Урок по английскому языку «Food and drink»

Материал опубликован 2 December 2017 в группе

Date :

Form: 4 form

Theme:  Food and Drink

Aims :To introduce  with new  material

Develop  pupil`s reading, speaking,  thinking  habits.

Visual aids: pictures,  cards  and  ball

Types of lesson :new lesson

The procedure of the lesson:

I.Organization  moment:a talk with a pupil on duty

II. Warming –up  activities:

Children what do you like to eat? To drink?

How do you think what is the theme of our lesson?

Yes, you are right. Let`s begin our new lesson. The theme of our lesson “Food and drink” new grammar material countable and uncountable nouns. At first read this poem.

                                               I like ice-cream

                                               She likes sweets

                                               I like eggs

                                               She likes cheese

                                               I like coffee

                                               She  likes tea

                                               I love you


Presentation                       Do you love me?

New words

beef burger – сиыр етінен жасалған гамбургер

baked potato - пісірілген картошка

 biscuits - печенье

salad- салат

 peas - бұршақ

 sauce - тұздық

sausages  - шұжық

rice - күріш

soup - сорпа

grapes - жүзім

sugar - секер

mineral water – минералды су

In you opinion, what  are the three nicest things in the list?

Our grammar material countable  or uncountable  nouns. I’ll explain you the rules of grammar

Look at the blackboard.





Next task. I’ll give you many pictures. The first group must be find countable nouns, the next group uncountable nouns.


   Countable                  Uncountable

     oranges                      coffee

     apples                          tea

     bananas                     juice

     eggs                           cheese

     tomatoes                    milk  

     carrots                      sugar 

    sausages                 mineral water

   baked potato              salad

    beef burger                 rice

    biscuits                     sauce



There isn't any meat in a................... (beefburger /

sausage / baked potato)

Could I have some....... with my beefburger? (salad /

fruit / ice cream)

     can be red or white, (tomatoes /peas /grapes)

Would you like a cup of tea and a.. ? (chip /potato /


Do you want any........ in your tea? (cheese /sugar/bread)

We're having chicken...... for lunch, (soup /sauce / juice)

Sadie's a vegetarian. She never eats......... (rice /

veggieburgers / sausages)

Would you like some......... on your fish? (sugar/ water/


       ……are my favourite vegetables, (veggieburgers / peas /


Jack loves meat. He ate four........... at the barbecue.

(potatoes / beefburgers / biscuits)

Home task.  New words







Вы точно сюда хотели направить свою работу?

15 December 2017

Уважаемый автор, прекрасно, что вы знаете английский язык, но сайт русскоязычный, и тема конкурса- новогодние поделки, а у вас "Еда и напитки"! Поясните!

16 December 2017