Конспект урока по английскому языку «The excursion around the college»

Тип занятия: нетрадиционный
Цели занятия:а) активизация лексических единиц по теме «My college»;
б) активизация речевых клише по темам «Знакомство», «Выражение восторга, удивления»;
в) развитие навыков говорения и аудирования на основе изученного материала по теме «My college»;
а) повышение интереса студентов к изучению английского языка;
б) воспитание культуры общения;
в) воспитание любви к своему учебному заведению.
развивающие: развитие творческих способностей студентов.
Обеспечение занятия: реквизиты для ролевой игры (бэйджики для участников, фотоаппарат, последние выпуски газеты колледжа).
Ход учебного занятия
1.Организационная часть.
Good afternoon! Sit down, please. Let’s begin our lesson.
Who is on duty today?
What date is today? …Please, write down the date in your exercise-books.
Who is absent? … OK. Thank you. How are you?
2.Мотивация предстоящей учебной деятельности: сообщение темы и определение цели занятия.
- Today we’ll have an unusual lesson of English. You’ll participate in a role-playing «The excursion around the college». You’ll have the opportunity to communicate in English as in real life. You know your roles. Some of you have the roles of American guests, coming to our college on excursion. They arrived from the USA and stayed at one of the teacher’s of our college. They want to see as much as possible in our city, that’s why our teacher invited them here. Seven students will represent our college to the American guests. One student will take photos. So, try to be very active during the excursion to make it real-like as much as possible. Try to be good actors! Speak English as much as possible. Don’t be shy! Communicate with each other in English!
Our excursion will start from the hall of the college. So let’s go to the hall now.
3.Ролевая игра.
Студенты встречают гостей в вестибюле колледжа:
Student 1: Good afternoon, dear guests! We are pleased to welcome you in our Penza Architectural-Construction college. Today we’ll have a small excursion about the college and these students will tell you some general facts about it.
Знакомство «студентов» и «гостей».
Student 2: Our college was founded in 1944. It is situated in the historical center of the city. The college occupies two buildings. There is a small sports ground behind the main five-storeyed building. When the weather is warm physical training classes and sport competitions take place there.
The main building has five floors. Now we are on the first floor of it. Here is the cloak room (показывает). And here on the wall (показывает) you can see a replaced gallery of pictures of modern Russian artists.
Student 3: рассказывает о выставке
Student 4: There is a library on the first floor, too. You can see it here to the right. Let’s go in. Our library contains a lot of text books and fiction. There is a small reading room here. It is equipped with computers and multimedia technical devices. So we can watch educational films here. Our librarian is Natalia Victorovna.
Guest 1: And what is it here? (показывает на выставку книг)
S.4: It’s a subject book exhibition. It is replaced every month and each book exhibition is devoted to some current date or event.
После выхода из библиотеки:
S.1: The principal’s office is also on the first floor – it’s on the opposite side. Let’s come in and have a talk with the deputy head of studies. This way, please!
После выхода из приёмной директора:
S.1: We have a gymnasium and the classroom for Physics on the ground floor. Here you can see the door, leading to the underpass that connects the main building with the students’ hostel.
Guest 2: Do you have one hostel both for boys and for girls?
S.1: Boys and girls live separately in two separate parts of the hostel.
Guest 3: How many students live in the hostel?
S.1: About 2 hundred people.
And now let’s go to the second floor of our college. This way, please!
Student 5: Here is the teachers’ room and the teaching department. You can see a time-table on the wall near the teachers’ room. The time-table is composed by the director of studies for each term. It includes subjects, the name of the teachers, time and numbers of the rooms for each day of the week.
G.1: How many classes do you have every day?
S.5: Three or four double periods a day.
G.2: And how long is your double period?
S.5: Each double period is one hour and twenty minutes long. Our lessons begin at 8 o’clock. The lunch break is at 12:20. We have a good canteen on the ground floor of the hostel and during our lunch period we take our meals there.
G.3: And what about the academic year? How long is it?
S.5: The academic year begins on the first of September and ends in June. It is divided into two terms.
G.3: I see.
S.6: Dear guests, here (показывает) on the opposite side you can see the Assembly hall, where we have concerts, meetings, performances and conferences. Our assembly hall has up-to-date equipment. This advertisement board (показ) informs us about running meetings, socials, students’ achievements and so on.
Guests: Oh, how interesting!
S.6.: We have three computer classes on the second floor. And here you can see editorial-publishing center with all necessary equipment. College newspaper is published here. This is the last issue. It’s for you! Here you are! (гостям дарят последний выпуск газеты колледжа).
Guests: Thank you!
S.6: You’re welcome! Look at this photo gallery. It contains the works of the students of the Department of Advertising. And now let’s come into the classroom of Photography.
S.7: рассказывает об оборудовании кабинета по фото
S.1: Now let’s go to the fourth floor, where our college museum is situated. On the third and the fourth floors you’ll find the classrooms for Drawing, Mathematics, Chemistry, Literature, Social studies, History with all necessary equipment. The classrooms of our college are very spacious, light and comfortable.
Here is the college museum. The teacher of History, Olga Vasilievna, will tell you about the history of our college.
Рассказ об истории колледжа.
S.1: Our small excursion around the college comes to an end…
Guests: Thank you very much!
Students: It was our pleasure! Good-bye!
Guests: Good-bye!
4.Рефлексия (обсуждение, что получилось при проведении ролевой игры, что не удалось).
5. Подведение итогов учебного занятия. Выставление оценок.
6. Выдача домашнего задания.
- Now our lesson is over. Thank you for the lesson. You may be free. Good-bye.