Статья на английском языке «Prevention of child and adolescent moral degradation while visiting entertainment online resources and social networks»

Kasperavichus Yan Viktorovich
Shuktomova Veronika Andreevna
Julia Alexandrovna Kozlova
Teacher of German and English
Municipal autonomous educational institution "Secondary school № 35 with in-depth study of specific subjects"
Prevention of child and adolescent moral degradation while visiting entertainment online resources and social networks
Project`s relevance is caused by the need to establish methods of informative web browsing among children and adolescents and the diversion of attention from the viewing online stultifying content.
The subject of the project is the method to distract children and teenagers from the person-decomposing information on the Internet.
The aim of the project is to provide concepts for creating methods of insensible and gradual substitution of children and adolescents` ideas by points of a correct pastime among the resources available on the Internet.
The following objectives are determined in accordance with the stated aim:
to analyze the literature on the problems of research;
to examine the most frequented by children online resources;
to draw conclusions about the influence of Internet resources on children's minds.
The material of the project are social networking and video hosting.
The methods used in the work include: the method of graphic representation of materials research, analysis of the sites on attendance, synthesis method.
The theoretical significance lies in the presumption of possible sites, video channels, and social networks leaders on attendance among children and adolescents; in determining the directions of these sites.
The practical value is determined by the ability to offer a substitution of stultifying entertainment content by developmental entertainment one.
The elevation of study has not been involved in the absence due to lack of rights to ensure this activity.
The structure and phases of work. At the beginning of the study the most visited sites and channels of Russian YouTube were analyzed. The research was carried out among students/schoolchildren.
Now the most popular sites with teenagers are social networking (59.6%), online shopping (9.1%), sites with pornography and erotica (8.9%), web mail (5.7%), resources with illegal software (3.4%), casual games (3.2%) and chat (3.1%). Other unacceptable resources for children are weapon, drugs, gambling, payment systems, which take 0,5-1,5%.
According to statistics from SocialBlade working for YouTube, the most popular channel in Russia is a channel of eighteen-year-old Ivan Rudskoy. Just in a few years he has gained an audience of ten and a half million subscribers. The rapid rise of the channel is due to a good approach to the target audience, the main contingent of which are children of different sexes from 10 to 14 years. On the channel you can see mainly the affectation and uncomplicated humor of Ivan, accompanied by the recording of game clips (Letsplay) and videos about his life (vlogs).
It is also worth noting the increasingly popular channels for young children (from 3 to 8 years). The representative is the channel Mister Max and Miss Kitty.
When analyzing the given Internet resources, we understood the following terms:
• cognitive surfing - visiting the online resource aimed at the development of intellectual qualities;
• moral degradation - a gradual reduction of brain activity;
• mind-numbing content - content that does not threaten any developing skills and leads to moral degradation;
• video hosting - web service that allows upload and view video in the browser (You Tube, Vkontakte).
The study examined the most popular Internet resources with students and their influence on children.
We do not have the experiment on the effect of watching these resources, because we do not have sufficient rights to conduct such monitoring, but we took as a basis the results of the researchers who conducted the experiment on the basis of television and the impact of advertising on children.
The experiment was that every day children were placed in front of a TV and entertaining animations and children's comedy series were showed them, without excluding advertising time (advertising was mainly about children's toys). The study found that at the end of the study children who constantly watched these television shows had less a mind to be active. They required more time for watching broadcasts and more often asked to buy toys, especially those that they had seen while watching commercials. This leads to the idea of more integration in their lives consumer culture. This experiment can be considered also to the channel of Ivan Rudskoy and the channel Mister Max and Miss Kitty. The last-mentioned successfully combined the two areas, advertising and entertainment.
Results of the study. During the research we realized the importance and the necessity of providing the society with online system that will help prevent the degradation of children on the Internet. Of course, it can not be made by children, but they can submit new ideas for adults. We think that the system should not control children`s activities on the Internet, there shouldn`t be such a function as parental control on the devices. It does not lead to necessary results. We agree with views of international experts from Europe and the USA that “education, media literacy, trust-based dialogue of children with parents and teachers are the most effective ways to ensure security on the Internet, forming the internal filters in the young person ” [3]. It is much better if the children will aspire after scientific knowledge. That is why the adults should be able to attract children to these actions. It is necessary to teach children to enjoy entertaining and informative resources.
Unfortunately, we do not have sufficient information and material base to ensure this system and fully elaborate it. We want to offer an example that will help, to focus people involved in this problem in right direction. For example, if we go on any video on YouTube, we can see the windows on the right, which show the "recommended videos". The system decides on its own what videos to offer, putting all previous viewings. If it were possible to attract people who revolve around science, around child psychology, people who would be able to attract teenagers with their scientific and entertainment clips to view, it would be nice to support them by offering their video for children in the "recommended". Such a system should work offering videos and not prohibiting ones.
The importance of studying further examples of fast-growing children's channel on YouTube and their reasons for becoming popular among children can be used as possible prospects of our research.
1. EeOneGay / Mister Max / Miss Kitty: YouTube аналитический сайт SocialBlade [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://socialblade.com/youtube/user/eeonegay (дата обращения: 17.01.2017);
2. Дети и сети: Зачем подростки "ныряют" в Интернет / [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: https://rg.ru/2013/06/07/internet.html (дата обращения: 17.01.2017);
3. Цымбаленко, С.Б. Влияние Интернета на российских подростков и юношество в контексте развития российского информационного пространства / С.Б. Цымбаленко. – М., «Медиа. Информация. Коммуникация», 2013.