Урок английского языка в 5 классе на тему «Известные люди прошлого»
Пояснительная записка к презентации
УМК «Enjoy English» М.З.Биболетова, Н.В.Доюрынина, Н.Н.Трубанева Учитель: БАТУЕВСКАЯ О.В.
Этапы урока. Время. | Задачи этапа | Содержание этапа | Формы взаимодействия | Оборудова-ние | контроль | Примеча-ние |
INTRODUCTION. Органи-зационный этап. Целеполага-ние
1 мин | - Настроить учащихся на учебную деятельность. Проверка готовности к уроку. -Сформулировать цели и задачи урока. | - Hello! I’m glad to see you! I hope everybody is ready to work. Sit down, please. *How are you today? What is the weather like today? Let’s start our lesson. -Today we are going to listen, read and speak about the famous people from the past. We’ll find a lot of interesting information connected with their lives and activities. We shall learn to ask and answer the questions about the past events and learn several new words. | T-Class T-S1S2 | | | |
Warming –up. 2. Этап введения в языковую среду Pronuncia-tion drill. 2.1) фонетическая зарядка 2 мин. | -перестроить мышление учащихся -совершенствова-ние произносительных навыков со зрительной опорой | Let’s train our tongue. “Read and translate the poem” One, two, three, four, five, Last month I caught a whale alive. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, Then I let it go again! Why did you let it go? Because it bit my finger so! What finger did it bite? The little finger on the right! | T-Class S1S2 | презентация | Слухо-произносительные навыки | Slide |
3.Brainstorm. речевая зарядка 5 мин. Повторение пройденного лексического и грамматического материала | -введение в атмосферу иноязычного речевого общения -активизация лексических единиц -совершенство-вание произносительных и интонационных навыков -актуализация ранее полученных знаний | How many verbs in the Past Simple Tense can you find in this rhyme? 1.-Let’s remember the regular and irregular verbs. We’ll play with a ball. I’ll say the irregular verb in Russian and throw the ball to one of you. Your task is to say the first and second forms of the verb and its translation. Then you’ll return me the ball. Come drink get make bite sing speak be feel have say begin buy forget build choose eat sleep fall leave know cost do find go hear know These are the irregular verbs but there are lots of regular verbs. Let’s remember how they are formed. (They add the endings –ed-) Will you make up the sentences using these word combinations. What did you do yesterday? 1. be happy 2. have a great time 3. speak English 4. eat meat 5. play computer games 6. work in the garden 7. drink apple juice 8. go on a boat trip 9. come home late 10. watch TV -Do it one by one. | T-S1S2 S1S2-T S1S2 | Мячик презентация презентация | Фронтальный опрос Фронтальный опрос | |
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Follow up 4. Основной этап.. Совершенствование речевых навыков 32 мин 4.1) Совершенствование навыка чтения с целью получения информации 10 мин. Relaxation Физкультми-нутка 1 мин. 4.2) тренировка грамматической структуры 5 мин. 4.3) Совершенство-вание слухопроизно-сительных навыков со зрительной опорой 7мин. 4.4) развитие навыков устной речи 10 мин. 5.Домашнее задание 2 мин 6. Подведение итогов. 1 мин 7. Рефлексия 1 мин | Развитие орфографическиогонавыка Развитие навыков в чтении с целью получения информации Снятие физического напряжения
совершенствование навыка употребления специальных вопросов в прошедшем простом времени по образцу. отработка лексических единиц и тренировка грамматических структур. Развитие навыков в диалогической речи. Cнятие возможных трудностей при выполнении домашнего задания. подвести итоги урока. Оценки за урок. Демонстрация того, что ученики усвоили за урок. Отношение к уроку | 1)-I see you had a lot of fun yesterday. - Who is your favourite writer, singer, actor, and actress? -We all love to have a good time. -Let’s discover how well you know those famous people. -Take the cards. Match the people in the pictures to the sentences. Then put the verbs in brackets into the past simple. -Check your answers. -Let’s work in pairs. You will have one text for reading and a task for the text. The task is the same– to choose the necessary words to fill the gaps in the texts. But the texts are different - “JRR Tolkien and- “C.Darwin”. You have 5min. Discuss with your partner. -Listen to each other carefully because you have to say what the text is about. I think you are tired. Let’s have some rest. -I’d like you to make up questions to each other But at first we shall remember how to form special questions and for this purpose we should pay attention to the word order in such questions. (Will you tell me how we can make the special questions in The Past Simple Tense.) *To form special questions we need special words- why/what/when/where Then we use the auxiliary verb (the verb-helper) in The Past Simple Tense-did Next is – subject Then – the main verb (predicate) in the first form And others are the secondary words. Ex- When did you write this book? *If we have the verb “to be” with special word- who we should use another structure. special word- who Then- “to be” in the Past- was/were Next- is – subject Ex- Who was Charlie Chaplin? -Ask some questions. -You are going to listen to a set of quiz questions about people and events in the past. But first of all we’ll learn several new words. Look at the screen and repeat after me. Can you read it alone? Invent [in`vent] – изобретать, выдумывать Take place – происходить, иметь место Director [di`rektə] – режиссёр,…… Landscape [`lændskeip] -пейзаж Planet [`plænit] - …… Radioactive [,rediəu`æktiv] - радиоактивный Bite [bait] – кусать *John Logie Baird [`ləugi `beəd] -Look through the quiz and guess the right point. -Discuss your answers with your groups. -Listen to the quiz and correct the answers. You may use the text on the cards. Let’s see the right answers on the board. Add up your scores. - Listen again and repeat The Past Simple Questions. You should reply the questions. Be attentive to the intonation. Do it in pairs, in chain. -Today we`ll get some more information about the Famous British pop-group “The Beatles” . Let’s play the game “Interview”. Who wants to answer the questions? You will be a fan of the group and you know almost everything about the group. You have a text but you should answer on your own words. Class- you are the reporters. You will ask the questions. Each of you get some words? Your task is to make up a question with these words. We need a host. He will choose one of you to ask a question to a fan. -Let`s listen to the most famous song of “The Beatles”- “Yesterday”. Your hometask is ex19 on p42, ex21 p43 in your WB. -let`s see what we will do for the next lesson I’m satisfied with our lesson. Summing everything up, answer my question? What have you learnt today? What did you like at the lesson? Did we achieve our goals? OK, my friends. You worked really very hard. You were very active today. I appreciate your knowledge and speaking skills. So your marks are… -Leaving the classroom, choose the picture describing your attitude to our lesson. The lesson was Interesting Useful Boring -Goodbye! | T-S1S2 Ind S1-S2 Class T-Class T-Class Gr5 Gr5 Ind S1S2S3-S Cl Cl | презентация Учебник c.89 у.36 Flash-song презентация Карточки с текстом викторины презентация Песня ““Yesterday”. Интернет http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIc6AH_2TEs&feature=related Карточки | Орфографические навыки Понимание прочитанного 4 ученика 1 из группы Понимание услышанного, умение действовать по образцу 1-инд. . | Slide Slide Приложение №1 Slide Приложение №2 Slide Ролевая игра Slide |
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