Мероприятие для 6-7 класса в рамках недели гуманитарных наук «Звездный час. Столицы мира. Лондон - Москва»

Алексеева Л.С.,
учитель английского языка
«Звездный час. Столицы мира. Лондон - Москва»
Цели: обобщение изученного материала по темам «Лондон», «Москва»; развитие аудитивных, лексических и грамматических навыков; развитие интереса учащихся к дальнейшему изучению английского языка.
Оборудование: 2 комплекта (для капитанов команд) табличек с числами от 1 до 12; 35 звезд для премирования участников, назвавших правильные ответы.
Game “Star Hour”
- Hello! I’m very glad to see you. Today we are going to play the game “Star Hour” between two teems. Are you ready to tell me the names of you teams (домашнее задание команд было придумать названия. Запись названия на доске, разделив предварительно доску на две части для ведения счета. Учащийся для подсчета очков и их записи был определен до начала игры). Our topic is “Capital cities of the world: London and Moscow”
The first round
- I want you to listen to my stories. I’m going to describe different places of interest in London and Moscow. You can see the numbers of them on the blackboard and I expect you to use the cards which I’ve given you with the appropriate numbers. I’m going to give you “a star” for each correct answer.
Запись на доске:
London 1 - Westminster Abbey 2 - Buckingham Palace 3 - Hyde Park 4 - the Houses of Parliament 5 - St. Paul’s Cathedral 6 - the White Tower 7 - the Tower of London | Moscow 8 - St Basil’s Cathedral 9 - Uspensky Cathedral 10 - the Spasskaya Tower 11 - The Tretayakov Gallery 12 - the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts |
Примерные рассказы:
1. There are many old and new beautiful parks in London. This park is the largest one. It is one of the most popular places of Londoners during hot summer days. The park is famous for its Speaker’s Corner (Hyde Park - 3).
2. It is a wonderful building. The Queen Victoria Memorial is situated in front of it. It takes you ten minutes to get from this building to Trafalgar Square, which is in the centre of London. The Queen of Great Britain lives there (Buckingham Palace - 2).
3. It was founded in 1912 as a museum of plaster moulds on the initiative of Ivan Tsvetaev, the father of the renowned poetess Marina Tsvetaeva. Its collection includes works of art of the ancient Orient and ancient Egypt, of antiquity and Western Europe, ranks second in size after the famous Hermitage in St Petersburg (The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts - 12).
4. It is the largest building in a famous group of churches. It was built in 1479. The Russian tsars and emperors were crowned there (Uspensky Cathedral - 9).
5. It was a fortress, a palace, a prison and the King’s zoo. Now it is a museum. You can see a lot of interesting things in the halls of this building. William the Conqueror built it in the eleventh century. Twelve black ravens live in it. People believe that London will be rich while the ravens live there (The White Tower - 6).
6. It is a long grey building with towers. The large clock in one of the towers is known as “Big Ben”. You can hear the sound of Big Ben every hour in London. The clock and the bell got their names after Sir Benjamin Hall. The member of the British Parliament work in this building (The Houses of Parliament - 4).
7. It is one of the symbols of Moscow. It is the tallest part of the Kremlin, if has 67,3 meter tall. It has the famous clock and its minute hand is 3,28 meter long. The clock which we can see today was installed in the middle of the 19th century (Тhe Spasskaya Tower - 10).
8. It was built in 1551-1561 after the victory over the Kazan Kingdom. The architects were Barma and Postnik. It has nine beautifully painted cupolas. Its unusual architecture attracts many tourists (St Basil’s Cathedral - 8).
9. It is one of the greatest English churches. It is not far from the Tower of London. The Famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren built it in the 17th century after the Great Fire. It is a fine building with many columns and towers. In one of the towers there is one of the largest bells in the world (St Paul’s Cathedral - 5).
10. It is one of the most famous and well-known places in our country and all over the world. It is named after its founder who began to collect Russian painting in 1856. There we can see the pictures created by such painters as Serov, Repin, Levitan and others. It has about three million of exhibits now. A lot of tourists visit this place every year (The Tretyakov Gallery - 11).
11. It is more than nine hundred years old. There are many monuments and statues there, many English kings and queens are buried there. It is famous for the Poet’s Corner. It is one of the most famous and beautiful churches in London. This church has two small towers (Westminster Abbey - 1).
The second round
The next task for you is to read the list of words which are used only with Gerund in rap:
Stop, delay, imagine, fancy,
Finish, miss, involve, avoid,
Practice, risk, admit, consider,
Mind, deny, suggest, enjoy,
Give up, put off, keep, postpone,
Go on, carry on, regret.
That’s the list of verbs, you know,
Use the –ing form after that.
The best rapper is going to get “a star”. Please, one representative from the team is coming to the blackboard.
The third round
Now, the next task. I’d like you to give me three forms of irregular verbs. You are going to do it in turn. The team whose member makes a mistake first loses. The other team gets “a star”.
The fourth round
The fourth task is to combine two parts of the sentences that I’m going to give you.
They are mixed now. You are going to get "a star" for each correct sentence.
I team
1. Yuri Dolgoruky founded Moscow in 1147.
2. The Kremlin is in Red Square.
3. The State History Museum was opened in 1883.
II team
1. The centre of London is Trafalgar Square.
2. They built Westminster Abbey in more than nine hundred years ago.
3. Is there a bridge near the House of Parliament?
The fifth round
I’m going to ask you about Russian writers and poets whose lives were connected with Moscow. Please, name the writer and get your “star”:
1. He was born on Moscow and received his early education at home. He composed his first poem at the age of eight. He created a lot of poems and fairy tales. This greatest poet and writer created literary Russian. What is his name? (Pushkin)
2. He was born in 1818. He studied in Moscow University. He was the greatest writer of the 19th century. He knew the features of the women’s character very well. What is his name? (Turgenev).
3. He was born in Moscow. His mother died when the poet was only three years old. He studied several foreign languages. In 1837 he was sent to the Caucasus. He was killed in a duel in 1841. What is his name? (Lermontov)
4. He was born in 1860 and died in 1904. He was the third of the six children. He was a student of Moscow University and wanted to become a doctor. He wrote a lot of short stories and plays. He got a reputation of a gifted short-story writer and dramatist. What is his name? (Chekhov)
The sixth round
Match (правильно подберите) the following English and Russian proverbs or sayings. Each correct answer gives you a “star”:
I team 1. Better to do well than to say well. 2. Lost time is never found again. 3. The least said, the soonest mended. 4. Live and learn. 5. Well begun is half done. 6. Rome was not built in a day. | 1. Век живи – век учись. 2. Лучше хорошо поступать, чем хорошо говорить. 3. Доброе начало – половина дела. 4. Больше дела, меньше слов. 5. Москва не сразу строилась. 6. Потерянного времени никогда не воротишь. | |
II team | ||
1. A little pot is soon hot. 2. A word is enough to wise. 3. Where there is a will, there is a way. 4. If you are tired of London, you are tired of life. 5. Art is long, life is short. 6. Choose an author as you choose a friend. | 1. Где хотенье, там и уменье. 2. Книга – лучший друг. 3. Искусство вечно, (а) жизнь коротка. 4. Умный слышит в полслова. 5. Мал да удал. 6. Если ты устал от Лондона, ты устал от жизни. |
Let’s count your “stars” and see the results of our game.
Список использованной литературы
1. Дзюина Е.В. Игровые уроки и внеклассные мероприятия на английском языке: 5-9 классы. - М., 2009. - (Мастерская учителя иностранного языка).
2. Организация классных часов на английском языке / Авт.-сост. А.В. Конышева. - СПб., 2008.
3. Кулинич Г.Г.Предметные недели и открытые уроки английского языка: 2-4 классы. - М., 2009. - (Мастерская учителя иностранного языка).
4. Английский язык. Занимательный урок.: сб.доп. материалов. - 6-7 кл. / Cост. Е.А. Балк, М.М. Леменев. - М., 2008.