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Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему: « English-speaking countries ».

Тема: « English-speaking countries ».

Технология: проектная и информационная технологии.

Цели урока:

1) Образовательные:

- расширить знания учащихся по теме;

- тренировать навыки монологической речи;

- совершенствовать лексические и аудитивные навыки;

- расширить кругозор;

- реализовать межпредметные связи (география).

2) Развивающие:

- развивать логику, быстроту мышления, память.

- создавать условия для развития способности к распределению внимания.

3) Воспитательные:

- воспитывать умение внимательно слушать и слышать, уважать другое


- формировать потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и

взаимопомощи при работе в паре, группе;

- воспитывать толерантное отношение к культурам англоязычных стран.


1) Мультимедийная презентация урока.

Карточки с заданиями (раздаточный материал).

Карта « English-speaking countries ».


Ход урока.

  1. Приветствие, фонетическая зарядка.

Teacher. - Good morning, pupils! I am glad to see you! Sit down, please! We'll start our lesson with the poem. Do you remember it? Recite it all together.

Wake, body, wake, mind!

Work, play, seek, find.

Eat breakfast, dinner too,

Wash, brush, sing, dance and do!

  1. Речевая разминка.

Teacher. - What's the name of the unit we are studying now?

Pupil. –

Teacher. - What did we speak about at the last English lesson?

Pupils. –

Teacher. – What English-speaking countries can you name?

Pupils. –

Teacher. – At the last lesson you worked in groups. The each group read one of the texts about English-speaking countries and learnt what English-speaking people think about their countries. Now let's find out how well you've studied your texts. Listen to my questions carefully and try to give the full answers.

Which country is one of the most powerful countries in the world?

Which country is the biggest island and the smallest continent in the world?

Which country is the second largest country in the world?

Which country is one of the world's smallest countries?

Which country consists of two main islands and some smaller islands?

Which country has the third largest population in the world?

-That's right.

III. Введение темы, определение целей.

Teacher. - Today we'll continue our talk about English-speaking countries. Look at the blackboard and read the goals of our lesson.

На доске записаны цели:

to learn more about English-speaking countries;

to tell a short story about one of the English-speaking countries;

to broaden our outlook;

to increase our vocabulary;

to work in groups and in pairs.

-Which of them are the main goals at the lesson today? What do you think?

Pupils. –

Teacher. - So, today we'll speak about English-speaking countries. And the each group will share information with classmates who have read the texts about other English-speaking countries. Be attentive! Listen and remember! Be ready to answer my questions after pupils' stories.

Тренировка навыков монологической речи.

(защита мини-проектов).

Teacher. - Look at the screen. The first country is Canada. Who will tell us about Canada?

Pupil. – (ученик рассказывает о стране, одновременно с этим демонстрируется презентация « English-speaking countries »).

Teacher. – Is English in Canada different from British English?

Pupil. -

Teacher. – Thank you for your story. Go to your place. Pupils, now find out what you've learnt about Canada. Answer my questions:

What is the capital of Canada?

What are the official languages?

What can you see on the Canadian flag?

-Very good, pupils. Let's have a talk about the USA.

Who will tell us about this country?

Can you show it on the map?

Pupil. - (ученик рассказывает о США).

Teacher. – Very good. Pupils, answer my questions:

What is the capital of the USA?

What can you say about official languages?

What is country's motto?

Would you like to see the famous American skyscrapers?

Pupils. –

Teacher. – Thank you. Speak about New Zealand. Show it on the map.

Pupil. - (ученик рассказывает о Новой Зеландии.)

Teacher. - Thank you. It was very interesting.

Pupils, answer my questions:

What is the capital of New Zealand?

What are the official languages?

What is New Zealand called?

Pupils. –

Teacher. – Now listen to Olga and Vlad. They will tell us about the UK.

Pupils. - (ученики рассказывают о Великобритании.)

Teacher. – As you know, there are lots of places of interest in London.

Do you remember what they are? Look at the screen and name the sights of


Pupils. -

Teacher. – Well done! Now let's have a rest. Stand up and remember the poem about


Up, down, up, down,

Which is the way

To London town?

Where? Where?

Up in the air,

Close your eyes-

And you are there!

Teacher. – Sit down and continue our lesson. Listen to the last story- the story about


Pupils. - (ученики рассказывают об Австралии).

Teacher. – Australia is famous for its unique animals. They cannot be found in any

other place of the Earth. For example, kangaroos, koalas, Tasmanian

devils, echidnas and others.

Answer my questions:

What is the capital of Australia?

What can you say about the official language?

What is Australia sometimes called?

Pupils. –

Teacher. - Now you know the general information about Great Britain, Canada,

the USA, New Zealand and Australia.

Was it interesting to listen to the pupils' stories?

Pupils, thank you for your answers. Your stories were cognitive.

Закрепление изученной страноведческой информации.

(заполнение таблицы.)

Teacher. - It's time to do some exercises. You can see 2 cards on your desks. Take the

card with exercise 1. It's a table. Read the task.

Pupil. -

Teacher. - Translate the task. Who will read the names of the capitals?

Pupil. –

Teacher. - Try to fill in the gaps.

(учащиеся заполняют таблицу.)

Активизация навыков аудирования.

Teacher. - Now listen to the tape and check if you were right.

( учащиеся слушают аудиозапись и, если нужно, исправляют ошибки.)

Who has no mistakes? Well done, pupils!

Who has only one mistake? Good, pupils!

Работа в паре.

Teacher. - Take the card with exercise 2 and read the task.

Work in pairs and do this exercise.

( учащиеся работают в паре и находят соответствующие словосочетания)

Who is ready? Read the words.

Задание на дом.

Teacher. - It's time to write down your home-task in your diaries. Look at the


Write a short story (7-10 sentences)

about one of the English-speaking


Teacher. - If you can, you will write a short story about one of the English-speaking

countries except that country which you have told about.

 Is it clear?

Подведение итогов урока.

Teacher. - It brings us to the end. Remember the goals of our lesson and answer my


Have you reached the goals of the lesson today?

Pupil. - Yes, we have.

Teacher. - What have you learnt at the lesson?


Thank you, pupils. You were very active today. So you have your marks

for the lesson (назвать оценки). The lesson is over. Good-bye!


- карточки для урока;

- карточки для учеников (рассказы)

Pupil 1.


Canada is the second ……………..

It's nearly as big …………………..

The capital of Canada is …………..

In Canada there are people of ……………..

There are two official languages: ………………

Pupil 2.


I would like to tell you about the flag of Canada.

The red and white Canadian flag shows ……………………….


The maple leaf is …………………………..

Pupil 3.

The USA.

The full name of the USA is the …………………

The USA is one of ……………………………….


This country has the third …………………………

It's a real ……………………

The capital of the USA is ………………., though some people

think it's ……………

This famous city is the ……………………………….

Pupil 4.

The USA.

There are two official languages: ………………………….

But the English language spoken in the USA is known ………….


There are some differences between ……………………….

For example, a film in Britain is ……………………………..,

a postman is ……………….

Pupil 5.

New Zealand.

I'в like to tell you about New Zealand. It is a small and ……………..


New Zealand consists of ……………………………………………..


New Zealand looks like ……………………………

The capital of New Zealand is …………………….


The population is …………………

Pupil 6.

New Zealand.

The official languages are …………………………………

New Zealand is an agricultural country. It is sometimes called

« ……………………………………. »

It is famous for its products: …………………………………..

Pupil 7.

The UK.

The full name of the UK is the ……………………………….

The UK is an island ………….

It's one of the ………………………………….

There are four regions in the UK: England, Wales, Scotland and

Northern Ireland.

In Britain you can meet people of ………………………………

Pupil 8.

The UK.

The official language is ………………

The capital of Great Britain is ……………..

London is the world's …………………………….

It is one of the most ……………………………………..

situated on the …………………….

Pupil 9.


I'в like to tell you about Australia. It is the biggest ………………

and the smallest ………………………………………..

Australia is the only country in the world …………………………..


It is a …………… country but its population is more than ………….


Pupil 10.


The capital of Australia is ……………………..

The official language is ………………………..

But English spoken in Australia is a …………………………….


Sometimes Australia is called …………………………………….


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