Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку «Musical preferences» (9 класс, Spotlight)

Материал опубликован 5 March 2017 в группе

Конспект открытого урока по английскому языку.

Тема – «Musical preferences”. 9 класс, УМК “Spotlight

Выполнено Квисберт Татьяной Владимировной,

МОУ “Рыбачьевская школа” г. Алушта, Крым.


Конспект урока английского языка по теме «Musical preferences»

Учитель анлийского языка МОУ «Рыбачьевская школа» г. Алушта, Крым

Квисберт Татьяна Владимировна

Тип урока – комплексное применение знаний

Форма урока – музыкальный салон

Цель урока – выработка умений применять полученные знания на практике, оперировать имеющимся лексико-грамматическим потенциалом, формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся посредством информационно-коммуникативных технологий и интерактивных методов обучения.

Задачи урока –

обучающие – совершенствовать навыки говорения и устной речи, научить отстаивать свою точку зрения, закрепить умения и навыки работы с новыми лексическими единицами, понятиями и явлениями.

Воспитательные – вовлечь учащихся в атмосферу творчества, формировать культурологическую компетенцию, воспитывать любовь к искусству, творчеству.

Развивающие – развивать слуховую память, способность анализировать и выделять главную мысль, развивать навыки поискового чтения и языковую догадку.

Оборудование – учебник «Spotlight 9» (авторы V. Evans, J. Dooly, O. Podolyako, J. Vaulina); видеопроектор, компьютер, мультимедийная презентация, раздаточный материал.



T. Hello students, glad to greet you at our philharmonic society, hope to enjoy our meeting, get pleasant emotions and gain great results afterwards.

This lecture is devoted to beauty. Look at the quotes of famous people and try to guess the missing word.

Слайд 2

“……is a moral law. It gives soul to the Universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm to life.” Plato.

“……is the universal language of mankind.” Henry Longfellow.

...….is the divine way to tell beautiful poetic things to the heart.” Pablo Casals.

Sts. The missing word is MUSIC

T. Exactly! All of them meant MUSIC, mysterious and powerful kind of fine art. So, we are going to talk about MUSIC today. About its power on people.



T. Answer my questions:

Did you go to musical school? If yes, what instrument did you play? If not, do you have a desire to play any instrument?

Where do people usually meet with music?

Did you have any music idols in your childhood?

What styles of music are popular among teenagers?

What style of music is your favourite now?

(Students’ answers)

Let us remind the most popular genres of music.

(Presentation. Read the description, listen to piece of music and guess the style.

Slide 4. Type of music, produced for nightclubs and festivals, played by DJs and synthesizers, drum machines. Used for entertainment industry. Includes many genres, such as HOUSE; TRANCE; TECHNO; NEW WAVE; FUNK…

Key - EDM

Slide 5. It is a genre of dance pop music with leading role of drums and bass. It became popular during the mid-1970s to the early 1980s. Its initial audiences were club-goers ,it was popular with both men and women, from many different backgrounds.

Key – Disco

Slide 6. It is a genre of popular music that originated as "rock and roll" in the United States in the 1950s, and developed into a range of different styles in the 1960s and later, particularly in the United Kingdom and the United States. 

Key – Rock.

Slide 7. It is a type of music written in a Western musical tradition, usually using an established form (for example a symphony ) and not played on electronic instruments. Classical music is generally considered to be serious and to have a lasting value.

Key – Classical.

Slide 8. A slow sad style of music that came from the Southern US, traditional songs of Black Americans about hard life.

Key – the Blues.

Slide 9. A type of music with strong rhythms, in which the players often improvise, originally created by African American musicians.

Key – Jazz.

Slide 10. Christian religious music that is sung in a blues style, especially by African Americans. Mahalia Jackson was a famous gospel singer. The happy, emotional songs are still heard in churches of Southern US.

Key – Gospel.

Slide 11. A style of music with strong, simple rhythm and lyrics that originated in the late 1940s among African-American groups. It is a mixture of the Blues with Gospel played with electric guitars.

Key – R & B

Slide 12. The music of poor white Americans in the 1930s and 1940s, based on the folk style. It is still popular in the rural Southern USA.

Key – Country and Western.

Slide 13. It started in Jamaika and is a mixture of music from African roots and R&B. Bob Marley made it very popular.

Key – Reggae.

Slide 14. A currently popular style of music originated among African-American performances, characterised by talking rather than singing.

Key – Rap

Slide 15

A style of music that began in the 1950s and combined elements of R&B and country. Elvis Presley was one of the first singers in this genre.

Key – Rock and Roll

Slide 16. A type of rock music with a very strong beat played very loud on electric guitars.

Key – Heavy metal.



T. What associations do you have with the word “music”? Let’s make a mind map.

(предполагаемый вариант)




Harmony сomposer

Rhythm musician

Melody orchestra

Instrument sound

singer choir voice talent genre


2. Main part. Introducing and practicing the new vocabulary

T. To speak about music and its role in our life we need to learn some new vocabulary.

Passionate - страстная

Romantic – романтичная

Melancholic – меланхоличная

Soothing – успокоение

Divine – божественная

Inspiration – вдохновение

Spiritual – духовная

Enchant – очаровывать

Relief – облегчать

Charming – прелестный

Practise new words

T. Translate for English the following phrases.

Страстное пение, 2) духовные ценности современного мира, 3) божественное вдохновение, 4) романтичная песня, 5) облегчать страдания, 6) прелестный голос, 7) меланхоличная мелодия, 8) очаровывать звуками флейты, 9) приносить успокоение

Listen to the pieces of music and characterise them using the following phrases.

This is a deeply spiritual piece of music

This is an extremely passionate performance of a song

This singer has an absolutely charming voice

This is a divine instrument giving a lot of soothing

This romantic melody makes me relieved

(Учащиеся слушают 5 музыкальных отрывков и подбирают к ним соответстующую фразу)

T. So, what emotions arise in your soul when you are listening to music?

Sts. They are different (energetic, frightened, resolved, cheerful, anxious, excited, joyful, depressed, lonely, peaceful, mad, astonished, furious) and depend on type of music, on its mood, its performance and many other factors.

T. I agree with you. Do all people perceive the same music in the same way? Does the perception depend on the personality? His or her age, education, profession? Let’s try to guess whom of the following characters these words belong.

You are going to read a text about musical preferences, skim it and match the paragraphs A-E with persons 1-6; one person is extra.



1. Ashley, 38, housewife 2. Tony, 49, composer



3. Lucy, 13, teenager 4. Bobby, 8, schoolboy


5. Nathan, 21, student of Technical University 6. Lionel, 42, Professor of Art




Music, like the other fine arts, is what feeds the soul and touches the body, moving it.  Anyone who has grown up with a musically talented parent knows the tremendous part that music plays in one's memory.  My mom, a famous violinist in our city, was my first teacher of music. Due to her efforts I learnt not only to play both the violin and the piano, but to understand the laws of harmony and beauty, which helped me in my profession. Colours of paints used in painting are like the sounds of music conveying the main idea of any piece of art.

I believe, that without tender songs sung to a baby in the very childhood, he (or she) can’t be grown properly, children can’t develop kindness and generosity in their hearts without a soft lullaby. I can't imagine a more powerful tool for growth and development in children.  As a parent, I think music is an essential element in a child's life…. Music is very important in my life as well, because it helps me feel relaxed. I am a person who is often stressed and busy with multiplied things about household. Music helps me relieve the stress and relaxes me. When I listen to music, I tend to not worry about other things on my mind. That's why music is important to me.

Music is not as important in my life as in the lives of many people in my family. For example, my big brother and his wife are so keen on music, that they spend a lot of time to play in a marching band. My relationship with music is much more casual. I just listen to various kinds of popular music when I'm studying. Sometimes I listen to classical music and it helps me keep down my stress and anxiety. It makes me feel thankful for the opportunity in life to be able to study. I occasionally listened to "classical" stuff like "New World" by Dvorzhak. But I do not really understand it. I am just a casual listener who enjoys music but does not really understand it at any kind of a deep level.


What would life be like without music?  Terribly cold and silent, indeed. Boring and empty! Music allows me to become a different person and see things from their point of view, a heartbroken lover, a determined person, an angry revengeful person, etc…I am mad about heavy metal. For those of you who think that heavy metal consists of the singer screaming as loud as they can, the guitarist playing the guitar as fast as they can, and the drummer banging on the drums as loud as they can, just try to think: would it REALLY be that popular if it was just as simple as that? Try listening to any heavy metal song. You'll be pleasantly surprised, I promise you. The lyrics have a much deeper meaning than almost any other genre of music!


Music is a source of energy and gayety! Imagine an exciting action scene in a film with explosions and fighting and without any sound of music in the background! Sounds silly. Dancing without music? Not that great for me. Birthday parties, computer games without music? Not at all. I study while listening to music because it helps me make studying a little more enjoyable. By having that small extra enjoyment I am able to study longer. And of course I adore humming melodies from my favourite cartoons!


Keys: 1 - B; 3 – D; 4 – E; 5 – C; 6 – A.

3.Conclusion, reflection.

T. In conclusion I’d like you to work on the outstanding song of legendary group “Deep purple”. It is called “Soldier of fortune”. Listen to it and fill the gaps.


Soldier of fortune

I have often told you……… (stories)

About the way,

I lived the………. (life) of a drifter

Waiting for the…….. (day).

When I'd take your ……….(hand) and sing you songs

Then maybe you would …………(say)

Come, lay with me, ………..(love) me

And I would surely ………….(stay)

But I feel I'm growing ………(older)

And the songs that I have …………(sung)

Echo in the …………..(distance)

Like the …………… (sound) of a windmill going round

I guess I'll always be

A ……………(soldier) of fortune

Many times I've been a …………….(traveller)

I looked for something …………(new)

In days of old, when nights were………… (cold)

I wandered about ……………(you)

But those days I thought my ……………(eyes)

Had seen you standing ……….(near)

Though blindness is………… (confusing)

It shows that you're not …………(here)

T. I hope you enjoyed today lesson. What new have you learnt?

Students’ answers.

T. Would you like to become a pop or rock star? What would be your songs about?

You worked great today and your marks are….

Your home assignment is to describe the song “Soldier of fortune” in a mini-essay.


Have a nice day, see you tomorrow!


А. M. Несвiт. Англiйська мова: пiдручн. для 8 кл. – К.: Генеза, 2008

English № 7-8 2014 год. Учебно-методический журнал. Издательский дом Первое сентября.





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