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Гайнанова Сабина Ринатовна624
Россия, Карелия респ., Петрозаводск

Данная разработка участвует в конкурсе: Всероссийский профильный конкурс для учителей английского языка «Современное домашнее задание»

Пояснительная записка к ресурсу

«Be like Sherlock

по УМК «К английскому – с любовью!» для 8 класса О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой

Тема: Unit 4 «Fascination and Challenge: The World of Science and Technology» (урок 4 «Мир науки и технологии»)

Цель: формировать грамматические навыки в использовании модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов.

Аудитория: учащиеся 8 класса

Степень сложности: задание 3 уровней – обязательный минимум (Task 1) – минимальный уровень сложности, средний уровень сложности (Task 2), высокий уровень сложности (Task 3).

Тип задания: индивидуальное. 

Рекомендуемое количество времени на выполнение: не более 20 минут.

Наиболее оптимальный способ проверки: взаимная или самопроверка.

Инструкция к выполнению

Задание1.Учащиеся читают текст и заполняют таблицу: списывают только словосочетания с модальным глаголом или его эквивалентом в зависимости от его значения.

Задание 2. Учащиеся читают текст, вставляют пропущенные глаголы.

Задание 3. Учащиеся сочиняют текст по образцу задания 2.

Be like Sherlock!

Task 1. Read the text and find examples of a modal verb MUST and its equivalent (HAVE TO). Fill the table: copy the examples according to their meaning.

1.Do you really want to think like Sherlock? If yes, you will have to learn more about people’s behaviour.

2.Some people are very good at lying. You must be very attentive if you don’t want to be cheated.

3.There is some advice you have to follow.

4.When someone is telling the truth they usually use more body language. The person must be lying if his/her hands are still.

5.Do you want to understand if the person is lying or not? You will have to look at him/her straight in the eyes. Normally, they look away at the moment they are telling the lie.

6.Telling about themselves, people tend to use “me” words, like I, me, my. You must listen to the speaker very attentively if you want to get the correct information.


Must (obligation)

Must (probability)

Have to (necessity)

Have to (obligation)







Task 2.

Complete the note that Sherlock had written to Watson.

Dear Friend,

Unfortunately, I 1) … leave London without seeing you. But I’ve got the task for you. Dear Watson, you 2) … visit inspector Lestrade and tell him that Moriarty’s gangsters are ready to steal the diamonds. If you want to help me in my searches, you’ll 3) … buy 2 tickets for Manchester on 22nd.

Mrs. Hudson 4) … be very busy these days as I had a real mess at my apartments.


Task 3.

The Watson’s note to Sherlock was damaged by mistake. Complete it and find out if Watson was ready for the trip.

had to pay          must inform           must be             have to come


I … you that the tickets are bought and the suitcases are packed. However, I … extra money because your suitcase is too heavy. The train leaves at 5 pm I’ll … round the hospital but I will be on time

By the way, Mrs. Hudson was rather disappointed but she … used to the mess in your lab.



Key answers:

Task 1.


Must (obligation)

Must (probability)

Have to (necessity)

Have to (obligation)


will have to learn


must be


have to follow


must be lying


will have to look


must listen

Task 2.

had to 2) must 3) have to 4) must

Task 3.


I must inform you that the tickets are bought and the suitcases are packed. However, I had to pay extra money because your suitcase is too heavy. The train leaves at 5 pm. I’ll have to come round the hospital but I’ll be on time.

By the way, Mrs. Hudson was rather disappointed but she must be used to the mess in your lab.



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