ей.Изи в плаще, поэтому Ведьма не замечает ей.
High Witch: The time is ripe for it! We stole the Christmas and stole enchantment and joy! But we have a new danger. Awful snow rulers turn their arms against us! We must attack them first and ruin their lives. The nasty wizards found Santa Claus and are going to help him! Never the world! I, High Witch (снимает капюшон, все видят, что это учительница), appeal to you to fight! We we will destroy these stupid snow rulers and conquer the world!
Монстры ликуют. Изи в ужасе, пытается накрыться плащом. Все уходят, остаются Джек и Изи.
Act IX
Characters: Izi, Jack.
Jack: What’s up with you?
Izi: She is.. Who is she this woman?
Jack: She’s High Witch, our boss and mistress.
Izi: And she’d like to go to war to the Snow Kingdom?
Jack: That’s why she needs Santa’s magic staff, without it The Kingdom is getting weak. Don’t be afraid they‘ ll win and the whole world will plung into darkness.
Izi: Oh no! I must give warning the Kingdom. (она бросается к двери, та не работает) The wardrobe is broken! What to do?
Jack: I don’t understand why you are trying to help the Snow rulers?
Izi: Because I am their daughter! I’m not a witch! I’m Isabel, princess of the Snow Kingdom! I’m here cause of the staff, we need it!
Jack: I’m sorry, I’m really sorry. If I had changed something!
Izi: Do you know where the staff is now?
Jack: Yes, I do.
Izi: If you give it to me, I’ll be back and the santa’s magic will return back!
Jack: We return magic and Christmas… I’ll help you.
Izi: Thank you a lot! I think your heart is very kind and you’re not a monster.
Jack: I’m not a monster but there’s no place for me in this giant world
Izi: You can go with me! Help us again to fight the witch and stay with us in our Castle!
Jack: but I….
Izi: We have no time. Go!
Джек и Изи заходят в портал.
Act X
Characters: Izi, Jack, The Snow King, The Snow Queen, Witch, Santa Claus, Monsters.
Монстры и Ведьма в замке. Бесчинствуют. Снежный Король и Королева захвачены в плен.
Izi: Mum, dad, watch out!
Изи закрывает собой родителей, Джек с посохом ищет Санту.
High Witch: How nasty you are! How dare you come here?
Izi: I know who you are your plans!
High Witch: I show you... (не успевает ничего сказать, появляется Санта, он стучит посохом, все монстры по очереди замирают).
Witch: And you are here, greybeard! (Машет рукой, выбивает посох. Колдует, все замирают).
Джек берет посох, стучит им по полу и ведьма застывает.
Jack: I made many mistakes but I won’t allow you to win!
Ведьма медленно исчезает.
Izi: You saved us!
Jack: I?
The Snow King: You! You are a real hero!
Jack: But I don’t...
The Snow Queen: We’ll always be grateful for this day.
Jack: but I want to say that was me, I stole the staff and spoiled the holiday! I’m guilty…
Santa Claus: May be, you were guilty. The staff doesn’t obey unkind person, only kind heart can manage it!
Jack: But I….
The Snow Queen: Nothing else matters, you saved us, now you are not a monster.
Джек хочет передать посох Санте.
Santa Claus: I think I’m too old to be the guard of this staff. I need somebody who will take on my responsibilities. You’re worthy!
The Snow King: What is your name?
Jack: Jack Sceleton, I hate my name.
The Snow King: now we call you Jack Frost! And I announce you the lord-keeper of Christmas magic.
Jack: Thank you very much. It’s a great honour for me.
The Snow Queen: But what are we going to do with the monsters from your city?
Izi: Mum, they aren’t monsters, they are just naughty children. They are lonely!
The Snow King: That means they aren’t lonely! They can stay and live in our Castle. Now we need to go, Christmas is coming soon and we aren’t ready yet.
Все расходятся.
Act XI
Characters: Boy, Girl and Elf.
Эльф захлопывает Книгу Сказок.
Elf: The happy end, my honey! Everybody is happy!
Boy: It was very interesting tale!
Girl: That Kingdom does it really exist?
Elf: Of course, and many others.. I’d tell you but the morning is coming and it’s time to disappear.
Boy: Come and see us somewhen else!
Girl: And bring with you your wonderful book! And you know, take any present you want!
Elf: No, I don’t steal somebody’s present, I’d prefer those delicious cookies from the kitchen.
Boy: Take them all! Enjoy your meal!
Elf: Thank you! You’re kind kids! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!