Урок английского языка в 7 классе «Who is who? Or Don’t judge by appearances!»

Материал опубликован 1 April 2016

Конспект урока по теме: «Who is who? Or Don’t judge by appearances!»

Предмет: английский язык, комбинированный урок

Тема «Кто есть кто? Или не суди по людям, не узнав их как следует!»

Продолжительность: 45 минут

Класс: 7

Средство ИКТ: презентация Microsoft Power Point, видеоролик.

Цель: Активизация лексических единиц во всех видах речевой деятельности по теме “Внешность. Эмоции”

Форма работы: фронтальная и групповая, индивидуальная.


Ход урока:

Организационный момент.

Good morning children. I am glad to see you. I am E. U. I will be your English teacher today. Ok, good. Now sit down, please.

Today we have an unusual lesson. You are new pupils for me, I am a new teacher for you. But I am sure that everything will be OK. We have some important guests today . So let’s say HELLO to the guests.

On the board you can see the plan of today’s lesson. Look at the board , please. We are going to start with a warm-up. Then we will do some interesting group work. After that we work with a presentation. Then we watch an important video. After you are going to write a small work. And we will finish with a reflexion. That’s all.

Very good. Today you are going to work in groups. So on your desks you can see the lists of rules of working in groups. ( Приложение 1)So be helpful, friendly and supportive. Respect each other. And don’t forget the most important rule- if you want to answer, raise your hand. And when you answer, please, stand up. Is it clear? Good, Let’s start.

You can see that we have 4 groups today. Let’s read the names of your groups.(Приложение 2)

Well done! Please, don’t forget the names of groups. They are important.


Warm- up

Now I want you to look at the screen. Here’s our warm- up. Let’s practice some phonetic drills. Слайд1

Good job. And now look at these words once more , remember the names of your groups and try to guess the theme of the lesson. What do we notice first when we meet a new person? What do we pay attention to? For example- when you saw me. Ученики отвечают. Приложение 3.

Записываю тему на доске. Постановка цели урока. Слайд 2

The main goal of today’s lesson is to make a full description of a person using new words.

That’s right- we pay attention to the appearance. Now look at the screen. Слайд 3. What word is here?Ученики отвечают. Good. Let’s read the task. Thank you.

Now take your secret envelopes. Open them. Find paper 1. Приложение 4.

Your task right now is to write as many words from the word appearance as you can.You can write everything- even the prepositions and articles. You have 2 minutes. Don’t forget that you work in groups- so help each other.Ученики работают.

Now lets check what you have.Ученики выходят и прикрепляют свои слова на ватман.

So good- you know a lot of words. And now I want you to look at the screen once more. We will work with a presentation. Работа с презентацией. Слайды 4-10. Ученики читают слова и переводят их.

Good, thank you for your work. Let’s do some practical work. Take paper 2 from your envelopes. Приложение 5. The task is the following- choose the words which describe the picture better.Ученики работают в группах. Затем проверяем задания .


Good ! And now I will ask you one question-what do we notice second when we meet a person? We said that the first was- appearance. Ученики отвечают.

THEN we pay attention to the EMOTIONS! Слайд 11.

Now you are going to watch a video about different emotions! Watch and repeat the words! Смотрим видео.

What are your emotions now? Tell me with emotions! Ученики отвечают.


Well done! So when you know the appearance, the emotions of a person the last thing is to know his character. Can you guess the character using the information about appearance? Ученики отвечают.

Yes! It is difficult! And more over- I should say- it’s impossible! Who can guess my character? Ученики отвечают

Is there any Russian proverb to this?Ученики отвечают/ По внешности не судят. Приложение 6. Вывесить на доску и зачитать.

Now look at the screen and try to guess the characters! Ученики работают с презентацией и угадывают характер. Слайды 12-16.

Very good work!

Now we are going to make the last task for today! Take paper 3. Приложение 7.That’s a plan of describing a person. Choose someone from your group and describe him/her in your group. You have 2 minutes.Ученики работают.

Now you time is out. Let’s check the group of…Проверка 1 ученика

That’s all for today. I hope that you liked the lesson. I liked the way you work. You are good pupils. The last thing for today- take the colorful cards.

Show me the RED one if you are happy and understood everything. The yellow one if you didn’t understand anything. And the blue one if you are curious to know more.

I have some useful for you . Take these small papers. Приложение 8

And the best pupils for today are…

Thank you for the lesson. Good bye!

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28 April 2016

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6 May 2016

<a href="http://moeobrazovanie.ru/edu/library/prezentatciya_uroka_po_anglijskomu_yaziku_%C2%ABwho_is_who_174156.html">http://moeobrazovanie.ru/edu/library/prezentatciya_uroka_po_anglijskomu_yaziku_%C2%ABwho_is_who_174156.html</a> вот ссылка на презентацию. загрузила

6 May 2016