12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовала
Бурта Данута Михайловна28
Беларусь, Минская область, Солигорск

My house

Lesson 9 “The key of the kingdom”

Aim: to develop lexical and grammatical skills on the topic of “My house”


-to consolidate lexical skills on the topic “My house”

- to develop listening and reading skills, grammatical skills (to train the correct use in speech: of the comparative degree of the name of adjectives; There are / there constructions in affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences

- to form cognitive activity of students

- to expand culturological knowledge

Lesson equipment:

- English. 4th grade. Textbook part 2. Authors: Lapitskaya L.M., Kalishevich A.I., Sevryukova T. Yu., Sedunova N.M.

- English. 4th grade. Workbook Part 2. Authors: Lapitskaya L.M., Kalishevich A.I., Sevryukova T. Yu., Sedunova N.M.

- cards with the new vocabulary

- key, basket, flowers

- cards with additional lexical and grammatical tasks

Lesson plan

Stages of the lesson


Didactical task

The content of the lesson phase

Teacher Activities

Pupils activity

I. Organizing stage


Preparing pupils for the lesson, stating the theme of the lesson, the goals, the formation of motivation


Speech Warm-up

Greet pupils

“Noughts and crosses”

Make a grid on the board (look “Table 1”)

Divide pupils into two teams: “Noughts” and “Crosses”.

Pupils make sentences with the words in the boxes and teacher put a nought or cross it the corresponding box. If a team the “won” three boxes in a line (in any direction) they are winners.

Greet Teacher

Make sentences with the words in the boxes.

II. Phonetic workout

Checking homework


Control and activation of vocabulary on the topic and grammar

Phonetic workout

Checking homework

Snowboll game

Answer my question, and continue the phrase: What is there in your flat?

There is(are) … in my … .

Ask pupils to exchange the text of their projects and check their stories.

Pupils remember the words:

Bathroom, table, board, chair, carpet, bath, table, kitchen, bedroom, room, radio, lamp and ect.

pupils present their projects

III. Listening, reading, and speaking


Motivate the need to read the text

check understanding of the new words

improve listening skills

improve reading skills

Talking with pupils before listening/ reading the text

Pre-listening stage


Reading the text of the poem

I’ve got something in my bag. This is a … This is my key. This is a basket. There are some flowers in the basket. Do you like flowers?

look at the picture, listen the words:

kingdom, city, street, lane, yard, house, basket, flowers.

Is Minsk a city? Is Zhdanovichi a city? What street do you live in? (I live in … Street.)

What do children do in the yard? (They play.)

Is Belarus a kingdom? Is Britain a kingdom?

Is … a street or a lane?

Is there a basket in your flat?

Are there any flowers in our classroom / your flat?

Now listen the poem carefully, and match the poem to picture A, B or C.

And now read the poem

listen, repeat and read the words

answer the questions

pupils listen the poem and do pre-listening task: children look at the pictures and choose which room is described in the poem

after that, they read the poem “one by one”

then shared reading (group 1 – read full sentences, group 2 – short sentences)

IV. Moving activity


writing the active dictation

Active workout

All of you have a copy of the text:

I live in the flat. My flat isn’t big. There is a hall, a kitchen, a living-room, a bathroom. There are two bedrooms in my flat.

Read the text together, and then sit on it.

Stand up, read one sentence, remember it, sit down and write the sentence.

In this way write the whole dictation.

pupils write the active dictation

V. Workbook activities


check understanding of the text

To check up as children have remembered the text of poem

check learning the new words

Post-reading stage

but now let's do the ex. 2b, p.36

Show how to make the first step:

Which is the biggest thing?


Now work in pairs.

Key: kingdom, city, street, lane, yard, house, room, bed, basket, flowers

Now look at the words from “big” to “small” and say the poem

Take the cards with an exercise.

Card 1

Fill in the gapes with the new words.

Card 2

Change the ending of the poem. Use the words from the box.

pupils place cards with words on the board from “big” to “small”



pupils say the poem

pupils do exercise on the cards

VI. Round-up


check the knowledge of children at the end of the lesson

to explain the marks for the lesson

Summing up the lesson

Marking out

Do you like poem?

What new words did you learn?

What kingdom do you know?

Marks for today's lesson…

pupils answer teacher’s questions

VII. Homework


to explain homework


VIII. Reflection


check the emotional state of pupils at the end of the lesson

Checking the emotional state

“Ladder of feelings”

How do you feel in the end of the lesson?

Put your sticker on the step with a smile

pupils do the teacher’s task


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