Урок иностранного языка на тему «Конфликт поколений» (9 класс)

Материал опубликован 23 October 2018

Методическая разработка  урока усвоения нового материала в 9 классе по теме «Generation Gap»

Подготовила учитель

английского языка

МБОУ СОШ №12 станицы Незлобной

Юдина Олеся Николаевна



Цели урока:

- обучающие:

-освоить во всех видах речевой деятельности новые лексические единицы по теме «Конфликт поколений»;

 - активизировать ранее изученные лексические единицы по теме: “Generation Gap”;

- совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков;

- совершенствование и контроль умений аудирования, чтения и навыков устной речи по теме.

-  формировать у учащихся умения дискурсивной компетенции;

- научиться писать связный текс

-развивать навыки языковой догадки и умение пользоваться изученной лексикой;

- развивающие:

развивать умения во всех видах речевой деятельности;

развивать учебно-познавательную компетенцию через развитие способов учебной деятельности (выделение ключевых слов в вопросах как стратегия при работе с пониманием текста);

-развивать социокультурную компетенцию

-развивать и совершенствовать  навыки поискового чтения и чтения с полным пониманием прочитанного;

- воспитательные:

формировать нравственные ценности и ориентиры;, дать понятие об общечеловеческих ценностях;

- воспитание толерантности и уважения к своей семье и окружающим людям.


                                             Задачи урока:

- повторение слов по теме “Generation Gap

- развитие умений прогнозирование содержания текста

- развитие умений поискового чтения

- расширение объема продуктивного словарного запаса

- развитие умений передавать содержание прочитанного

- расширение навыков употребления лексики по теме «Generation Gap»

- развитие умений диалогической речи

- развитие умений продуктивного письма

Формы: работа в парах, индивидуальная работа, фронтальная работа с классом, беседа

Аппаратное и программное обеспечение: компьютерные тесты , компьютер, мультимедийный  проектор, экран


Организационный момент. Целеполагание.

Teacher:Good morning, students. Glad to see you.

I’d like you to listen to the Henry Ward Beecher’s words:

There is no friendship, no love, like that of the parent for the child.”

Try to formulate the topic of our lesson


1.We are going to discuss family values

2. We’ll speak about relationship between parents and their children/

Teacher: Right you are! We all have parents and relations between us can be very different sometimes. But everyone must remember that the first people in his life are the parents! We should respect them and appreciate them. I have one question- how do you understand the words “generation gap?”

Children: I think this is misunderstanding between people of different ages/generations

Teacher: Good of you! So the topic of our lesson is “ The generation gap”

2. Речевая разминка.  Повторение слов по теме «Семья, семейные отношения».

Is having a family important for a person? Why?

What are family values?

Why do we need a family?

3. Этап подготовки учащихся к активному и сознательному усвоению нового материала.

Before reading the text look at the rule. It teaches you the  strategies  of getting full information from the text: read the questions and underline the key words. Then try to find words in the text that match the key words.  So do the task yourselves.

1.Read the text 'Generation Gap: Reality or a Psychological Prejudice'. Comment on the title of the text.


Generation Gap: Reality or a Psychological Prejudice       

To my mind generation gap is rather reality than a psychological prejudice. It has always been a topical problem and it still remains urgent nowadays.

So what does a generation gap mean? It is a popular term used to describe big differences between people of a younger generation and their elders. This can be defined as occurring 'when older and younger people do not understand each other because of their different experiences, opinions, habits and behavior'. The term first came into prominence in Western countries during the 1960s, and described the cultural differences between the Baby Boomers and their parents. Although some generational differences have existed throughout history, during this era differences between the two generations grew significantly in comparison to previous times, particularly with respect to such matters as musical tastes, fashion, drug use, culture and politics.

Nowadays you will hardly find a boy or a girl satisfied with their parents. Neither will you find a grown-up, a parent not grumbling over 'younger generation' of their children. Pop music, ultra-modern clothes, noisy parties and children's wish to have more freedom become a stumbling-block on the way of mutual understanding between adults and their offspring and help foster differences between parents and teenagers. So it seems that in most families parents don't understand their children and children don't understand their parents.

According to the older generation teenagers are lazy, carefree, ungrateful, impolite and rude. They wear ridiculous clothes, listen to awful music and all they think about is parties, dates, friends and entertainment. Teenagers have very little responsibility and very few problems. But is it really so? If we look inside the mind of a teenager, we will see a very different picture. Teenagers are greatly worried about a great number of things: their appearance, relations with friends, parents and teachers, the way other people (especially their peers) treat them. They suffer from pimples, bullies, problems at school, misunderstanding with their boyfriend/girlfriend, lack of self-confidence, etc. Teenagers often don't know what they are good at and their future seems to be rather vague. Every day they face a lot of stressful situations and feel depressed. Besides they have constant pressure from betters and elders as to how they should act, behave, look and feel.

But of course there is no magic in real life, that's why there should be some other way to bridge the gap between parents and their children. Communication is the best way to solve the problem. The more time adults and children spend together, the more they talk and discuss different things the better they understand each other. It is very important to be selfless and open-minded, patient and sincere. Despite the great changes in the electronic and technological environment in the last several decades, a defined gap does not separate today's generations as it did in the sixties and seventies. So the 'generation gap' can disappear. If we are a little wiser, children will find a key to the heart of their parents and vice versa.


2.Read the statements from the text. Find out if they are true( T) , false(F) or not stated( N)
1) Generation ga p is a popular term used to describe big differences between teenagers and their teachers

2) The term first came into prominence in Western countries during the 1980s

3) The older generation thinks teenagers are lazy, carefree, ungrateful, impolite and rude

4) Teenagers don’t have any problems to worry about

5)Many years ago you could easily found a boy or a girl satisfied with their parents

6)Spending time together is the best way to solve the problem

3. Explain in other words
• to come into prominence
• generationaI differences
• to grumble over
• a stumbling block
• to foster differences
• lack of self-confidence
• stressful situations
• to have constant pressure from smb
• to bridge the gap


4. Этап усвоения новых знаний.

Teacher: Now please look on the monitor. I want you to do the exercise. Match the words with their definitions.




Touch your shoulder

Touch your knee

Raise your arms

Then drop them,please!

Touch your ankles

Pull your ears

Then touch your nose

With your toes go


Now your fingers


Boys and Girls

Boys hands up!

Boys hands down!

Boys and girls

Turn around!

Girls hands up!

Girls hands down!

Girls and boys

Turn around!


5. Этапзакрепленияновыхзнаний.

1. Look at the pictures. What can you see? What coomon between them? Swap your opinions with your partner. The words and word combinations in brackets can help you.
(a topical problem, to remain urgent, to exist throughout history, to grumble over younger generation, a stumbling-block, generational differences, to have different views on smth, to bridge the gap, the lessons of the past, to shock parents, to be at war with elders, to revolt against, to make the same mistakes)

Imagine that you are on a talk show the topic is “ Family matters” .Your partner is taking part in it. You are a journalist , take the interview.   Prepare questions and act out your interview.


5. Этап информации учащихся о домашнем задании (на выбор).

You can choose 1 ex. to prepare at home:

1)Read the letters written by the teens who have problems with their parents. Give them some tips
Kathie, 16.

My parents don't understand me! 'They treat me as if I were a kid though I am already 16! I want to go clubbing and bowling, I want to meet my friends and go to different parties. 'But they tell me to think^more about school and my studies. 'When I go somewhere I have to be at home not later than 10 1"M. It's ridiculous and all my friends laugh at me. fMy father almost had a stroke when he learnt that I had a boyfriend. Jiow can I make them understand that I'm not a child any more?
Ben, 15.
My classmates bully me. I don't know why. Maybe because I'm shy and a bit fat or wear spectacles. I told my parents about my problem but they said it was quite all right and that I had to patch things up myself. They seem to be absolutely indifferent to what's going on in my life. They don't care about what I feel or what I want. I'd like to become a computer programmer, but Юad says I must become a lawyer. But what about my dreams? I'm torn between wanting to take a stand, and not wanting to upset my parents.
Nelly, 14.
My parents are too harden me. 'We have great difficulties with understanding each other. Tvery day I hear ''Don't listen to this music', 'Don't talkito this girl - she is spoilt', ''Don't invite your friends' ... Sometimes I feel irritated and we quarrel. I'm really tired of such a don't-do-it way of upbringing. My parents are convinced that everything I do is wrong. T)o I really deserve such an attitude?

2) Read the quotations below. Choose any statement and comment on it
• 'The lessons of the past are ignored and obliterated in a contemporary antagonism known as the generation gap.' (Spiro T. Agnew)
• 'Parents often talk about the younger generation as if they didn't have anything to do with it.' (Haim Ginott)
• 'Every generation needs a new revolution.' (Thomas Jefferson)
'Trouble is, kids feel they have to shock their elders and each generation grows up into something harder to shock.' (Ben Lindsey)
'Every generation revolts against its fathers and makes friends with its grandfathers.' (Lewis Mumford)
'Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it.' (George Orwell)
'Each generation goes further than the generation preceding it because it stands on the shoulders of that generation.' (Ronald Reagan)


6. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.

What conclusion have we come to? What is the main idea of our lesson? Time always runs and changes the generations, this is one of the biggest truths of life and no one can deny it. he best way for people to overcome generation gap among people of different age group is to spend their time with each other and try to understand and appreciate others with their own views and morals.

Thank you for the lesson!

Good luck. See you soon!


Список используемой литературы:





С. Юнева: Открывая мир с английским языком: Современные темы для обсуждения. Готовимся к ЕГЭ

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