Внеклассное мероприятие «English-speaking countries tour» по английскому языку в 7 классе
Внеклассное мероприятие
по английскому языку
интеллектуальная игра
«English-speaking countries tour»
7 класс
Цель мероприятия:
расширить знания обучающихся о странах изучаемого языка, способствовать формированию навыков социолингвистической и лингвострановедческой компетенции.
I. Образовательные:
Активизация изученного лексико-грамматического материала.
Формирование умений анализировать и сравнивать сведения и факты родной и иноязычной культуры.
Расширение метапредметных связей.
II. Развивающие:
1 Развитие познавательной активности и умения применять полученные знания в новой коммуникативной ситуации.
2.Развитие интеллектуальных способностей (памяти, мышления, воображения).
III. Воспитательные:
Формирование у обучающихся уважения к языку и культуре носителей языка, развитие интереса учащихся к историческому и культурному наследию других народов
Воспитание активности в решении коммуникативных задач.
Развитие умения обучающихся работать в коллективе, в команде.
Оснащение: мультимедийная презентация, карточки с заданиями.
Teacher: Hello, dear boys and girls! Hello, dear guests! We are glad to greet you at our game “English-speaking countries tour”! Four teams of the 7th forms take part in our game. Let me introduce the members of our jury today.
Today we are going to have a tour to the English-speaking countries. Let us see: What do you know about these countries, its people and traditions? We have five stations today:
“Literature”, “History”, “Sport”, “Geography” and “Funny” stations.
Let’s begin the game. I wish you good luck!
Literature station
Teacher: Match the phraseologies and their definitions.
to have a ready tongue
to school one’s nerves
to play the game
to cross somebody’s road
to buy a pig in a pocket
to melt a woman’s bones
to be as wet as a rat
не лезть за словом в карман
соблюдать правила
закалять нервы
покупать кота в мешке
промокнуть до нитки
встать кому-либо поперёк дороги
покорить женское сердце
Teacher: Match the titles of the books.
Joanne Rowling | Murder on the Orient Express |
Roald Dahl | Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland |
Lewis Carroll | The Jungle Book |
Agatha Christie | Robinson Crusoe |
William Shakespare | Gulliver’s Travels |
Daniel Defoe | Harry Potter |
Joseph Rudyard Kipling | Chocolate Factory |
Jonathan Swift | Romeo and Juliet |
1f, 2g, 3b, 4a, 5h, 6d, 7c, 8e
Geographical station
Teacher: Look at the map and guess the names of the English-speaking countries.
| 2 |
| 4 |
5 |
1 – New Zealand, 2 – Canada, 3 – Great Britain, 4 – USA, 5 - Australia
Teacher: Complete the sentences using information about English-speaking countries:
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the official name of Britain. It is situated on the British Isles. The UK consists of ……. countries. They are England, Wales, ……. and Northern Ireland. The …….. of the UK is London . London stands on the Thames. The Thames is the deepest …… in the UK. The …… of the UK is over 57 million people. The official language is ...… . The United Kingdom is famous for Big Ben, Westminster Abbey.
The United States of …… is the fourth largest country in the world. The USA is situated in the central part of North America. It consists of …… states. The capital of the country is Washington. The …… of the USA is about 250 million people. The …… of the USA is called “Stars and Stripes”. The largest …… is New York. The official …… is English. The USA is famous for Hollywood and Disneyland.
Canada is the second largest country in the world. It is situated in North ..…. Canada is a federation of 10 provinces and 2 territories. There are …… official languages in Canada. They are … and French. The …… of the country is Ottawa. The largest cities are Toronto and Montreal. Canada is famous for hockey and the Niagara Fall. The …… of Canada is about 28 million people. The official symbol of …… is the maple.
Australia is the only country in the world that is also a …… . It is the sixth largest country and the smallest continent. It is situated between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian …… . The official language in Australia is …… . The …… of the country is Canberra. The largest …… is Sidney. Today it is one of the most developed countries in the world. …… produces and exports minerals and farm goods.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the official name of Britain. It is situated on the British Isles. The UK consists of four (4) countries. They are England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The capital of the UK is London . London stands on the Thames. The Thames is the deepest river in the UK. The population of the UK is over 57 million people. The official language is English . The United Kingdom is famous for Big Ben, Westminster Abbey.
The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world. The USA is situated in the central part of North America. It consists of 50 states. The capital of the country is Washington. The population of the USA is about 250 million people. The flag of the USA is called “Stars and Stripes”. The largest city is New York. The official language is English. The USA is famous for Hollywood and Disneyland.
Canada is the second largest country in the world. It is situated in North America. Canada is a federation of 10 provinces and 2 territories. There are two (2) official languages in Canada. They are English and French. The capital of the country is Ottawa. The largest cities are Toronto and Montreal. Canada is famous for hockey and the Niagara Fall. The population of Canada is about 28 million people. The official symbol of Canada is the maple.
Australia is the only country in the world that is also a continent . It is the sixth largest country and the smallest continent. It is situated between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean . The official language in Australia is English . The capital of the country is Canberra. The largest city is Sidney. Today it is one of the most developed countries in the world. Australia produces and exports minerals and farm goods.
Funny station
Teacher: Find the word and its rhyme.
Teacher: Choose the right answer. Guess funny words.
Как звучит дословно по-английски аналог русского пожелания удачи: «Ни пуха ни пера!?»
Стегай мёртвую лошадь!
Сломай себе ногу!
Застегни губы на молнию!
Заплати пенни!
«Сломай себе ногу!»
"Сломай себе ногу!" (Break a leg!). Эту идиому вы можете использовать, желая удачи другу, знакомому в трудном деле.
К этому слову в английском языке нет рифмы. Поэты пробуют рифмовать его со словами, которые по-английски означают "смелость", "каша", "устроить". Но это не настоящие рифмы… Какое же это слово?
Слово "оранжевый" (orange) не имеет рифмы в английском языке. С ним пробуют рифмовать “courage”, “porridge”, “arrange”, но всё это не настоящие рифмы.
Дословный перевод этого слова "петушиный хвост", хотя оно не имеет ничего общего с птицами. Употребляется в русском, английском, французском и многих других языках. Родина слова до сих пор не определена точно … Какое это слово?
Кокер - спаниэль
Это слово – коктейль (cock’stail – петушиный хвост). Существует огромное количество легенд о происхождении этого слова.
Teacher: Guess the riddles. For every correct answer your team will get a point.
What has no head, no arms, no legs, and still has a tongue? (A shoe.)
It does not have legs, but it goes. It can stand and go at the same time.(A clock.)
It does not have legs, but it jumps. (A ball.)
This is the season when fruit is sweet, This is the season when school-friends meet.(September)
There are 7 brothers in the family. Every brother has a sister. How many children are there in the family?(8)
What goes up when the rain comes down?(rainbow)
Sports station
What sports they are" ("Какой вид спорта").
Teacher: You have the descriptions of some kinds of sport. Please, say what sports they are. Translate the sentences.
It is a game for two players who hit a ball with rackets across a net. (tennis)
A round ball is used in this game. Two teams of 11 players kick it. They are not allowed to handle (брать в руки) the ball. (football)
It is a team game played with oval ball. They are allowed to handle(брать в руки) the ball. (rugby)
It is a game played on a table using round wood rackets and a small plastic ball, (table tennis).
To keep fit people use bicycle every weekend. It’s their favorite hobby.(cycling)
Funny numbers" ("Веселые цифры")
Teacher:- There is a chain of numbers; your task is to decode the words using the alphabet and translate them.
"The first wealth is health."
20,8,5 6,9,18,19,20 23,5,1,12,20,8 9,19 8,5,1,12,20,8.
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4
E 5
F 6
G 7
H 8
I 9
J 10
K 11
L 12
M 13
N 14
O 15
P 16
Q 17
R 18
S 19
T 20
U 21
V 22
W 23
X 24
Y 25
Z 26
Music station
Find the words about music. Your team will get as many points as many words you will find.
m | p | m | s | i | n | g | e | r | |
r | e | i | u | h | i | p | h | o | p |
g | l | a | s | v | i | o | l | i | n |
a | o | n | i | r | h | y | t | h | m |
n | d | o | c | l | i | s | t | e | n |
s | y | a | f | r | o | c | k | r | j |
o | p | k | d | r | u | m | b | o | a |
n | g | u | i | t | a | r | o | c | z |
g | m | u | s | I | c | i | a | n | z |
i | n | s | t | r | u | m | e | n | t |
Teacher: Listen to the music and say: What kind of music is it?
Historical station
Teacher: Choose the right answer.
This man invented telephone.
Alexander Bell
Michael Faraday
James Watt
Where are the British kings and queens crowned?
St. Paul’s Cathedral
Westminster Abbey
The House of Lords
Who gave London its first name?
The Egyptians
The Greeks
The Romans
Why is 2012 a special year for London?
It is the city’s 2000th anniversary.
The city hosted the Olympic Games.
There was an eclipse of the sun.
Teacher: Let’ guess the puzzle and say: what place of interest is it?
Teacher: Now we will count your points. Which team is the best today? Do you like our game today? Thank you for your work. You were clever, active and attentive. The game is over. See you next time. Have a nice day.
Подведение итогов игры.