Открытое мероприятие по английскому языку «Travelling to the Great Kigdom» (2–3 класс)

Министерство Образования и Науки, Молодежи и спорта Украины
Министерство Образования и Науки, Молодежи и спорта АР Крыма
Специализированный учебно-воспитательный комплекс «Сад- школа №6»
Открытое мероприятие
на тему: «Travelling to the Great Kingdom »
Учитель английского языка
Малафеева Ирина Андреевна
Theme: Travelling to the Great Kingdom
The aims of the lesson:
Educational: To develop pupils listening, speaking skills on the theme “Travelling to the great Kingdom Great Britain”.
Practical: To practice pupils to work in group and to talk about Great Britain and to be active.
Cultural: To teach pupils to take interest in the theme of Great Britain and to enrich their knowledge about this country.
The type of the lesson: message new information.
The method: communicative, interview, a trip to Great Britain
Other subject connection: geography
Visual aids: pictures, presentation, computer, projector.
Travelling to the Great Kingdom
Today we’ll speak about a big Kingdom (королевство) – Great Britain (Великобритания). There are many countries in this kingdom. Can you translate the word “country”? Our Ukraine is a country. America is a country.
T: What does the word “country” mean?
Ps: (ответы учеников)
We will visit one of these countries – England. English people live there, they speak English (sl. 4).
T: Do you speak English?
Ps: Yes, I do. I speak English, Russian and Ukrainian.
T: Where do people speak English?
Ps: (ответы учеников)
T: Do you know the animation heroes that live in England? Winnie- the- Pooh, Alice, Marry Poppins, Bamby, Pinoccio, Peter Pen live in England. They speak English too.
What country do you live in?
Ps : I live in Ukraine in Simferopol.
And where is England. Let’s look at the map. (sl 10). This is the big country – Great Britain. And this is England. (sl 11). Each country has its flag. England has its flag. Ukraine has it’s flag too(sl.12).
England has its own symbol. What is symbol? The symbol of Sant Valentine’s is a heart.
T: What’s this?
Ps: It is a red rose (sl 13).
Each country has its capital. The capital of Ukraine is Kiev.
T: What does the word “capital” mean? How do you think?
Ps: (ответы учеников).
The capital of England is London (sl 14).
T: What is the capital of the Crimea?
PS: (ответы учеников).
London is a big beautiful city (sl 15-18). Many people live there.
Let’s go along the streets of London by bus. Look at the picture.
T: What colour is the bus?
Ps: It is a red bus.
Yes, you are right. People in England go by red buses.
We start our trip from the Trafalgar square (Трафальгарская площадь)(хором)(sl 20). Many people like to walk there with their friends.
Let’s stop near the Big Ben (хором). Big Ben is a big clock.(sl 21).
T: How can we ask English people about the time?
Ps : (ответы учеников). What is the time? It is …
Now, we are passing the Buckingham Palace (Букингемский дворец) (хором). It is the heart of the Kingdom. The queen Elizabeth II lives here. There are 775 rooms in the palace(sl 28).
Oh! Look! It is the London eye. ( Лондонский глаз, хором)(sl 30-32 ). It is the biggest wheel in the world. You can ride in a big glass cabin and see many beautiful houses, castles and the long river Thames (Темза хором). London is on the river Thames (33-35). Simferopol is on the river Salgir. There are many bridges in London. This is the London Bridge.
T: And what Crimean rivers do you know?
Ps: (ответы учеников)
And now let’s go to the Zoo. (sl 36). There are many animals in the zoo. Look!
T: What are they? (sl 37-49).
Ps: They are tigers. They are big. They are orange, black and white. They have little eyes and little ears. Tigers have big teeth. They have four legs and long tails. They eat meat and drink water.
They are monkeys. They are little. They are brown and white. They have little ears, little eyes and noses. They have long tails and four legs. They eat bananas and drink water.
And now, boys and girls, we stop our red bus in our great school.
I’d like to check if you are ready to visit Great Britain. We’ll have a quiz. And we ‘ll see which class is ready.
1. Test. Answer the questions according to the theme. Each team gets the score for each correct response.
1. What is the name of the big Kingdom? (Great Britain)
2. What English animation heroes do you know? (Winni the Pooh)
3. What is the symbol of England? (red rose, red buses)
4. What is the capital of England? (London)
5. What is the name of big clock in London? (Big Ben)
6. Where does the queen live? (Buckingham palace)
7. What is her name? (Elizabeth II)
8. What is the name of the wheel in London? (London eye)
9. What is the name of the river in London? (Thames)
10. What is the name of the river in Simferopol? (Salgir)
11. Where do animals live in London? (zoo)
12. What are animals, that live in the Zoo?(pandas, camels, monkeys, ostriches…..
2. And now one more task for. Listen to me attentively and try to understand where the mistake is and correct them.
1. They are pandas. They are brown and red. They have two legs and long tails. They have little ears.
2. They are spiders. They are tall. They have big mouths and long tails. They have little eyes.
3. They are kangaroos. They are little. They have big ears and long trunks. They have long tails. They are grey.
4. They are foxes. They are little. They are blue. They have long tails and four legs. They have little eyes and little ears.
3. Guess what animal is this. The pupil chooses the animal and describes it to other pupils, but the pupil shouldn’t name it.
Example. Giraffes. It is tall. It has four legs. It has along neck. It has little ears and little eyes.
Summing up the results of the quiz. The teams get the diplomas.
It is frosty in the street, because the Christmas is coming. English people buy presents and some sweets. They like Christmas and wait for presents from Santa Clause.
T: Do you like Christmas?
Ps: (ответы учеников)
Let’s sing a song about Christmas, because we like Christmas too.
Our trip is over and I want to check what you know about Great Britain and England.