Методическая разработка урока английского языка «Home sweet home» (4 класс)

Материал опубликован 12 April 2024

Конспект урока


Класс 4

Тема урока: «Home sweet home»

Цель: развитие социокультурной компетенции учащихся через знакомство с организацией быта и уклада жизни английских семей.



- развитие коммуникативных способностей;

активизация лексико-грамматического материала;

развитие навыков монологической речи;

развитие навыков аудирования;

развитие навыков чтения и письма


учить учащихся осмысленно воспринимать и дифференцировать информацию из прочитанного и услышанного;

развивать языковую догадку, внимание, память, мышление. Воспитательные:

развивать устойчивый интерес у учащихся к английскому языку и стране изучаемого языка через ознакомление со страноведческим материалом с использованием ИКТ технологии;

развивать познавательный интерес у учащихся.

Технологии: проектная, обучение в сотрудничестве, игровая. Оснащение урока:

УМК «Английский язык 4 класс» И.Н.Верещагина, О.В.Афанасьева, проектор, ноутбук, учебные фильмы.

Ход урока:


Этапы урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность обучающихся

1.Организационный момент

Hello children! I am glad to see you.

What date is it today

What day is it today?

What is the weather like today?

Hello! We are glad to see you too.

It’s … of March. It’s Wednesday.

It is sunny but cool.

2.Фонетическая и речевая зарядка

Listen to the song and try to guess what we are going to discuss today


Now, let’s sing the song together. Listen and repeat after me all together.

Pupils watch a video

Pupils sing a song

3. Сообщение темы и цели урока.

I think you are ready to say what we are going to speak about at our lesson. Can anybody name the theme of our lesson today? That’s right.

Home sweet home,


Обучающиеся высказывают свое мнение

4.Актуализация лексики по теме.

We are going to recall the words connected with the topic,

We will watch the presentation and guess the names of the places, (открываем презентацию)


1.It’s a place where we live in.

2.It’s a room where people sleep.

3. It’s place where we can watch TV, read books and just have a rest after school and work.

4. It’s a room where we have meals,

5.It’s a room where we cook and eat.

6.It’s a place where we take off our coats and shoes.

7,It’s a room where we wash our hands and faces.


We’ll learn some new and interesting information about flats and houses. We’ll also learn to describe your favourite room.

Обучающиеся слушают предложения-подсказки учителя и отгадывают

название комнаты

5. Введение и закрепление нового материала

Reading and Writing

Your favourite room is your bedroom, isn”t it?

I hope it is in order, but if you have some problems we will learn how to tidy it.

Task 1. Обучающиеся получают раздаточный материал и выполняют задания.

OK, thank you. Let’s check up your answers.

Task 2 T: Now read the letter from John about this house, complete it with the missing words and

do «True» «False» exercises.

Прочитайте и вставьте пропущенные слова

Hi, my name’s John and I’m 0) from England. My house is a semi-detached house made of bricks. In my house there are three rooms downstairs and three rooms upstairs. Downstairs, there 1) __ a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. Some houses 2) __ got a fireplace in the living room but we haven’t got one. We’ve got central heating 3)___ all the rooms. Upstairs, there are three bedrooms and a bathroom. All the rooms have got carpets to keep us warm. Outside 4) ____ house there 5) ____ a back garden with a lot of flowers.


Semi-detached двухквартирный дом

Brick кирпич

fireplace камин

central heating центральное отопление

back garden задний двор

Выберите правильный вариант

Правда (true) или ложь (false)?

1.John lives in a semi-detached house made of bricks

2.There are five rooms downstairs and three rooms upstairs

3.There is a fireplace in the living room

4.Upstairs, there are three bedrooms and a bathroom

Проверка заданий.


What have you understood about the traditional English house where John lives.

Task 4 Work in teams. Answer the questions. The team is the winner if it gets more correct answers.

1.Where do many English families live?

2.How many floors has the traditional English houses got?

3.What rooms are usually upstairs?

4.What rooms are usually downstairs?

5.What is the largest room in the traditional English house?

6.What do English people usually do in their sitting room?

7.What do English people think of their homes?

The English love their houses and often say: “East or West, home is best”, “There is no place like home”, “My home is my castle»

Обучающиеся выполняют упражнения

6.Релаксация. Listen to a song about a house which is full of animals.

(on the screen)

Listening for specific information

I think it’s time to have a rest. Let’s sing a song.


You will be given some exercises connected with the song, They will help you to recall the names of the rooms,

Проверка упражнений.

Pupils sing a song

7. Закрепление изученного материала Speaking. Работа над проектом в группах.

Now you will work in groups. You should draw a plan of a typical Russian house, describe it and present it to the class.

1.Where do the Russian live? They live in …

2.How many floors has a typical Russian house? A typical Russian house has … .

3.What room has the Russian house got? It has got…….

4. What rooms are there on the ground floor? On the ground floor there is a/are … .

5. What rooms are there on the first floor? On the first floor there is a/are …

Обучающиеся в группах готовят проекты.

8. Рефлексия

Now let’s see how you are feeling now.

Useful phrases (on the screen)

I’m fine/not so bad/not so well/so-so/terrible/sleepy/excited. I’m in a good/bad mood.

Pupils’ answers

9. Подведение итогов.

Домашнее задание.

Our lesson is over. Let’s make a conclusion and say what we have leant today,

Do you know the words оn the topic “English Houses”? Can you describe an English House, a Russian house?

Your homework is……….

Pupils’ answers

































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