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Светлана Николаевна Димитриева56
Россия, Чувашская респ., Чебоксары

What else can a fairy tale teach?

Not a classic fairy tale.

Инсценировка по мотивам сказки Шарля Перро «Подарки феи» (“Diamonds and toads” by Charles Perrault) и мультфильму «Diamonds and Toads Story in English | Stories for Teenagers»  ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P119jDGNQ8E )

Инсценировка разработана совместно с учениками 7 класса, была дважды поставлена группами детей, обучающихся в 7-х и 6-х классах. В сказке 2 персонажа-сказочника: традиционный и шутливый «голос разума». Для необычного рассказчика были подобраны цитаты-мудрости из Интернета. Предполагается красивый «Танец фонтана». Число участников-актеров: 7-10 человек.

Занятие можно начать с фонетической разминки – повторения за учителем сложных для чтения слов из сказки (по модели слово-словосочетание-предложение: milesthree miles- But the fountain was actually three miles away from the house). Затем предложить ребятам высказаться по утверждениям из инсценировки: Do you believe the statements are true? Why? Why not?

 People tend to love their own likeness.

Don’t judge by appearances.

Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver’ (Ayn Rand)

Things aren’t always what they seem.

People do change.


Сама постановка занимает 10 минут, в течение урока возможны вводная часть, 2-3 репетиции.

Conventional author #1: Once upon a time in a faraway land there lived a woman who had two beautiful daughters.

Author #2 (voice of “wisdom”): The eldest one was her spitting image – that’s why she loved her more. Naturally, people tend to love their own likeness.

Mother: Oh, my Sunny! (spoonfeeds her eldest daughter, kisses her)… (changes her voice)Eat in the kitchen, Fiona! And then go to the fountain and draw some water! Bring home a big pitcher full of cold water!

Author #2 (voice of “wisdom”): Usual stuff, you would say… We all have household chores… But the fountain was actually three miles away from the house! And this so called pitcher wasn’t a pitcher at all! (Shows a huge bucket, gives it to Fiona)

Fiona goes to the fountain.

A beautiful dance.

An ugly witch appears.

Witch: There are grown-up people who run away as fast as they can if they see me. If you ask them why they are running away, they say (together, in scared voices) ‘Oh, there is a horrid, ugly witch there!’ This may be all very well, but as I am a witch I must say that I object to this. I think you will not like if people call you ‘horrid’ and ‘ugly’ all the days of your life. It’s not pleasant, I can tell you. I remember my poor mother used to say, ‘My children, when you see anybody or anything that you think very ugly, don’t judge by appearances…’

Author #2 (Writes on a piece of paper…): Time to jet it down, don’t you think, ladies and gentlemen? Don’t… judge… by appearances…

Witch: My dear, let me drink some water, please!

Fiona: Oh! Ay, with all my heart! I hope the water isn’t too cold.

Conventional author #1: Of course the witch… sorry… the old lady couldn’t help giving her a gift.

Witch: Every time something touches your heart and comes out in the form of tears, they will turn into diamonds and pearls…

Fiona: Oh, wow!

Author #2 (voice of “wisdom”): Fiona is obviously glad, but, ladies and gentlemen, as Ayn Rand said, ‘Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver’…

Mother: 2 hours and a half. What on earth took you so long?

Fiona: I beg your pardon for not making more haste, mama! (sighs)

Mother: I think I see pearls coming out of your eyes… What has happened to you, child?

Fiona tells her everything.

Mother: Sunny, hurry up! Go to the fountain! And behave yourself. Be a good girl.

Sunny: It would be a very fine sight indeed – to see me go draw water. Three miles, can you imagine?

Mother: Oh, stop grumbling! You shall go! And this minute…

Sunny goes to the fountain.

Conventional author #1: The very witch who appeared to her sister, had now chosen a dress of a princess…

Author #2 (voice of “wisdom”): …as we, girls, are really into fashion and don’t mind changing from time to time. Besides, things aren’t always what they seem.

Fairy-princess: My dear, let me drink some water, please!

Sunny: Do you think I’ve come all this way to serve you with water?! Your ladyship should have brought your own silver pitcher.

Fairy-princess: You are impolite, girl! I am going to curse you. Every time you wish to speak , you will only croak like a frog.

Sunny comes home.

Mother: Well, daughter?

Conventional author #1: Well, mother?... Sunny wanted to say but instead…

Sunny croaks.

Everyone : Oh, dear!

Conventional author #1: Diamonds and toads… Toads and diamonds… Everyone loves Fiona now, and no one wants to talk to Sunny.

Fiona (writes a letter): Forgive me, prince!.. I must decline as it’s my sister’s dream to get married to a prince…

Sunny: Oh…

Sunny cries and hugs her sister. The fairy appears.

Fairy: I see you have learned your lesson. I’ll take away my curse.

Author #2 (voice of “wisdom”): People do change. Never forget that.

All together: People do change. Never forget that.


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