12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
Пользовательское соглашение     Контактная и правовая информация
Педагогическое сообщество
Материал опубликовал
Логинова Юлия Михаловна17

Lesson 1  


As a rule, negotiations are conducted with a view to reaching a compromise agreement. Both parties together move towards an outcome which is to mutual benefit.This is a range of tactics which can help you to conduct negotiations.

It's no use immediately discussing business matters. The topic at the outset of negotiations should be neutral, non-business. It could be immediate experiences, the sort of journey the visitor has had; football, ice-hockey, the morning's newspaper headlines, common interests, etc.

Five per cent of the negotiating time is devoted to breaking the ice. The two parties adjust their thinking and behavior to one another.

If you want to follow the reaction of your visitor introduce in your speech the question- "Agree?"

At the vary beginning of the talks get agreement about  the purpose, plan, agenda of a meeting.

Here is some advice to a negotiator.

  1. First discuss major items, then minor items.
  2. Follow the headlines of the plan one by one.
  3. Come over to the next point after you have resolved the previous one.
    There are always differences of view between the parties.

Here is some advice on problem-solving tactics.

  1. Present a problem in general and obtain the other party's view on it.
  2. Look together at the possibilities of join advantage.
  3. Suggest practical actions to resolve a problem.

If negotiations are difficult and you are in a deadlock, take time-out. It'll help you build bridges between yourself and your partner when you resume negotiations.

Words and word-combinations to  learn:

- negotiations                                                              -expertise

 - mutual enefit -                                                         -advantage

agenda -                                                                   -resolve

- adjust                                                                          -suggest

-dead lock

1)  Analyze the word-structure:

agreement, head-line, possibility, immediately, point, negotiator, difference.


2)  Make up word-combinations:

to conduct                                                                   bridges

to reach                                                                       problems

to discuss                                                                    matters

to follow                                                                     one's view

to introduce                                                                agreement

to resolve                                                                     question

to build                                                                        reaction

to obtain                                                                      negotiations

3) Answer the questions:

  1. What is the purpose of negotiations?
  2. What should be the topics at the outset of negotiations?
  3. Why is it important to break the ice?
  4. What would you say at the close of the talks?
  5. What ways can you suggest to resolve a problem?

4) Find in the text complex  sentences with a subordinate clause.


How to report a Meeting

Minutes is a short  written report on the discussion and the decision that have been taken at a meeting.

To show you how to write minutes, we will imagine that a meeting of the Board of Directors of a limited company is taking place. The Managing Director is in the chair. First the minutes of the previous meeting are read. The meeting then passes on to deal with the agenda. Agenda

  1. Minutes of the previous meeting.
  2. To consider estimate for replacement of the air-conditioning system.
  3. To consider appointment of the factory manager.

After the meeting has heard the views of the Managing Director they discuss the estimate for replacement of the air-conditioning system and decide to accept it.

The Managing Director has chosen two candidates for the post of the factory manager. They are invited in turn, and the board chooses one of them.

Board members have no other matters to discuss, so the meeting ends.


Meeting of the Board of Directors of... Co .

Ltd, held... (place, time).


Minutes of the previous meeting were read and signed.

  1. The Managing Director presented the estimate for replacement of the air-

    but after an explanation by the Managing Director it was accepted. conditioning system. Mr... thought that the amount of the estimate was too high ,
  2. Two applicants for the post of factory manager were seen by the Board:
    Mr. R.-an outside candidate; Mr. P – the present assistant factory  manager.
  3. It was agreed to appoint Mr. P.

4.   There was no other business.

Words and  Word-combinations  to learn:

 - limited company                                     -agenda

 - minutes                                                            - board of directors

 - deal with                                                         - managing director

 - replacement                                             -be  in  the  chair

 - estimate

1) Give the meaning of the following words: director, manager, supervisor, assistant,
candidate, auctioneer, agent.

2) Complete the following phrases:

to write a report on ...      

to deal with ...

to consider ...

it was agreed to appoint .....

the meeting begins....

they discuss ...

the director presented ...

3)   Make up  sentences  with the phrases:

to read the minutes ...

to consider estimate for...

to hear the views...

 to chose candidates...

 to discuss smth….

to agree...

4) Answer the questions:

  1. How is a meeting reported?
  2. Why are minutes of the previous meeting always read?
  3. What (how many) questions are included in the agenda?
  4. Are participants of the meeting involved in the discussion?
  5. Why is it important to report a meeting?

5)   Speak on the structure of  the agenda. (5 – 6 sentences)




How to write  business  letters

Rules you  must remember:

  1. Make clear the purpose why the letter is being written.
  2. Express your ideas in short sentences.
  3. Use words everybody understands.
  4. Avoid unnecessary words and phrases.

I. Title

     “Messrs” means “Gentlemen, Sirs” (used in an address before the name of the firm). Note,  a limited company must not be given the title of "Messrs".


     The normal form of salutation letters addressed to organizations is "Dear Sirs". "Dear Mr. Smith" has tended to replace "Dear Sir". It  also  can be  used in  letters.

Ill  How to sign your letter.

     The ending "Yours faithfully" is used, if you write "Dear Sir"  in the beginning. "Yours sincerely" and other more personal endings are used after "Dear Mr. Smith". Follow with the name of your company and your name and position.

If you are writing a letter on behalf of someone else, but not to be signed by him, sign your name "for Sale Manager" or "for Chief Engineer", etc.





word-combinations  to  learn:

















1)   Transform the phrases: 

Model: the letter written -  to write the letter;

 the ideas expressed; the words used; the title given; the letters addressed; the name signed; the message received...


2)   Give the  synonym to each word:

Acquaint; assist; commence;  inform; proceed; purchase; request; state; terminate; utilize


3)   Answer the questions:

l.What is the accepted form of salutation?

 2.How should the letter be signed?

 3.What language is required for letters?

  1. Is it important to make clear the purpose of a letter?
  2. What should be the closing phrases?


4) Write a short letter, using any of  these expressions:
Opening phrases:                                                                Closing phrases:


thank you for your letter...                                             look forward  to seeing  you  soon…

we have received your letter...                                        we  much  appreciate your  interest in

we have pleasure in giving you information..                can we  be of any service to you?

Very many thanks for the message...                             with  our  best   wishes…..

I am  writing  to  make  you  an  offer…






The equipment and spare parts are to be shipped in export sea packing meeting the requirements of each particular type of equipment.

The packing is to secure full safety of the goods from any kind of damage and
corrosion during transportation by sea, railway and combined transport. The
packing shall be suitable for loading by crane, by auto cars, by trucks and manually in so far as the weight and volume of individual packages allow.

Before packing, the equipment is to be protected with anticorrosive coating to protect in from any damage and corrosion in transit and to ensure storage during hot summer and cold winter (to minus 40 C).

 The sellers shall be responsible for any damage to or breakage of the goods that
may be caused be poor packing or for corrosion which may appear due to improper or insufficient coating.




Packing goods for export is a highly specialized job. If the goods are

improperly  packed and marked, the carrier will refuse to accept them, or will make qualifications about the unsatisfactory condition of packing in the bill of lading.

Packing can be external (crate, bag) and internal (box, packet, flask etc), in

which the goods are sold.

In case of consumer goods packing has a double function. On the one hand, it is for protection. On the other - it serves to advertise a product and attract a customer.  Marking should be in indelible paint with recognized kind of marks.


Words  and word-combinations  to  learn:

  • external packing                                           - make qualifications
  • internal packing                                           - indelible
  • sea packing                                                   - safety
  • marking                                                        - in transit
  • marks                                                            -storage
  • ensure                                                           - breakage

1)   What does it mean?

Contact                                                     Net/Gross weight

Nariad                                                '      Case dimensions

Trans                                                          (length/width/height)



2)   Find in the text the cases with the modal verbs "to be"; "should"; "must"; "can".

Translate these sentences  into  Russian.

3)   Answer the questions:

      1 .What are the packing requirements?

2.How are the goods protected from damage?

3.Why is it necessary to know the freight routes?

 4. What kinds of export packing do you know?

5.What are the requirements for marking the goods?

      6. What is written if the goods need special handling?






Russian enterprises have a right to set up joint ventures on the  territory of  Russia with foreign firms. A joint venture can be created between any number of foreign and Russian  enterprises.

A joint venture has limited liability. It should be self-supported and self-financing.

Joint ventures offer foreign investors direct access to the domestic  market. It may be set up in any branch of  economy: agriculture, industry, trade, construction, service sector, etc. A foreign participant may repatriate his share of profit abroad.

The main features of interest to the Russian  participant are:

  • to satisfy the requirements for the domestic market,
  • to attract foreign technology and foreign management experience,
  • to improve the export base of the USSR and reduce irrational imports by means of
    import substitution.

If the parties want to form a partnership a Protocol of Intent is normally signed.

Words and word-combinations  to  learn:

       - repatriate

-venture                                                     -attract

-investor                                                     -substitution

-liability                                                      -party


1) Find the correlative words in the text: create; liable; support; invest; construct; participate, require; manage; partner.

2) Form participle II: to set; to create; to limit; to attract; to improve; to sign; to support; to give.

3)  Answer the questions:

  1. What are the main features of a joint venture?
  2. Where can the joint venture be set up?
  3. What documents must be signed?
  4. What are the benefits for the Soviet participant?



Marketing to-day

Marketing is a modern  science. What has been around previously is the art of salesmanship. Salesmanship is the art of manufacturing something and making another person want it. Marketing is the art of finding out what the other person wants, then manufacturing it for him.

In a market of multiple choice, it is no longer sufficient to produce a product and show your customers that it satisfies one of their basic needs. You must show them in provides benefits other products fail to provide, that it can be supplied at a competitive price and above all, supplied reliably. But in this fast-changing world, competitors catch up more quickly than ever.

Preferences that consumers have for this or that product work for shorter and shorter periods. Choice makes marketing work.

Companies need to be constantly engaged in product development, if they wish to grow and make profits. Coca Cola was successful for many years  with one product in one size until Pepsi Cola challenged them with a bottle double the size at the same cost to the consumer. Since then Coca Cola has made many changes. Today Coca Cola has many different soft drinks, cheeses, wines, movie companies, television production companies, to name only a few of its holdings.

Multiple choices for the consumer is the motor that drives the marketing vehicle.


Words and word-combinations  to  learn:

  • marketing                                         -consumer
  • science                                              -challenge
  • salesmanship                                    -engage
  • manufacture                                     -price
  • basic needs                                       -product development

1)   Form Past Indefinite:

to supply; to engages; to challenge; to make; to produce; to grow; to satisfy.

2) Form a gerund. Think of a sentence with it.
Market; manufacture; make; find out; produce; develop.

3) Answer the questions:


  1. What is the difference between salesmanship and marketing?
  2. What are the key elements of marketing?
  3. What is the driving force of marketing?
  4. What companies are successful nowadays?

4)   You are taking part in a seminal on the problem of marketing. Imagine some product. Prove to the colleagues that the product has benefits other product don't have.



Research is the basic tool in marketing. A marketer must determine what customer needs are. Marketing experts have developed techniques for determining the needs of prospective customers. It's done by way market segmentation.

How can market segmentation be of help to a manger who wants to develop a new product? Every market can be divided into segments or, in other words, into separate grounds of consumers. Fist there are demographic factors like age, income, educational background, occupation, size of family, type of home and neighborhood, etc. Then there are psychographic factors-the customers' opinions and interests, hobbies, favourite sports.

Then a product is compared with the goods already establisher in the market by quality and quantity standards. To be a success you must be ahead of your competitors.

Competition never stop. Than is why market segmentation must never stop as well. It should be on a permanent basis. Introduction of a pioneer product can immediately change the composition and number of a consumer grouping.

For the  Russian  producers competition could be an important incentive. Innovating more effective at home means finding more to export abroad, more to sell to West, more hard currency to earn, more jobs to create, a more powerful industrial complex to build.


Words and word-combinations  to  learn: 


        -marketer                                -income

       -pioneer product                      -advertising

        -values                                     -grouping


1)   Form Present Indefinite Passive:
research                       to do

needs                           to determine

market                         to divide

interests                       to consider

goods                           to compare

complexes                   to build

2)   Explain what fundamental principle a marketer must follow. Use these

A)  to understand the customer;
to understand the grouping;

to create a choice;

(a difference in price, concept to communicate that choice.)


B) first of all…

it is important...

you must try ...

3)   Answer the questions:

  1. What must a marketer know?
  2. What is market segmentation?
  3. Do interests and hobbies play role in market segmentation?
  4. What does an introduction of a new product mean?

5.   What is the role of innovating in Russia?

4) Round-table  discussion.

What is to be done to create a market of multiple choice?



 How to win a market

If you want to market your product abroad for the first time you will find the task difficult. The international market is highly competitive, with very many manufacturers chasing the same customers.

You  will not be able to take business away from current suppliers. To be successful, the newcomer must have a compelling offer to make the customer switch to his product.

In business and industrial marketing, there are three compelling things: price, function and source.

Price: A lower price can be a tie-breaker. A substantially lower price can be a compelling offer. But it does nut mean that the order always goes to the lower bidder. The product must always satisfy the function.

Function: The product must always perform the function for which it is intended and meet quality standards. However, in a world of rapid technological development customers are always looking for new products that do the job better, faster, more efficiently. This presents a good opportunity to Soviet enterprises that can offer new products based on Soviet advanced science and technologies. The Soviet space program is an example of Soviet advancements in science, medicine and technology.

Source: A company's reputation for quality and reliability of delivery are increasingly important. Quality and timely delivery are essential to customers.

Purchasing people are primarily interested in price. Engineers are primarily interested in function. Management is interested in source. Marketing communications, therefore, must be on three levels: our prices are competitive, our products are good or superior, our company is dependable.

Articles about advertising in technical and professional publications, trade shows and exhibitions, seminars and symposia, technical and product bulletins - all are basic tools of the industrial marketer. The extensive use if advertising builds in the minds of consumers the company's image of quality.


Words and word-combinations  to  learn:
-chase                                                  -compelling;

-bidder                                                 -target audience;

-dependable                                         -purchase;

-primarily;                                           -extensive;

-target                                                  substantial;

1) Find  the  synonyms in the text: to wish; producer; to pursue; lucky; to turn to...;

excellent; to be aimed to a great degree; to meet... demands ; fast; chance; achievement; important; sage;
at...; instrument, wide.

2) Insert the right word:


  1. to market a product abroad is very...
  2. manufactures... the same customers;
  3. the newcomer must have a.. .offer;
  4. the product must meet -.. standards.
  5. purchasing people are interested in ...
  6. management is interested in...
  7. the use of... build the company's image.

3)   Answer the questions:

  1. Is it easy to market a product abroad
  2. What is necessary to be successful?
  3. What is the meaning of a lower price?
  4. What products do the customers prefer?
  5. What is the sphere of interests for a: customer? engineer?  manager?

6.How does the industrial marketer work?

4)   Chose any role and give your variant on "how to win the market"
customer; marketer; manager; manager

Expressions:        to market a product; to chase the customer; compelling offer;  three compelling things; to look for new products; company's reputation is important; the message must be targeted; the use of advertising.


Lesson 9

Computers as tools  for marketing


Since 1975 the personal computer   has changed the world of business. In the past, the slide ruler, adding machine, the telegraph, the telephone, the hand calculator and the airplane each greatly affected the way business is done. Nowadays  the computer and the Internet have   begun to  affect the marketing field.

Computer programs are now available for collecting, assessing and analyzing data and even projecting or predicting the future based upon current trends. Some programs have been developed that can simulate potential market conditions so that marketers can pretest strategies. These are mostly experimental but within a very short time they will be as commonly available as the PC's are today.

With the use of telephone modems, connected to PC's and computer printers and data base marketers today can assess information about any market, segment of a market, even a specific buyer anywhere in the world right from their own office.

Computer software is now available to write data collecting questionnaires, job interview forms, analyze advertising media effectiveness, sales and marketing management, create graphs and charts for analysis of market trends.

Some US companies in specific marketing areas of consumer goods, forest products, mining products and capital equipment plan for the future up to 50 years by forecasting trends in possible and probable long-term marketing conditions.


Words and word-combinations  to  learn:

 - slide ruler                                                       - assessing

 - modem                                                   -equipment
-software                                                   -available

-questionnaire                                          -forecast

-chart                                                                   - specific

1)   Translate attributive word-combinations: hand calculator; computer program;
current trend; market condition; telephone modem; data base; job interview form;
consumer goods; forest products; long-term conditions.

2)   React to these statements: use "that's right"; "that's wrong".
1.Personal computer changed the world of business.

2.Hand calculator is widely used at present. 3.Computer doesn't affect the marketing field. 4.Computer helps to predict future.

 5.Telephone modem is used with the computer.

  1. Software is not used for marketing management.
  2. Some companies can plan their activity in the future.

3)   Answer the questions:

  1. What inventions effected business management?
  2. Why is PC the most effective tool for marketing?
  3. What computer programs can assist a manager?
  4. Is it necessary to stimulate potential market conditions? Why?
  5. What is the practical application for computer programs?

4)   Take part in a seminar conducted by analysts from the USA. Topic "Computers
and Marketing" . Share your experience on the use of computers in your

executive work.


Lesson 10



Peter S. is on the job training with an American corporation where he studies marketing and management techniques. He is talking with Mr. J., a manager of the corporation on the structure of the corporation.

Mr. J.: Although our corporation was a healthy one, 15 years ago it was fully restructured.

Peter: Why was it done?

Mr. J.: It was not flexible and fully coordinated. Marketing managers, for example, did not know how much it cost to produce a product. Peter: What was done to make it more flexible?

Mr. J.: Part of the responsibilities were delegated to a lower level. No longer is the President required to take decisions on evry important issue. Decision - making is shared with many people. The main thing is to get a result. Peter: Who is it to make decisions inside the corporation?

Mr. J.: Most of the decisions are made by middle management. The idea is to push decision - making as far down into the organization as possible. Peter: Doesn't it create the situation that divisions are self- centered and uncontrolled?

Mr. J.: Not in the least. We have a special guiding body, the Board. It has the chairman, the president, vice-presidents and other top executives. This group provides cross-communication throughout the corporation. It works out the overall strategy and makes main decisions. Peter: How are investment decisions made in your organizations?

Mr. J.: When a new business is started, many options for new business development are considered. It is up to an economic expert to make a risk analysis and present his alternative solutions.

Words and word-combinations  to  learn:

 - delegate responsibilities                   - stifle

 - cross - communication                    - error

 - decision - marketing                        - sound

 - middle management                        - overall

 - executive management

 - long - range planning


1)   Analyze  the word - structure; translate into Russian: restructure, responsibility;
uncontrolled; executive; investment; briefly; independent; immediately; flexible.

2)  Insert the proper word:

...technique; ...managers; ...level; ...management; ...strategy; ...analysis; ...centered; ...body;

3)   Answer the questions:

  1. Why was the corporation restructured?
  2. How are decisions made within the corporation?
  3. What is the function of the Board?
  4. How are investment decisions made in the corporation9
  5. Who makes a risk analysis?

4)   Round-table discussion.

   Introduce a plan to your colleagues how to make management at your work place

more effective.

   The problem under discussion is top management and its functions in your

organization. Give various opinions on the subject.

Lesson 11

How to manage the managers


The Law on Private  Business recently enacted by the Government must help to create a relationship when a factory manager and his work collective become partners. Management and employees must be equally interested in the fruits of their labor. In a result - oriented management the key thing is not to issue instructions but to get results. That is why a manager's pay should be linked to the performance of the company  where he works.

If a factory produces more, a manager's pay should increase. If the production plan is not met, then a manager must be penalized along with time workers he supervises. About 40 or 50 per cent of a manager's monthly pay should depend on the end result of the enterprise. If the result is poor and a manager doesn't get the full pays for a few months running he must leave his office. New people should come instead. It'll be a natural selection of a managerial staff when people with better knowledge, more expertise and truly original thinking will come to management.



Words  and word-combinations to  learn:

 - enact

                                                                                                                         - penalize


- selection 

 - employee

- staff

 - link

- lay off

1)   What is most important for a true manager? Make up a short story, using these

*salary                         *good looks

*diploma                     *authority


*adaptability to change

*gift form the God

*life experience

2)   Express your views:

  1. What business qualities do you appreciate in a manager?
  2. What is an image of an ideal manager?
  3. What should you do to become a true manager?
    Use the expressions:   "In my opinion...”

"I think, that..."  "As far as I know,..."

3)   Answer the questions on the text:

  1. What relationship should be built between Management and staff?
  2. How should the work of a manager be assessed?
  3. Should a manager get the job on a competitive basis?
  4. Why is it necessary to manage the managers?
  5. Name on enterprise where managers and worker are equal partners.

4)   Round-table discussion.

  1. You are the chairman of a meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to find out a
    way out of a financial snag. All the present have shares and get annual
  2. Your manager must lay off some of his employees. He does not want to let his
    employees go, but he does not know what to do.

You and your colleagues are called in by the Manager. Can you think about another solution of the problem?




Coies tCompanies  hat want to be ecologically  clean make large investments in cleaner technology. Big profitable companies find it easier to be green than small, ones. Many small companies are not obeying environmental rules.

C         Companies   that take the environment seriously try to change not only their technology, but the way they run themselves, too. Often, such changes go hand in hand with improvements in the quality of management.

Badly managed companies are seldom kind to the environment; companies that try hard to reduce the damage they do to the environment are usually well managed.

A clever manager cares about employees and product quality. He may spend a lot of time and money working on health safety and the environment. If employees see that their manager cares about environment they come up with green ideas of their own. Many companies find that their shop-floor employees (who may live nearer their plants than do managers) and their younger, graduate managers are the strongest defenders of greenery.

In some industries the pressure to be green is changing links between companies and their customers. Some companies now offer to take back the waste product from their customers and clean it up.

Customers, in their turn, are starting to take more interest in their suppliers. They want to be sure that the product they consume is not harmful.

Greenery is also encouraging companies to build links with each other.


Words  and word- combinations  to  learn:

  • environment;                        - hazardous;
  • profitable;                             - waste product;
  • safety,                                    - dispose of;
  • shop- floor;                           - recycle;
  • graduate;                              - encourage;


1) Write out the words from the text  which  are connected with the problem  of ecology.

2) Add suffixes  and form as many new  words as you can: to invest, profit, serious, to improve, to manage,  green,  to employ, young, strong, product,  to encourage.  (Some of them are used in the text.)

3) Complete the sentences  according to the  context:

 1. Enterprises that want to be green make….

 2.Some companies do not obey ….

 3…..do  great  damage  to  the  environment.

 4.Well-managed companies  always try….

 5.Many  companies have shop-floor  employees who…..

 6. The customers always want to be sure that……


4) Answer the following  questions:


1.Why do some companies make great investments to their technology?

2.Can badly managed companies treat the environment  well?

3.Does a manager care about the environment?

4.How can employees care about their health safety?

5.How are the links between the companies and their customers established?

6.Do customers take interest in green companies ?



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