Урок английского языка «Что ты знаешь о Ростовской области?» (5 класс)

Материал опубликован 15 January 2018

Пояснительная записка к презентации

Конспект урока английского языка в 5 классе.

Unit 4: “Learning more about London”.

Цель урока: Научить пятиклассников рассказывать о своем регионе, используя свои знания на русском языке и изученную английскую лексику по теме, тексты о Ростовской области, содержащие новые слова.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, презентация в PowerPoint http://nsportal.ru/olhovskaya-valentina, учебник для 5-6 класса « EnjoyEnglish» (автор УМК Биболетова М. З.), раздаточный материал (приложение к уроку с текстами для чтения).





Ход урока:

1. Начало урока. Введение в ситуацию.

T.: Good morning, children. We have read about London, the capital of Great Britain. Do you know any cities or towns in our country? Do you know any cities or towns in our region? Let us remember words to speak about places of interest. Слайд №1

2. Фонетическая зарядка. Упр.2 стр. 64 учебника Слайд №2

3. Обучение монологической речи.

T.: Look at the map of Rostov region. What can you say about it? Слайд №3-4

P.-1: Rostov region is big, beautiful; it is rich of interesting places.

P.-2: Rostov region has got a lot of towns and villages.

P.-3: The nature in Rostov region is very nice.

P.-4: The weather is hot in summer and not very cold in winter.

4.Обучение чтению с извлечением информации. Слайд № 5- 8

1) Общие факты о Ростовской области.

Учитель предлагает больше узнать о Ростовской области и начать с общих фактов. Переход по гиперссылке с5 на 6 слайд, приложение -1 (текст для чтения).

Учащиеся читают текст с помощью словаря, находят информацию по плану в виде вопросов: климат, природа, города Ростовской области. Хорошо подготовленные ученики зачитывают информацию из текста.

Приложение №1

Read the text 1: Rostov region general facts.

Rostov region is a federal subject of the Russian Federation, part of South Federal District. The administrative center of the region is Rostov-on-Don city.

Rostov region has the population of 4,255,000, land area - 100,967 sq. km.

The climate of Rostov province is of favorable moderate continental type. Average temperature in January is 7 degrees Celsius below zero, in July - 23 degrees C above zero. The nature of the region is quite various. Steppes, forests, the river Don, the Azov Sea coast are inhabited by over 100 species of animals and fishes.

The territory of Rostov region lies within steppe zone, only the extreme south-east is in the mid-way to half-deserts. About 6% of the territory is covered by forests and bushes, the most part of the region is occupied by plantations, mainly on extremely fertile black soils.

The largest cities and towns of the province are Rostov-on-Don (1,100,000), Taganrog (256,600), Shahty (240,000), Novocherkassk (170,000), Volgodonsk (170,000), Novoshahtinsk (111,000), Bataisk (110,000).

Region [ridʒn ] регион, область

population- [ pɔpju:lei ʃn ] население

climate- [klaimit ] климат

temperature - [tempritʃə] температура

is covered by - покрыто

bush [ buʃ ] кустарник


Answer the questions:

Is Rostov region a federal subject of the Russian Federation?

What is the administrative center of the region?

Is Rostov region big?

What can you say about the climate of Rostov province and its nature?

Are there steppes, forests, rivers, Seas there?

Name the largest cities and towns of the province?

Переход по гиперссылке с 6 на 5 слайд

2) Крупные города. Слайд № 7-8

Учащиеся читают один из текстов с помощью словаря, переводят и обмениваются информацией о городах Ростовской области. Переход по гиперссылке с 5 на 7 слайд


Read the text 2: Rostov-on-Don.
Rostov-on-Don is Rostov region and the South Russia administrative center; it is a port of five seas, a south Russian industrial and cultural center, and an important junction of transportation highways. The cities Rostov-on-Don, Novocherkassk, Azov, Taganrog are tourist centers. Unique collections are located in regional museums as well as items of Cossack everyday life and pictures of famous painters of the 18th-20th centuries.

Taganrog is a large industrial, cultural and scientific center and one of the sea ports in the South of Russia. 

Novocherkassk is one of large towns in the South of Russia. It is peculiar not only in its history, but also in remarkable features: outline, architecture, unique historical monuments. Novocherkassk was designed and founded in 1805 as a new capital for the Don Cossacks Army Region. 

Azov is a cozy, small and very green town, with the industrial zone situated outside of the living area. The old historical part of the town still has the elements of the Azov fortress built in 18th century – the fortress walls, ditch, and the Alekseevkiy gates. The Azov historical monuments are protected by the government and administration. 

The town of Salsk is a large agrarian and industrial center in the southeastern part of Rostov region. The town is located 180 km away from Rostov-on-Don, at the river Sredniy Egorlyk bank.

Junction - соединение, узел was designed and founded – был основан

Highways - большая дорога, шоссе cozy- уютный

Remarkable - замечательный are protected by - защищаются

Features - особенности government - правительство

Outline - очертание, контур Gates - ворота

Ditch - рвы, овраги southeastern – юго -восточный


Переход по гиперссылке с 7 на 5 слайд.

3) Достопримечательности Донской земли.

Переход по гиперссылке с 5 на 8 слайд

Учитель обращает внимание на культурные особенности каждого региона: традиции, историю, народные песни. Можно предложить послушать и спеть казачью песню « Пчелочка злотая ».

Учащиеся читают текст, выбирают информацию, составляют предложения с пропущенными словами, переводят на русский язык.


Read the text 3:

Russia has many attractive regions with ancient history, famous for their original traditions, unique folk, landscapes. The Rostov region is among them.

Rostov region attracts tourists by its rich history, charming nature and unique Cossack culture.

The Cossacks had special rights, they were good soldiers and took part in all the military actions held by Russia. They protected not only the southern frontiers of the state but its interests on the territory of Prussia (1760), France (1813). The history of the region is connected with famous Don Cossacks of the 16th-18th centuries - Yermak Timofeyevich, Stepan Razin, Kondratiy Bulavin, Yemelyan Pugachev, Matvey Platov. The history of the Don is linked with Emperors Peter I and Alexander I.

The river Don is one of the largest rivers in Europe. The Azov Sea, Don and Azov steppes form unforgettable unique image of Rostov region.

Works by Alexander Pushkin and Mikhail Sholokhov are linked with the Don area. World famous writer A.P.Chekhov was born there.

This steppe region has rich history and modern life, a lot of various places of interest and attractions.

Attract - привлекать

Landscapes - пейзажи

rights - права

Charming - очаровательный

protect - защищать

unique folk - уникальный народ

state - государство

is connected - связан

are linked – соединяются, связаны

Complete the sentences:

Rostov region attracts……..

The Cossacks had … , they were ….. .

They protected …. of the state.

The famous Don Cossacks were … .

The river Don ….

This steppe region has….

5.Обучение письменной речи на основе прочитанных текстов.

Учащиеся записывают в тетрадь ответы на вопросы, составляя, таким образом, связное высказывание о Ростовской области (задания из приложений 1-3). Объем высказывания от 10 до 15 предложений.

Учитель в это время следит за ходом работы, помогает ученикам со слабой подготовкой правильно справиться с заданием.

6.Подведение итогов урока. Домашнее задание.

К следующему уроку учащиеся готовят устный рассказ о Донском крае.

Презентация о Ростовской области
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Предварительный просмотр презентации

What do you know about the Donland?

Listen, repeat and read. p. 61 ex.2

Would you like to visit Rostov- on- Don?

What can you say about Rostov region? Nature The largest cities and towns The climate

Rostov region General facts The largest cities and towns The Don habits and ways

Read the text, try to understand as much information as possible. Nature The largest cities and towns The climate

Rostov-on-Don Taganrog Novocherkassk Salsk Asov

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