12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
Пользовательское соглашение     Контактная и правовая информация
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Материал опубликовал
Эмилия Арсланалиева20

Урок на тему « Досуг учащихся. Поколение с квадратными глазами»

До начала урока раздаю учащимся карточки ( на них картинки « Безопасный интернет» и вопросы)

Ход урока: 1. Орг. момент. Hello boys and girls. I am glad to see you! How are you? I hope you are fine and we will have a wonderful time together.

Today we are going to do a lot of interesting exercises. Let’s start. Try to guess what the topic of our lesson is. Look at the screen.

--( картинки про Досуг учащихся- дети должны догадаться о чем будем говорить)


T: Today we are going to speak about entertainment.

2. Введение в тему урока. Read the title of the article and look at the picture . what do you think “ square –eyed generation” means? ( на экране картинка и в книге) . Do you think this describes today’s teens?

Possible answer: The phrase “ square –eyed generation” describes teens who do nothing else but watch TV. Also they spend a lot of time using computers

( картинки как дети сидят за компом и телефоном)


3. Деление на группы. T: Lets do a survey. You all have cards with the questions. You must answer. ( карточки с вопросами, которые раздала в начале урока)

Do you have your own TV?

Do you watch TV for more than two hours a day?

Do you often watch films on line?

Do you play computer games every day?

Do you chat on line with your friends?

Do you surf the net for long hours?

Do you have an I-phone or a smart phone?

Do you use phones from morning till night?



t1575720695ac.gifT: Who has blue card come into this group, who has red card come here. (образуют новые группы. Переход из одной группы в другую по цвету карточек)

4. Reading.(Scanning the text)

T:And now pupils let’s find out what these teenagers like to do.

(Чтение текста. Просмотровое чтение ) T: Scan the text. As you know text scanning doesn’t require much time so I give you only three minutes to scan the text and say what these teenagers like to do in their spare time.

Учащиеся читают текст. Отвечают на вопросы. Упр 2 стр 122.

T:What does Suzy like to do? Maria? Yoko, Sanjit , Anya


T: And after reading we will match the words from the text.

( Учащиеся работают в рабочих листочках).


5. Работа с лексикой. Vocabulary exercise. Mind –map.

T: we just found out what teenagers in other countries like to do. Let’s discuss- What forms of entertainment do young people in your country like? Discuss your ideas in groups and add them to your mind-map. ( учащиеся должны дополнить лексикой по теме « Entertainment».)


После выполнения задания объясняю детям что все это сейчас заменяет интернет. ( телефон, компьютер). Can we say that these forms of entertainment we also find in the Internet? ( phone? computer)


T: We can listen to music, learn , watch films ….

6. Говорение Speaking. T: Look at the title of the article- think of an alternative title for the article. ( если дети не могут придумать название подсказываю детям –« Дети цифровой эры» - Who are you? What century do you live in?


T: Why are you called children of the digital age? For the ability to find common language with multimedia. For passion ( ????) for multimedia and modern technologies.

-T: Look at the screen. Do you know this man ? You all like his creation. ( фото на экране)

P: Bill Gates.

T: He said that “ the future is the Internet – focus on it”



T: Now we can work online, we can learn online , and even the Smart home system works with the Internet.







7. Discussion. T-chart.

T: Divide this list into positive and negative sides of the Internet.

Учащиеся делят предложения на положительные и отрицательные стороны. Выполняют T – график.

Положительные Отрицательные

1 развитие технического прогресса 1. Широкие знакомства

2. доступ к разнообразной инф 2. Теряется навык реального общения

3. доступность и легкость покупок 3. Отсутствие уважения

4. полная свобода 4. Меняются цели человека

5. обучение 5. Опасность для детей

6. возможность выполнять 6. Кража персональных данных

все задания в домашних условиях 7. Интернет –зависимость

(фриланс-внештатный сотрудник)

7. бесценное хранилище информации

и человеческого опыта



Positive Negative

1. Development of technological progress 1.Wide acquaintance

2. Access to a variety of information 2. Lost of the skill of real communication

3. Availability and ease of purchase 3. Lack of respect

4. Total( full) freedom 4. Change of purpose ( goals)

5. Education ( learning, training) 5. Danger to children

6. Ability to perform all tasks at home 6. Identify theft

( Freelance) 7. Internet addiction

7. An invaluable repository of information

and human experience

T: But sometimes living in this digital world we forget the main thing- we get used to and become dependent on the Internet. the Internet addiction.(gadget) addiction).Some children( teenagers) suffer from this problem. And we also must compensate for all negative aspects of using gadgets , it is necessary to comply with certain rules and competently and rationally approach the use of gadgets. it is a limitation in certain moments, so-called rule of the Golden mean.

To encourage people to realize and rethink their attitude to use gadgets and the Internet invented many ways and means. And one of these ways is social advertisement, which is considered to be the easiest and most common way to deliver information. Social advertisement is created in order to attract people s attention to the problems arising in society, one of which is the preservation of their health and others. And today we are going to think about slogan for social advertising.

T: Choose stickers ( учащиеся выбирают палочки. Палочки двух цветов. Снова делятся по цвету).

8. Work in groups. Создание слогана для социальной рекламы. На столе у детей в кружке будут палочки на которых написаны обязанности

( распределены- coordinator, speaker, recorder и тд. )

Задача обеих групп создать продукт, целью которого будет пропаганда умеренного и рационального использования современных гаджетов.


Учащиеся представляют свои проекты.

T: We have determined that young people who are fond of computer technologies and achievements of our time have a future ,provided rational use and competent attitude to the resources of digital technologies.

Рефлексия : Опрос учащихся. ( Оставить в качестве домашнего задания, если не успеем в классе)


Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы. t1575720695ar.jpgT: Thank you for the attention.


Having Fun




Do you have your own TV?


Do you watch TV for more than two hours a day?


Do you often watch films on line?


Do you play computer games every day?


Do you chat on line with your friends?


Do you surf the net for long hours?


Do you have an I-phone or a smart phone?


Do you use phones from morning till night?


Do you use your phones for taking pictures and listening to the music?


Do you play any musical instrument?


Are you interested in any sport?


Do you often go out?


Do you often shop on line?


Can you imagine your life without internet?


Having Fun




Do you have your own TV?


Do you watch TV for more than two hours a day?


Do you often watch films on line?


Do you play computer games every day?


Do you chat on line with your friends?


Do you surf the net for long hours?


Do you have an I-phone or a smart phone?


Do you use phones from morning till night?


Do you use your phones for taking pictures and listening to the music?


Do you play any musical instrument?


Are you interested in any sport?


Do you often go out?


Do you often shop on line?


Can you imagine your life without internet?

Words from the text


It doesn’t matter to me if I do it or not.

Couch potatoes

Easy to remember


obvious what is going to happen


It’s an enjoyable time!

Can’t beat

Join in and sing together with somebody else


somebody who likes a certain activity


people who spend a lot of time sitting on the couch and watching TV

Sing along

there’s nothing better

It’s such a good laugh!


I can take it or leave it.

Not friendly


large shopping centres

I have to admit



Making a loud noise


I must confess


Obvious what is going to happen

1.Do you have your own TV?

2. Do you watch TV for more than two hours a day?

3. Do you often watch films on line?

4. Do you play computer games every day?

5. Do you chat on line with your friends?

6. Do you surf the net for long hours?

7. Do you have an I-phone or a smart phone?

8. Do you use phones from morning till night?

1.Development of technological progress

2.wide acquaintance ( знакомства)

3.access to a variety of information ,

4. lost of the skill of real communication ,

5.lack of respect ,

6.availability and ease of purchase ( покупка)

7total( full) freedom ,

8.change of purpose ( goals),

9.education ( learning, training)

10.danger to children ,

11.ability to perform all tasks at home ( Freelance) ,

12.identify theft ,

13.Internet addiction,

14.an invaluable repository ( хранилище) of information and human experience


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