12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Волкова Антонина Алексеевна17

КВН для 8 класса «Speaking English brings enjoyment!»


- повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка;

- формирование дружеских взаимоотношений;

- развитие стремления к совершенствованию речевой культуры;

- развитие коммуникативной компетенции.

Ход мероприятия

Формируются две команды.

Ведущий 1: Good afternoon, dear boys and girls, our guests! Welcome to our party! Today two teams are going to show us their knowledge of English. First of all I want to introduce the judges of our competition to you. I wish success and good luck to our teams. Please teams, welcome to the stage!

1 конкурс «Приветствие». 

Ведущий 2.:Now our teams should introduce themselves and tell their names, mottoes. So, who are you? (первой команде)

Команда 1 хором: We are optimists

Капитан: And I am the captain.

Our song: (поют песню на мотив «Легко на сердце от песни веселой…» )

We are in high spirits, high spirits,

high ,high,

We sing and smile all of us, you and I ,

We are in high spirits, high spirits,

high ,high,

I don’t know , we don’t know, why ?

Our motto: «Active life makes you feel happy!»

Ведущий 2: Now the next team will welcome you!

Команда 2 хором: We are «Quick-witted» (поют песню на мотив «Пусть бегут неуклюже …» )

Our driver is waiting ,

Off we go in a minute,

We are leaving for our hotel,

Our driver is waiting ,

Off we go in a minute,

We are leaving for our hotel,

We are leaving (3 раза) for hotel

We are leaving (2 раза) for our hotel

Our motto: Good friends are good for your health!

2 конкурс «Разминка» (Каждой команде по 5 выражений)

Match the words to their meanings

1) to put away a) arrange for another time

2) to put off b) dress oneself

3) to put out (the fire) c) tidy

4) to put on d) start speaking with a new person

5) to break the ice e) stop

6) flood f) a violent wind storm consisting of a tall column of air

spinning around very fast

7) tornado g) a large amount of water that covers a dry area

8) hurricane h) a large mass of snow falling down the side of a


9) avalanche i) a shaking of the ground

10) earthquake j) a violent wind or storm

3 конкурс «Скороговорки». .

T.: Now, You must read tongue-twisters as fast as you can.

    Swan swam over the sea

Swim, Swan , swim:

Swan swam back again ,

Well swam, swan.

    Sister Susie sits and

Sews sailors’ shirts

4 конкурс «Английский фольклор». Команды получают пословицы на английском языке. Их задачаперевести их на русский язык.

Ведущий 1.: In the next round you must translate the proverbs from English into Russian.

1ая крманда:

1.There is no smoke without fire.

2. What is worth doing, is worth doing well.

3. When angry, count a hundred.

4. We never know the value of water until the well is dry.

2ая команда:

1.Wishes don’t wash dishes.

2.Politeness oils the wheels of life.

3.As is the workman, so is the work.

4. The poorest truth is better than richest lie.

5 конкурс: «Музыкальный конкурс». Команды поют по одной английской песне.

Ведущий 1: And now let’s relax a little. It’s time to listen to beautiful English songs. We are beginning the Musical round of our game! Each team should sing one English songs from is Student’s book Spotlight 8. (Soong Sheets SS1-SS4)

конкурс: «Викторина»

Ведущий 1: Well , now each team answers  six questions . If your answer is wrong, the other team may answer the same question.

1ая команда:

    Which famous Russian scientists do you know?

    Why is Pushkin in Russia like Shakespeare in Britain ?

    What famous Russian sportsmen do you know?

    Where is the Statue of Liberty?

    Who as Francis Drake?

    What kind of English shops do you know? Name them

2ая команда:

    What famous Russian musicians do you know?

    What do you think an «obento» is?

    What was Marie Curie?

    What did Marie Curie discover?

    What was Marie Curie awarded for her discovery?

    What kind of English markets can you name? List them.

конкурсКонкурс капитанов

Ведущий 1.: A good captain is the flag of the tram. And now you will see competitions of captains. Looking at the photos of famous people captains should guess them and give some information about them.

Капитан 1ой команды : The Beatles, Princess Diana, Donald Trump, Marie Curie

Капитан 2ой команды: The Queen, the Queen of England, Kim Jong-Un, Einstein

8 конкурс «Загадки»

Ведущий 2: The next round of our competition is “Guess the Riddles” .

Для первой команды:

What has four I [aiz]? (The word “Mississippi)

In what month do people talk the least? ( In February)

If you lose it once you can never find it again? What is it? (Time)

What is there in your house that you mast look into? (A mirror)

Для второй команды:

What is the difference between here and there? (the later ‘t’)

Can you think of something that has fifty heads but neither of them ( a box of matches)

is able to think?

What can travel around the world while staying in a corner? (a stamp)

What invention lets you look right through a wall? (a window)

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