12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Слепцова Юлия Филипповна20

Слепцова Юлия Филипповна.

Учитель английского языка МОУ –ООШ села Усатово,Саратовская область.

Урок по английскому языку в 3м классе на тему: «В парке атракционов».

(Учебник УМК “FORWARD” под ред. М .В. Вербицкой.
для 3 класса (2 часть); аудиозапись к учебнику, рабочие тетради).

Технологическая карта урока

Этап урока

Речь и действия учителя

Речь и действия ученика



1. Начало урока

- Stand up! Stand right! Good morning, pupils!

- I’m glad to see you, sit down, please.

- Good morning, teacher!

1 min

2. Речевая зарядка

- How are you today?

- Now let’s introduce ourselves. My name is Anna Mikhailovna and I’m your teacher! (throws a ball at a pupil)

- Give the ball to your classmate, please

- It was nice to meet you, thank you!

- We are fine, thank you!

- My name is P1 and I’m a pupil! (a P is supposed to throw a ball to the next one, if not, the teacher asks him to do that)

- My name is P2 and….

- My name is P15 and … (gives the ball to the teacher)

4 min

3. Проверка домашнего задания

- What was your home task? (checks up the homework: ex. C,F – in the written form, ex. D – pupils read their sentences out loud)

AB: ex. C, F,D p 52

- Activity book, page 52 (страница 52)

5 min

3. Введение нового лексического материала

- Let’s look at this picture. What is it? (SB: ex. 1 p. 8)

- Have you ever been at a fair?

- Let’s look at some objects there. (turns on the presentation with the pictures, new words and their transcriptions).

- It’s a ghost train. Repeat after me.

- It’s a candy floss.

- Dodgems.

- Fair.

- Roller coaster

- Helter-skelter

- Rides

- Balloon

- It’s the fair

- Yes/No

- It’s a ghost train

- It’s a candy floss.

- Dodgems.

- Fair.

- Roller coaster

- Helter-skelter

- Rides

- Balloon


картинки на экране

5 min

4. Закрепление новых лексических единиц в тексте (работа учебнком)

- Let’s listen to the dialogue. Look at page 8 (SB: Ex. 1 p.8)

- Answer my questions. Who wants to go on a ghost train?

- Who wants to have some candy floss?

- Who wants to go on the dodgems?

- Who wants to have a burger?

- Let’s read the text in pairs. Read, please.

- P1, P7, read the text, please, for everyone.

(Ps listen to the dialogue)

- Ben

- Jill

- Kody

- Mary

(Ps read the text in pairs)

(Ps read the text)


6 min

5. Закрепление новых лексических единиц - дифференциация нового материала в речи

- Thank you! Look at the next page, exercise 2 (SB: Ex. 2 p 9) We are going to listen to the text. As soon as you hear the word, name the letter you see in the picture (teacher puts an audio on pause after each line and asks the Ps to tell the letter of the correct picture)

Ps name the correct letter as following:

- A

- E

- F

- C

- D

- B


3 min

6. Работа с учебником, введение и повторение лексики по теме «Самочувствие»

- What is on this picture? Look here! How do these people feel (Как себя чувствуют эти люди?)

(SB: Ex 4 p 10)

If Ps fail to understand the meaning of the words, teacher helps them by using gestures and other ways of visualization.

Ps are supposed to give Russian equivalents as following:

картинки из учебника, выведенные на экран

5 min

7. Закрепление новых лексических единиц в тексте

- Look at exercise 5. Let’s do this exercise orally. (SB: Ex 5 p 9)

P1 - She is hot. She wants to swim in the pool. This is picture 2.

P2 – He is hungry. He wants to have lunch. This is picture 3.

P3 – picture 4

P4 – picture 5

P5 – picture 1

P6 – picture 6


5 min

8. Совершенствование навыков устной речи и активизация накопленной лексики

Teacher conducts the game “Who is it” (SB: Ex 3 p 9)

- Look at the picture on page 8. A nd find a person. She is wearing a brown jacket and blue trousers. Who is it?

(turn goes to the P who gives the correct answer)

P1 – It’s Ms. Taylor

Ps describe the characters and guess them.


5 min

9. Завершение урока

So, today we have learned a lot. Now write down your hometask:

- Learn the new words,

- SB: Ex. 5 p 10 – выполнить задание письменно)

- AB: Ex. A p. 55 (Написать предложения про Уиллоу)

- The lesson is over, goodbye, pupils!

Ps write down the home task

- Goodbye, teacher!

домашнее задание, написанное на доске

2 min


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