Конспект коллективно-творческого мероприятия «Making decorations»

Материал опубликован 26 October 2021 в группе

Конспект коллективно-творческого мероприятия

Руководитель КТД: Зенина Мария Андреевна.

Детский оздоровительный лагерь «Дружба», форма проведения: мастер-класс, 12 девочек в возрасте от 12-14 лет.

Тип коллективно-творческого мероприятия: творческое занятие.

Тема КТД «Making decorations».

Цели коллективно-творческого мероприятия: развитие творческих способностей учащихся; овладение навыками изготовления бантов из лент; воспитание ответственности и чувства коллективизма.

ТСИ (Технические средства информации) и оборудование: репсовые ленты (12 отрезков репсовой цветной ленты шириной 4 см. длинной 57 см., 12 ножниц, клеевой пистолет с клеевыми патронами, 12 зажигалок, 12 линеек, 12 резинок), компьютер, проектор, экран, презентация, фотограф.

Этап КТД

Деятельность вожатого

Деятельность воспитанников



1. Introduction

Greets children, shows rep ribbon, asks questions, hands out necessary equipment for making ribbon bows.

«Hello name is Maria Andreevna. Tonight, we are having a dancing party «International Friendship». Every group has to prepare a dance and costumes.

Look at this material. What is it? What is it used for?

You are right. This is a rep ribbon.

Rep tape is a universal material for creativity. In particular – bows from satin ribbons. Lush, bright, different shapes and sizes, they apply not only to decorate boxes with gifts, but also for decorating hairpins and rubber bands. In today’s master class I will show you how to make rep bows to decorate your hair for the party dance.

These are the necessary equipment for you: scissors, rep ribbon (4 cm/ 57 cm), hot glue, rubber for hair, lighter».

Greet their master, answer to the questions, get equipment.

«Hello, Maria Andreevna.

S1: I think it is a ribbon.

S2: In my opinion, this material is rep. We can use it for decorations».

5 minutes

The slides are demonstrated on a big screen.

2. Main body

Demonstrates the presentation, comments the work.

On the 1st slide one can see ready-made ribbon bows of three main colours: blue, yellow and red [Приложение 1].

«Look at the screen, here is the bow we are going to make.

Let’s start! Look at the slide [Приложение 2].

The 1st step is to take 57 cm. *4 cm of rep ribbon. You need to cut off the four pieces of rep ribbon: the first two pieces are the same size, and they will be the longest (18 cm.), the next piece is smaller than the first two (16 cm.) and the last piece is the smallest (5 cm.) and will be used as the middle to keep your bow together. Use your ruler and scissor.

Are you ready? Now look at the 2nd slide [Приложение 3].

Create two circles using one of the longer (18 cm.) pieces and the medium (16 cm.) piece of ribbon. Use a little hot glue to keep the circles together.

Let’s move on.

The next slide shows step 3 [Приложение 4].

Place the small circle on top of the larger circle. Glue them together in the middle.

Step 4: accordion fold the bow in the middle to create the dimples of the bow. Glue the ribbon together at each fold [Приложение 5].

Step 5: take your shortest (5 cm.) piece of ribbon and create a «tri-fold». Add the tail to the bottom of the bow and make sure you have the same amount of ribbon on each side. Glue hair rubber to the middle of the back side of the bow. Wrap short piece around the whole shape of your bow and the tail. Add hot glue to keep it together [Приложение 6].

Step 6: cut the tail by cutting a triangle out of the bottom of each end or folding it in half and cutting as showing on the slide [Приложение 7].

You should carefully treat sections with a lighter».

Listen to their master attentively, look at the slides and try to imitate the actions with ribbon. Choose the colour they like.

Cut off the pieces of ribbon using scissors and rulers.

Use hot glue gun to glue the ribbon’s sides together.

30 minutes

Children get support when it’s needed.

3. Conclusion

«Our bow is almost ready. Fluff the bow so it is not flat and adjust ribbon to make the dimples even on either side.

Did you like the process? Let’s wear these beautiful bows and take a photo to remember!

Thank you very much for your work and creativity».

We really liked it! Thank you!

Children take photos and wear bows.

5 minutes


Приложение 1 Готовые банты


Приложение 2



Приложение 3


Приложение 4



Приложение 5



Приложение 6



Приложение 7


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