Урок английского языка в 8 классе «Writers of English-speaking countries»

Материал опубликован 12 November 2017 в группе

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Writers of English-speaking countries

(урок-КВН в 8 классе)

Цели: усовершенствовать навыки аудирования, чтения, устной речи, письма; расширить знания о творчестве английских и американских писателей, воспитывать чувства взаимоподдержки и взаимопомощи, поддерживать интерес к изучению английского языка.

Оснащениe: портреты писателей, интерактивная доска, раздаточный материал.


Teacher: Good morning, friends. We have been speaking about the writers of English-speaking countries for several lessons. I hope you have known about them much already. So today, we are going to have a language competition.

Before starting our competition I'd like to introduce the people, who will de­cide the knowledge of which team is better.

The jury of the competition are: ….

I. Introducing the teams

Two teams will take part in our compe­tition.

The first team is "Young poets".

The captain is …

The second team is "Young writers".

The captain is ….

Teacher: Each team gets one point for each correct answer.

II. The captains' contest

The captains should ask questions to each other on the topic "Poets and writers".

Examples of questions:

1. Do you like reading?

2. What books do you like to read?

3. Are you fond of reading only Russian writers?

4. What are your favorite English writers?

5.What are your favorite American writers?

III. Which team will give more correct answers?

10 questions for one team and 10 ques­tions for another one.


1. Who was born in India? (Kipling)

2. Who studied in a grammar school? (Shakespeare)

3. Whose mother was from a rich Scottish family? (Byron)

4. Who was born lame? (Byron)

5. Who was born in the family of six children? (Bronte)

6. Who was born in Scotland? (Burns)

7. Who fell ill when he was six? (Mar­shall)


8. Who inherited the title of lord? (Byron)

9. Who received a gold medal for his work in History? (Kipling)

10. Who walked on crutches? (Mar­shall)


1. Whose father was a painter? (Kip­ling)

2. Who worked as a teacher? (Bronte)

3. Whose father was a rich farmer? (Shakespeare)

4. Who was born in Stratford-on-Avon? (Shakespeare)

5. Who understood the life of poor people because he lived poorly himself? (Burns)

6. Who wrote Jungle Book? (Kipling)

7. Who looked after horses of the rich people? (Shakespeare)

8. Whose father was poor and began to study his children reading and writing himself? (Burns

9. Who was awarded the Noble Prize? (Kipling)

10. Who studied in the school for poor children? (Bronte)

IV. "A Dark Envelope"

(Each team gets an envelope with the portrait of a writer. The opponent team should guess the name of the writer by asking «Yes/No» questions.The less questions the team will ask the better for it. After that the team should tell everything it knows about the writer).

e.g.-Was the writer born in the family of a farmer?

-No, he wasn’t.

-Did he write plays?

-Yes, he did.

-It’s W. Shakespeare.

V. Grammar Task

a) Find the mistake and correct it.

1. W. Shakespeare were born in Stratford-on-Avon. (was)

2.Burns lived poor and understood the life of poor people.

3. Kipling doesn’t like Mathematics but he was good at History.

4. Marshal fall ill when he was 6.

5. Bronte’s sisters and a brother sent to school for poor people.

6. Byron inherited the title of lord at 10.

7. Mark Twain goes to California to live there.

b) Ask a question beginning with the word in brackets.

1. Shakespeare had to go to London when his father became poor. (Where)

2. Burns lived poorly. (How)

3. Byron inherited the title of lord at the age of 10. (When)

4. Kipling was born in India because his family lived there. (Why)

5. Marshal learned to work on crutches in the field for hours.(How long)

6. Bronte had four sisters and one brother.(How many)

VI. Complete the crossword

The given letters must be in your words either at the beginning or in the middle or at the end of them.








VII. Tell the name of the writer.

__---Byron, --- Shakespeare ,--- Burns, --- Kipling, ---Marshall, ---Bronte, ---Clemens.

VIII. «Make up a word»

(Every team has an envelope with the some cards, which consists of syllables and it has to make up words with the translation).

Li-te-ra-ry, lan-gua-ge, po-et, pub-lish, won-der-ful, po-pu-lar, edu-ca-tion.

Fa-mo-us, pri-ze, sto-ries, gram-mar, fa-ther.

IX. «Who is Who

Look at the portraits of some famous writers of the English-speaking countries

and indicate their names.(See portraits)

(Portraits of Robert Burns, W. Shakespeare, R. Kipling, J. Swift, Ch. Bronte,

M. Twain, G. Byron).

Teacher: Our competition is going to the end. The results are:

Jury: «Young Writers» has got …points.

«Young Poets» has got …points.

The winner is the team…

Thank you for your excellent work.


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Предварительный просмотр презентации

Tell the name of the writer Подготовила учитель английского языка Мирошниченко Н.В.

--- Byron 1788-1824

--- Shakespeare 1564-1616

--- Burns 1759-1796

--- Kipling 1865-1936

--- Marshall 1902-1984

--- Bronte 1816-1855

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13 November 2017

Хороший урок.

13 November 2017

Урок интересный.Спасибо.

21 November 2017