The Stowaways

Материал опубликован 27 May 2024 в группе

  1. Read the text “The Stowaways” and do the tasks. t1716814328aa.png

I. Match the words with their definitions.

1. Ship

2. Boat

3. Passenger liner

4. Cargo boat

5. Lifeboat

6. Ferryboat

a) a ship for taking passengers and vehicles across an area of water, especially as a regular service

b) a large boat that carries people or goods by sea

c) a small boat that is used to help people who are in danger at sea

d) a ship that carries goods or oil

e) a vehicle for travelling on water

f) a large ship like a hotel which people travel on for pleasure

II. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following word combinations.

1. иметь много общего

2. ходить в кино

3. сблизить кого-либо

4. части света

5. волнующие приключения

6. попасть в переделку/неприятности

7. усугубить положение

8. кругосветное морское путешествие

9. экипаж, готовый к отплытию

10. проскользнуть незамеченным

11. спасательная шлюпка

12. разделить поровну

13. спуститься на палубу

14. предстать перед глазами/попасть в поле зрения

III. Answer the “What -questions”.

1. What thing made the boys’ friendship stronger?

2. What occupation did the boys dream about?

3. What was the reason for the storyteller’s idea to run away?

4. What helped the boys to get on board the ship?

5. What was the boys’ mistake?



1. b

2. e

3. f

4. d

5. c

6. a


1. to have a lot of things in common

2. to go to the pictures

3. to bring smb together

4. parts of the globe

5. exciting adventures

6. to get into trouble

7. to make matters worse

8. around the world voyage

9. the crew were getting ready to set up

10. to slip unnoticed

11. a lifeboat

12. to divide up equally

13. to climb down on the deck

14. to come into view


1. A love of the sea made the boys’ friendship stronger.

2. The boys dreamt about becoming sailors.

3. The reason was to see the world, to make around the world voyage and to escape from school problems.

4. The crew was busy doing their work and it helped the boys to get on board the ship unnoticed.

5. The mistake was that the boys had chosen a ferryboat.

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