Урок английского языка в 7 классе «Shopping» (УМК И. Н. Верещагиной)

Образовательная цель: создать организационные условия для обучения ребят восприятию видеоинформации с последующим выполнением заданий и составлением диалогов: совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Shopping»; совершенствование навыков диалогической речи.
Развивающая цель: развитие зрительной и аудитивной памяти логического мышления, коммуникативных навыков.
Воспитательная цель: средствами урока знакомить ребят с реалиями и культурой шопинга в различных странах (на примере Японии).
Оснащение: интерактивная доска, видеофрагмент “Shopping at Jusco”, раздаточный материал (распечатки с заданиями, диалоги).
Ход урока
- Организационный момент.
Hello children! I’m very glad to see you today. How are you?
- Речевая разминка.
On your desks you have a question. Read it aloud and answer.
Now, change your questions. Choose a person and ask a question.
- Объявление темы (включаю видео без звука).
So, children, watch a video and guess what the topic of our lesson is. Yes, you are right. The topic of our lesson is “We are at the shop”. What is Jusco?
Today we will watch a video about shopping at Jusco and make up dialogues and role play them (слайд 1).
- Активизация лексики.
Let’s do the next task. Match the names of the shops with the right picture. Answer the question: What things are sold at a ….?(слайд 2,3,4)
- Преддемонстрационный этап (снятие лексических трудностей).
Before we start to watch a video, look at some new words: (слайд 5)
Yen – it’s a monetary unit of Japan.
Size – it’s M, S, L.
On sale – lower prices. Something costs very cheap.
Natto – they are soya beans.
Now let’s fill in these words in the exercise 1.
6. Физкультминутка
Let’s have a rest and do a shopping tour together. Repeat after me.
We bend down for a shopping basket. Bend down lower. Then we go fast along the supermarket. We pick some vegetables at the greengrocer’s. We continue going. Watch left, watch right. Look. There are cash boxes. We’re ready to pay. Let’s stop here.
- General comprehension exercises.
Watch the video, choose the best titles for Part 1 and Part 2 and be ready to answer the questions.
- Intensive viewing.
Watch the video again and match the questions and the answers.
- Language focus. (слайд 6,7)
Let’s order the sentences to make up dialogues between a customer and a shop-assistant.
10. Follow-up activities.
It’s your turn to be shop-assistants and customers. Make up dialogues and be ready to role-play them. Listen to your classmates and guess what shop they are in.
11. Рефлексия (слайд 8)
I like our lesson. I want to know your opinions. On the board you see 3 colourful balloons. Let’s decorate a Christmas tree.
If you think you’ve done a lot of mistakes, you choose a red balloon.
If you had some difficulties during the lesson, choose a yellow balloon.
If everything was OK, choose a green one.
12. Объявление д/з (слайд 9): S/B ex.3, p. 54.
13. Подведение итогов. You worked very well today. Your marks are …
План-конспект урока по английскому языку по теме «We are at the shop» в 7 классе с использованием интерактивной доски
Подготовила учитель английского языка
Шило Юлия Игоревна
Образовательная цель: создать организационные условия для обучения ребят восприятию видеоинформации с последующим выполнением заданий и составлением диалогов: совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Shopping»; совершенствование навыков диалогической речи.
Развивающая цель: развитие зрительной и аудитивной памяти логического мышления, коммуникативных навыков.
Воспитательная цель: средствами урока знакомить ребят с реалиями и культурой шопинга в различных странах (на примере Японии).
Оснащение: интерактивная доска, видеофрагмент “Shopping at Jusco”, раздаточный материал (распечатки с заданиями, диалоги).
Ход урока
Организационный момент.
Hello children! I’m very glad to see you today. How are you?
Речевая разминка.
On your desks you have a question. Read it aloud and answer.
Now, change your questions. Choose a person and ask a question.
Объявление темы (включаю видео без звука).
So, children, watch a video and guess what the topic of our lesson is. Yes, you are right. The topic of our lesson is “We are at the shop”. What is Jusco?
Today we will watch a video about shopping at Jusco and make up dialogues and role play them (слайд 1).
Активизация лексики.
Let’s do the next task. Match the names of the shops with the right picture. Answer the question: What things are sold at a ….?(слайд 2,3,4)
Преддемонстрационный этап (снятие лексических трудностей).
Before we start to watch a video, look at some new words: (слайд 5)
Yen – it’s a monetary unit of Japan.
Size – it’s M, S, L.
On sale – lower prices. Something costs very cheap.
Natto – they are soya beans.
Now let’s fill in these words in the exercise 1.
6. Физкультминутка
Let’s have a rest and do a shopping tour together. Repeat after me.
We bend down for a shopping basket. Bend down lower. Then we go fast along the supermarket. We pick some vegetables at the greengrocer’s. We continue going. Watch left, watch right. Look. There are cash boxes. We’re ready to pay. Let’s stop here.
General comprehension exercises.
Watch the video, choose the best titles for Part 1 and Part 2 and be ready to answer the questions.
Intensive viewing.
Watch the video again and match the questions and the answers.
Language focus. (слайд 6,7)
Let’s order the sentences to make up dialogues between a customer and a shop-assistant.
10. Follow-up activities.
It’s your turn to be shop-assistants and customers. Make up dialogues and be ready to role-play them. Listen to your classmates and guess what shop they are in.
11. Рефлексия (слайд 8)
I like our lesson. I want to know your opinions. On the board you see 3 colourful balloons. Let’s decorate a Christmas tree.
If you think you’ve done a lot of mistakes, you choose a red balloon.
If you had some difficulties during the lesson, choose a yellow balloon.
If everything was OK, choose a green one.
12. Объявление д/з (слайд 9): S/B ex.3, p. 54.
13. Подведение итогов. You worked very well today. Your marks are …