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Колядинцева Анна Ярославовна275
Моя главная цель - мотивировать учеников к изучению языка.
Россия, Москва, Москва

Статья на тему «Учитель иностранного языка в РФ, США и Великобритании»

How to become a teacher in Russia, the USA and the UK


The specialization of a teacher, especially the teacher of English, is a very important profession which is necessary in all countries of the world. The English language is spoken almost everywhere: In the USA, Canada, the UK, Europe, Asia, Australia, New Zealand and even on some islands. In every country there is its own way of becoming a teacher of English. Let’s compare how to become an English teacher in the USA, Russia and the UK.


Talking about English teachers in the USA, before they start to work as a teacher, they had long studying and serious exams. First of all, teachers must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited program, then to complete training course, and after it, to pass certification exams. There are certain rules in different states. Some states require teachers having English degree while others accept applicants with any degree as long as they can pass English test during teaching training program. Students will be required to complete student teaching internship. What is more, states also require English teachers to be licensed and certified. If students want to become a high school teacher, they need to complete undergraduate degree. Although, an English degree or coursework may be required in some states, other states allow applicants to teach any subject for which they can pass the required exam. In high schools training program for teachers is obligatory. The programs usually include classroom management, teaching strategies. For those, who have already finished their Bachelor’s degree without teaching training, stand alone programs are available. Working as a substantive teacher is a useful experience where they can improve their skills and use knowledge which they learnt in the teaching courses. Most states require teachers’ certification candidates, pass exam demonstration on their professional skills and subject matter knowledge.


The UK as well the USA also requires having certificates and special training courses. A degree in education, English, linguistics or modern languages may be particularly useful, but not essential. However, most employers will expect you to have a recognized teaching English as a foreign language qualification validated by a reputable examination body or university, such as:

Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA), awarded by Cambridge Assessment English

Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CertTESOL), awarded by Trinity College London.

Qualifications are available at approved centres across the UK and around the world on a full or part-time basis.


The way of becoming a teacher of English in Russia is different in comparison to the USA and the UK. As far as I know , people become teachers in Russia after graduating pedagogic institute. Then they start working but meanwhile some attend some qualification courses . It is written in some resources that Russian English schools require their teachers to have a TESOL certification from a known TESOL program. With regard to the foreign teachers (ESL) who want to teach In Russia, they need to have teaching certificates, to make visa, to take some Russian language courses because not all people in Russia speak English well. What is more, before to go to Russia it is better to save up some money and find someone who can help with managing the finances.

In Conclusion, we have found out the information about how to become English teacher in the USA, the UK and Russia. We also got acquainted with the demands for teachers from these countries. I think that is easier to become a teacher of English in Russia because we have less demands than in the USA or in the UK.

Once I had little teaching experience. I was 18 years old then. There was a day of teacher in my school and students of high classes were allowed to be in a role of teachers for one day. Instead of teachers that day the students had lessons with pupils. Some students had two lessons during that day. I was a teacher of drawing and English. My first lesson was drawing. I taught children how to draw sea creatures. After it, I tried myself as a teacher of English for elementary school. I had prepared some exercises for pupils. I asked them a questions from the teacher’s book and they answered. We practiced grammar tasks. Children were able to do the task and behaved well. That pleased me. There was silence in the classroom.

In the Russian distant institute on the linguistic faculty I choose pedagogic specialization. I have the teaching webinars and get a lot of useful information about teaching English.

That is all my teaching experience. Maybe someday I will decide to become a teacher of English or a tutor.






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