Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме «Компьютеры: за и против» (7 класс)

Материал опубликован 4 July 2019

Презентация к уроку Компьютеры: за и против

Look at the pictures. Describe them. Guess the topic of the lesson

Listen, repeat, read an essential part of sth advantage disadvantage convenient download communicate with friends share photos prefer sth to doing sth addicted to computer games harmful impact on health influence eyesight use wisely

Match the words to make up phrases. (www.resh.edu.ru). harmful addicted surf send communicate impact to games emails the Internet with friends

Choose the right word. (www.resh.edu.ru) Internet online computer download 1. _________ can make our life better. 2. A lot of students have taken ___________ classes. 3. ________ is the main source of information nowadays. 4. People should be aware of what they ___________.

Watch the video. (www.resh.edu.ru/subject/lesson/2890/main) What is it about? What advantages and disadvantages of computers does the speaker see? What does he advise us in conclusion? Do you agree with him?

Complete the table. Use the ideas from the video. Add your own ones. Advantages of computers • • • • • Disadvantages of computers • • • • •

Remember the parts of an opinion essay: Introduction Viewpoints and examples Opposing viewpoints and examples Conclusion

Computers: a blessing or a curse? Computers make our life better. On the other hand, the use of computers can lead to problems.

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Интересная тема и подача урока! спасибо!

8 July 2019