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Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Автор: учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ станицы Луковской  имени С.Г.Астанина

Збродова Жаннета Григорьевна

Конспект урока английского языка в 8 классе

Тема урока: “American Greats

Тип урока: Урок-обобщение .

Планируемые результаты:

1. Личностные: Формирование  уважительного отношения к языку и культуре других народов .

2.Предметные: Закрепление лексики по теме « США», развитие навыков диалогической речи ,совершенствование навыков чтения и аудирования.

3.Метапредметные: Формирование умений  планировать и оценивать учебные действия в соответствии поставленной задачи, готовность слушать собеседника и вести диалог.

Оборудование:  презентация о США, ее достижениях и великих людях; компьютер, проектор, маркерная доска

Ход урока:

1.Организационный момент.

- Good morning, boys and girls!

- I am glad to see you !

- How are you?

-I’m fine, thank you. What a fine day and how wonderful the world is! Look at this video and say what we are going to speak about today. ( Презентация. Карта США. Портрет Христофора Колумба…

2. Введение в тему урока. How it all began…

1) Where is the USA situated?

2) Why is the USA called “the melting pot”?

3) Who discovered America?

4) When did it happen?

5) Who were the first settlers on the continent?

6) What was the original number of colonies in the USA?

7) Who became the first president of the USA?

3.Монологические высказывания  учащихся о первом президенте США Джордже Вашингтоне.

4. T: What is the American president’s residence? Guess the name of this building. Информация о Белом Доме.

5. What other famous American presidents do you know? What do you know about Thomas Jefferson?

Рассказ учащихся о Т. Джефферсоне. Чтение выдержки из Декларации независимости.

6. Why are American people proud of their Constitution?

What else are they proud of? What do you know about the history of the song “America the beautiful”?

 Katherine Lee Bates, an English College Professor, was riding up the mountain top in Colorado in 1893. She saw a view of the mountains and was inspired by the glimpse of spacious skies and purple mountains to write a poem that was later set to music. Nowadays all Americans sing this song alongside with the national anthem.

                     America The Beautiful.

Oh beautiful for spacous skies,

For amber waves of grain,

For purple mountains majestice

Above the fruited plain.

America! America!

God shed his grace on thee

And crown thy good with


From sea to shining sea

7.  T: What else is America beautiful with?

What can you say about its cities?

Показ презентации о самом крупном городе  - Нью-Йорке.

8.Аудирование текста «The city that never sleeps» и выполнение задания по прослушанному тексту.

I. True or false?

1) New York is a 24- hour city.

2) New York has four boroughs.

3)”Mets“ and “Yankees” are baseball teams.

4) There are many attractions for tourists in New York.

II. Answer the questions:

  1. Over nine million people live in New York, don’t they?
  2. What are the most important landmarks in New York?
  3. Was The Empire State Building built in 1931 or 1933?
  4. Where can you relax in New York?
  5. What is the heart of the city?

9. Обобщение знаний о достопримечательностях США.

Give it a name:

  1. The tallest  skyscraper in New York –
  2. The museum with a spiral construction –
  3. The home of American presidents –
  4. Another name for New York –
  5. The symbol of America –
  6. The centre of film industry –

10. Презентация о Голливуде. Выступление учащихся.

 Рассказ о наиболее популярных фильмах и известных голливудских актерах и режиссерах.

11. T: Do you know how many “Oscars” the film “Titanic” has won?

Песня из кинофильма «Титаник» в исполнении учащихся класса.

12. As you see , Americans were great in many things… And do you know who were American firsts?

Викторина “American firsts”

  1. He invented the telephone –
  2. He invented the electric bulb –
  3. He was the first to walk on the moon –
  4. He made the first jeans –
  5. They made the first air flight –
  6. He invented the typewriting machine –

13. Подведение итогов урока.

а) Рефлексия  

T: Thank you. You’ve  worked hard today.   What did you like? What have you learnt? Was it interesting for you? Who was the best pupil today? 

 b) So, your marks are…

 с)   The lesson is over. Good bye


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