Сценарий урока на английском языке в 9 классе «Our Heroes deserve their fame»

Материал опубликован 23 April 2020


                                               Сценарий урока-победы на английском языке.

  1. Предмет: английский язык
  2. Класс: 9
  3. Количество обучающихся в классе: 12
  4. Тема: Our heroes deserve their fame.
  5. Цель урока: познакомить учеников с боевым прошлым нашей Родины.
  6.  Задачи:


- развивать познавательный интерес, инициативу в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности:

- активизировать  межпредметную  связь с историей;

- адекватно оценивать свой результат учебной деятельности.

-формировать у обучающихся способность участвовать в диалоге культур;

-совершенствовать информационную культуру обучающихся;

- развивать умение работать в группах;

- развивать интерес к историческому прошлому нашей страны;


- актуализировать лексику по теме;

 -развивать и совершенствовать умения чтения с выборочным пониманием содержания;

-составлять краткий пересказ прочитанного;

-развивать навыки изучающего аудирования, монологической речи по теме.


- воспитывать уважение к культурным ценностям своего народа;

  -воспитывать чувство патриотизма;

  -содействовать созданию целостной духовной картины мира;

  -воспитывать чувство гордости за героическое прошлое наших соотечественников;

 -формировать правильное представление о событиях прошлого у современных школьников;

- воспитывать у учащихся внимательное отношение к ответам одноклассников.

 9.     Планируемые результаты:

Личностные результаты:

•        развитие мотивов и смыслов учебно-познавательной деятельности

•        самостоятельность в приобретении новых знаний и практических умений; в нахождении информации в предложенных источниках;

•        развитие умений давать самооценку деятельности и подводить итоги работы;

•        развитие зрительного, моторного, вербального восприятия.

Метапредметные результаты:


•        развитие познавательного интереса обучающихся и их творческих способностей;

•        развитие ценностных ориентаций – осознание практической ценности знаний, их значимости в современной жизни;

•        развитие умения планировать и регулировать свои действия в соответствии с поставленной задачей.


•        развитие навыков сотрудничества;


•        развитие умения ориентироваться в своей системе знаний:

•        находить ответы на вопросы, используя свои знания, жизненный опыт и информацию, полученную на предыдущих уроках.

  1. Тип урока: комбинированный
  2. Формы работы учащихся: фронтальная, групповая.
  3. Виды контроля: текущий
  4. Необходимое техническое оборудование: компьютер, проектор, интерактивная доска.

Ход урока


Действия учителя и обучающихся

Организационный момент

Hello, boys and girls! How are you today? I am glad to see you.

I hope you are fine and all are ready to work hard at our lesson, aren’t you?

  • What date is it today?
  • What day of the week is it today?
  • What is the weather like today?
  • Who is absent today?

(Учитель приветствует детей, создаёт эмоциональный настрой урока. Учащиеся отвечают на приветствие учителя).

Постановка цели и задач урока. Мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся.

 Look at the screen. You see the crossense here. Try to divine it and formulate the theme of today’s lesson. (слайд 2)

 (Учащиеся выстраивают ассоциативные цепочки и пытаются определить тему урока. На картинке 9 изображений: 1- патроны в количестве 7 штук, на 2- пять солдат, 3- торт 75 лет, на 4 и 5 картинке представлены Пётр Великий и Екатерина Великая, 6 картинка - изображение берез (Отечество), на 7 и 8 фото- взрыв и боевой танк с солдатами (война), фото 9 – поезд победы. Таким образом, тема урока – 75-летие победы в Великой Отечественной Войне).

Обучающиеся догадываются о теме урока, выражая предположение.

I think… I suppose….

You are right. Today we are going to talk about the 75th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War. This war was an example of national tragedy and outstanding national feat. We should always remember about it, so our lesson is devoted to the celebration of the great anniversary and its heroes. (слайд 3)

Проверка д/з

Выступления учащихся с докладами о Великой Отечественной Войне по темам:

  1. The Great Patriotic War in numbers.
  2. Hero Cities.
  3. The Victory day.

Первичное усвоение новых знаний.

Look at the screen. Pupils, you see a wordcloud here. What words do you know? If you do not know a word, try to guess its meaning. (слайд 4)

Учащиеся обсуждают новую лексику, представленную на экране.

We will work with this vocabulary throughout the lesson and now I propose you to repeat these words after me.

(Учащиеся произносят слова за учителем)

Now, boys and girls, you are going to read texts about Great Patriotic War heroes. Read them by yourself. And the task is to find whom these texts are about. I’ll give you 5 minutes.(приложение 1)

(Учитель, раздает учащимся листы с заданием. Учащимся предлагается соотнести текст и имя Героя ВОВ, о котором в нём идет речь.  Во время выполнения задания учитель консультирует, помогает, объясняет типичные ошибки и пути их устранения.

Учащиеся осуществляют поиск информации в тексте, работают самостоятельно и осуществляют взаимоконтроль).

Your time is over. Let’s check your answers. Are you ready?

Учащиеся совместно с учителем проверяют правильность выполнения задания.

Very good! We must know and remember our heroes. You see them on the board. (слайд 5)

Первичная проверка понимания

Now we have a group work. I divide you into 3 teams of 4 people. Each team receives a text with information about the Hero of the Great Patriotic War. You have to select the necessary information from the text to describe the image presented on the slide. In your talk remember to answer these four questions. (слайд 6,7,8,9) I’ll give you 7 minutes to do this task. (приложение 2)

(Учащиеся совместно работают с текстом, осуществляют поиск необходимой информации. Через 7 минут группа представляет полученную из текста информацию перед классом. Так как группы состоят из 4 человек, то во время презентации каждый из них может презентовать один из пунктов плана, написанного на слайде. Во время представления материала, учитель нажимает на изображение, представляемого героя, чтобы перейти на следующий слайд, где картинка будет больше).


Great job, but I see that you are a little bit tired so let’s have a rest.

Stand up and look around,

Shake your head and turn around,

Stamp your feet upon the ground,

Clap your hands and then sit down

Первичное закрепление

Guys, I suggest you do a crossword to understand what we will do next. (слайд 10, приложение 3)

(Учитель предлагает учащимся разгадать кроссворд, чтобы найти ключевое слово, которое даст подсказку о содержании следующего этапа урока. После того как кроссворд разгадан учащимися, учитель кликает мышкой по изображению кроссворда на слайде и по изображению поля для ключевого слова, чтобы показать детям правильные ответы)

Great job, guys! The key word is a wartime song. Songs played a huge role during the war. They helped in the fight, raised the team spirit and gave hope for peacetime, reminded of families, friends-comrades. More than that, they spoke about the Motherland, for which it was necessary to survive, which had to be saved.

Совершенствование навыков аудирования с извлечением необходимой информации

Now, I want you listen to Russian song, written by Rafail Khozak for the film «Officers». While listening to the song, you should fill into the gaps. (слайд 11, приложение 4)

(Учащиеся смотрят видеоклип на песню «Our heroes deserve their fame” и заполняют пропуски)

Do you know the Russian version of this song?

Let’s check your answers. (слайд 12)

Our heroes really deserve their fame, so, pupils, stand up, please. A moment of silence as a gesture of respect for those who have died at this terrible historical event, gave their lives for our Motherland.

Keep silence. Let’s honour

those people who gave

Us freedom from fascists.

We’re proud of them.

 (Минута молчания)

Thank you very much! Take your seats, please.                                              

Рефлексия (Подведение итогов занятия)

Let’s summarize out work.

  • What have we done today?
  • Did you learn something new?
  • Did you like the lesson?
  • What was difficult or easy for you?

Your marks are…

(Учитель комментирует ответы учащихся, производит оценивание. Учащиеся производят оценку своих ответов и ответов своих одноклассников, комментируют допущенные ошибки, стараются адекватно оценить результат своей учебной деятельности.)

Dear children, thank you for your active work. We remember! We are proud! Our lesson is over. Goodbye! (слайд 13)

Приложение 1

Read texts about Great Patriotic War heroes. Read them by yourself and find whom these texts are about. 

A. Yury Levitan

B. Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya

C. Valentin Kotyk

D. Musa Jalil

E. Gazinur Gafiyatullin

F. Mikhail Devyatayv

1. In August 1943, fascist spies managed to track down the resistance group. He and most of his militant comrades were seized. There followed nightmare days and nights of interrogations, torture, and more torture. The Gestapo broke his left arm and injured his kidneys. His body was covered with welts from the beatings. His crushed fingers were swollen and would not bend. But the poet did not give up. Behind bars he continued his fight against fascism. He had only his poetry for a weapon, which speaks of a truth that has been paid for by the highest price imaginable-the price of one's own life.

2. He piloted the aircraft. The Germans tried to intercept the bomber but without success. The aircraft was damaged by the Soviet air defences but managed to land in Soviet-held territory. The escapees provided important information about the German missile program, especially about the V-1 and V-2. But the NKVD did not believe his story, arguing that it was impossible for the prisoners to take over an airplane without cooperation from the Germans. Thus, he was suspected of being a German spy and sent to a penal military unit along with the other nine men.

3. The Germans caught her as she started to torch another house. She was tortured and interrogated throughout the night but refused to give up any information. The following morning she was marched to the center of the town with a board around her neck bearing the inscription 'Houseburner' and hanged. Her final words were purported to be "Comrades! Why are you so gloomy? I am not afraid to die! I am happy to die for my people!" and to the Germans, "You'll hang me now, but I am not alone. There are two hundred million of us. You can't hang us all."

4. He was a Soviet pioneer, and a partisan scout. He was also the youngest ever Hero of Soviet Union. During German-Soviet War he participated in partisan movement in Ukraine. First was coherent, then participated in fights, has been twice wounded, and killed in action. He received the Order of the Patriotic War 1st class and the Medal "Partisan of the Patriotic War".

5. When there were no more than 25 meters to the earth-and-timber emplacement, he rose in all growth and threw in turn three grenades. The machine gun became silent only for an instant, but then again started watering with a lead rain. Then hero threw himself onto a German pill-box, blocking the machine-gun with his own chest. The machine gun choked, and all battalion rushed to attack. For his self-sacrifice in battle, he was posthumously awarded the distinction Hero of the Soviet Union.

https://resize.yandex.net/mailservice?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbucket.mlcdn.com%2Fa%2F594%2F594715%2Fimages%2F5e6620c28c8f247355826c752e414a59ef88e466.png%2Fc7789be26808271345b1d74eff63cbdcb44704b1.png&proxy=yes&key=9d4f49e02a5caf59c80909439448195b6. In June 1941 he read the Soviet Information Bureau message about the start of the war with Germany and voiced information bulletins from the fronts during all four years of fighting. Soviet marshals said his voice had the power of a military division. During the war, he also voiced documentaries that were edited in the same basement and shown to the soldiers on the front and the people of the fighting Soviet Union. His famous message that started with the words ‘From the Soviet Information Bureau…’ was recorded only years after the war’s ended – in the times of fighting no-one even thought of saving it for history’s sake.







Приложение 2(1)


/data/files/w1587591085.jpg (220x336)Alexander Matveyevich Matrosov  born in Yekaterinoslav (now Dnipro) was a Soviet infantry soldier during the Second World War, awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union for blocking a German machine-gun with his body.

Alexander Matrosov was a private in the 2nd Separate Rifle Battalion of the 91st Independent Siberian Volunteer Brigade, later renamed and the 254th Rifle Regiment and reorganized within the 56th Guard Rifle Division of the Soviet Army. He was armed with a light machine-gun.

On 22 February 1943, in the battle to recapture village of Chernushki, near Velikiye Luki, currently in Loknyansky District, Pskov Oblast, the Soviet forces struggled to take a German heavy machine-gun, housed within a concrete pillbox, which blocked the route to the village. It had already claimed the lives of many of the Russian troops. Matrosov crept up to the pillbox and released a burst of rounds into the slot in the pillbox. One round hit a mine inside, and the machine-gun temporarily fell silent. It restarted a few minutes later. At this point Matrosov physically pulled himself up and jammed his body into the slot, wholly blocking the fire at his comrades but clearly at the cost of his own life. This allowed his unit to advance and capture the pillbox and thereafter retake the village.

For his self-sacrifice in battle, Matrosov was posthumously awarded the distinction Hero of the Soviet Union and the Order of Lenin.

Stalin officially renamed his regiment the Matrosov Regiment.


an infantry soldier

солдат пехоты

a machine-gun


Separate Rifle Battalion

Отдельный стрелковый батальон

Independent Siberian Volunteer Brigade

Независимая сибирская добровольческая бригада

the battle to recapture

битва за возвращение (чего-либо)

to struggle to

бороться, стараться изо всех сил

a pillbox

блиндаж, (долговременное) огневое укрытие

to creep up

красться, подкрадываться

to pull up


a self-sacrifice


posthumously awarded

посмертно  награжден

a regiment


Приложение 2(2)


/data/files/k1587591034.jpg (220x311)Aleksey Petrovich Maresyev  was a Russian military pilot who became a Soviet fighter ace during World War II despite becoming a double amputee.

Aleksey Maresev was born in Kamyshin to Russian parents. His father was a skilled laborer who died shortly after he had returned from World War I. Before joining the army in 1937 Maresyev worked as a turner and then participated in the construction of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. In 1940 he graduated from Bataysk Military School of Aviation. He began his flights as a fighter pilot in August 1941. He had shot down four German aircraft by March 1942, but on 4 April 1942 his Polikarpov I-16 was shot down near Staraya Russa, after which he was almost captured. Despite being badly injured, he managed to return to the Soviet-controlled territory. During his 18-day-long journey his injuries deteriorated so badly that both of his legs had to be amputated above the knee. Before the surgery he was lying on a stretcher with a sheet over his face and considered to be a hopeless case due to the extent of his injuries in addition to suffering from gangrene and blood poisoning. One doctor offered to operate on him and thereby saved him, but told him he would not lose his legs. Upon waking up from anesthesia, he was angered to find that his legs had been amputated above the knee. Desperate to return to his fighter pilot service, he subjected himself to nearly a year of exercise to master the control of his prosthetic devices, and succeeded at that, returning to flying in June 1943.

During a dog fight in August 1943, he shot down three German Focke-Wulf Fw 190 fighters. In total, he completed over 80 combat sorties and shot down an estimated 7 German aircraft. He was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union on 24 August 1943.


military pilot

военный летчик

fighter ace


a double amputee

человек с обеими ампутированными конечностями

a skilled laborer

умелый рабочий

died shortly

в скором времени  умер

a turner


shot down

сбить (самолет, вертолёт и т.д.)

badly injured

сильно ранен

to deteriorate


a stretcher


a sheet over his face

простыня на его лице

to be a hopeless case

быть безнадежным случаем

blood poisoning

заражение крови


доведенный до отчаяния

to subject himself

подвергать себя

prosthetic devices


Приложение 2(3)


/data/files/y1587591014.jpg (220x294)Zinaida Martynovna Portnova was born in Leningrad on February 20, 1926. She was the daughter of a working-class Belarusian family. Her father worked at the Kirov Plant. She was a seventh-grade student at the 385th school in Leningrad in 1941, when she left for her grandmother's house in the Vitebsk region. Not long afterwards, Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union. An incident with the invading Nazi troops, who hit her grandmother while they were confiscating the cattle, led her to hate the Germans.

In 1942 Portnova joined the Belarusian resistance movement, becoming a member of the local underground Komsomol organization  in Obol, Vitebsk oblast, named Young Avengers. She began by distributing Soviet propaganda leaflets

in the German-occupied Belarus, collecting and hiding weapons for Soviet soldiers, and reporting on German troop movements. After

learning how to use weapons and explosives from the older members

of the group, Portnova participated in sabotage actions at a pump, local power plant, and brick factory. These acts are estimated to have killed upwards of 100 German soldiers.

In 1943, Portnova became employed as a kitchen aide in Obol. In August, she poisoned t

he food meant for the Nazi garrison stationed there. Immediately falling suspect, she said she was innocent and ate some of the food in front of the Nazis to prove it was not poisoned; after she did not fall ill immediately, they released her. Zina became sick afterwards, vomiting heavily but eventually recovering from the poison after drinking much whey. After she did not return to work, the Germans realized she had been the culprit and started searching for her. To avoid the Germans, she became a scout of the partisan unit named after Kliment Voroshilov.

In December 1943 or January 1944 Portnova was sent back to Obol to infiltrate the garrison, discover the reason for the recent Young Avengers failures, then locate and contact the remaining members. She was quickly captured. During Gestapo interrogation in the village of Goriany, she took the investigator's pistol off the table, then shot and killed him. When two German soldiers entered after hearing the gunshots, she shot them as well. She then attempted to escape the compound and ran into the woods, where she was caught near the banks of a river.

After being recaptured, Zinaida Portnova was tortured, possibly for information. She was later driven into the forest and executed on 15 January 1944.


to invade

вторгаться, оккупировать

a troop

войско, армия, вооружённые силы

to confiscate the cattle

конфисковать скот

the Belarusian resistance movement

Белорусское движение сопротивления

the local underground Komsomol organization

местная подпольная комсомольская организация

to distribute Soviet propaganda leaflets

распространять советские пропагандистские листовки

to hide weapons

прятать оружие

an explosive

взрывчатка, взрывоопасное вещество

the sabotage actions at a pump

диверсионные действия на водокачке

to poison


to vomit heavily

сильно страдать рвотой

a whey


a culprit


to infiltrate

проникать в тыл противника

a gunshot

ружейный выстрел

to torture

пытать, мучить

to execute


Приложение 3

Do a crossword to find a key word. Use the words into the star.


A key word:

  1. Fascism, resistance, posthumously awarded, militant, intercept, interrogations, sacrifice, timber, machine-gun, lead.

    группа сопротивления  -   group
  2. военные товарищи - comrades
  3. дни кошмара и ночи допросов  - nightmare days and nights of
  4. борьба против фашизма -  fight against
  5. перехватить бомбардировщик - the bomber
  6. дзот - earth-and- emplacement
  7. свинцовый дождь -  a rain
  8. закрыл амбразуру своей грудью - blocking the with his own chest
  9. самопожертвование в сражении - self- in battle
  10. посмертно-награжденный - … …
























































































Приложение 4

Listen to the song and fill the gaps using the words from the table.

Our heroes deserve their fame

Music: Rafail Khozak, Lyrics: Evgeny Agranovich

Though our heroes deserve their fame,

We can barely 1 _________ their names.

They were those who would 2______________

When commanded to hold the front.

Many years have already passed,

Their 3 _________ will not 4________.

Our memory will not fade if the living do reclaim

This 5______________________


Take a look at these boys of mine

In this picture, they 6________in file

Young and brave, ever standing tall

My dear friends that I still recall 

Some have barely turned twenty five

But they've seen way too much in life 

Like 7___________ they rose, oh,

What 8______ burned within 

When they took Berlin!                                             

There's someone in each family

Who has 9__________________.

And this old 10_______ photograph

Speaks to us now 11 _______________.

It's our 12 ______ to teach young men

So they always  13____________ them.

And new boys will stand tall once they have been shown the way. 

They shall not 14 ________!


  1. a billow


  1. bear the brunt

принять удар на себя

  1. betray


  1. courage


  1. duty


  1. eternal flame

вечный огонь

  1. faded

полинялый, увядший

  1. gone down in history

входить в историю

  1. look up to

смотреть с почтением, уважать

  1. on their behalf

от их имени

  1. recall

вспоминать, воскрешать (в памяти)

  1. renown


  1. stand


  1. turn to dust

превратиться в пыль

Though our heroes deserve their fame,

We can barely recall their names.

They were those who would bear the brunt

When commanded to hold the front.

Many years have already passed,

Their renown will not turn to dust.

Our memory will not fade if the living do reclaim

This eternal flame


Take a look at these boys of mine

In this picture, they stand in file

Young and brave, ever standing tall

My dear friends that I still recall 

Some have barely turned twenty five

But they've seen way too much in life 

Like a billow they rose, oh, what courage burned within 

When they took Berlin! 

There's someone in each family

Who has gone down in history.

And this old faded photograph

Speaks to us now on their behalf.

It's our duty to teach young men

So they always look up to them.

And new boys will stand tall once they have been shown the way. 

They shall not betray!

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