12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовал
Вакина Людмила Юрьевна50
Россия, Нижегородская обл., Саров

На доске фото самолета с названием темы урока. «On a board». Звенит звонок, пассажиры заходят.

Когда объявляется посадка на борт ,пассажиры занимают свои места.

Аудиозапись 1 Pre-boarding Announcement

Good afternoon passengers. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 89B to Rome. We are now inviting those passengers with small children, and any passengers requiring special assistance, to begin boarding at this time. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately ten minutes time. Thank you.




Ladies and gentlemen welcome on board flight with service from Moscow toBarcelona. We ask you that you please fasten your seatbelts, your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take off. Please turn off all personal electronic devices including laptops and celli phones.



Идет запись , идет инструктаж

Аудиозапись 2

Your safety and comfort is our top priority. Please direct your attention to the safety features of our aircraft.

Our aircraft has 10 emergency exists. Each exist is marked with an illuminated sigh. Exits located at the front and the rear of the aircraft. Exits marked with illuminated display.

Your life vest is located in the central armrest or under your seat. Adjust the strap around your waist fasten it at the front under the vest. And tighten the strap.

In the event of cabin decompression oxygen masks will automatically drop down from the overhead panels. Put the masks towards you. Place the masks over your nose and mouth and secure it. If you are travelling with a child put on your own mask first and then attend to your child.

Just before leaving the aircraft inflate the life vest by pulling down the red tags. You can blow the vest up using the tubes. The signal lamp turns on automatically in water.

To fasten your seat belt insert the metal tip into the buckle tighten the strap. We recommend you to keep your seat belt fastened during the whole flight.




How many passengers do we have on a board?

Let’s check.

Miss Vorobyova from Brazil

Miss Zhiganova from India

Miss Polshkova from Tokyo

Mister Demin from the UK-topic

Mister Olovany from the USA- topic

Mister Grishin from Ukraine

Mister Medvevdev from Russia

Mister Poshin from Canada -topic

Miss Kozlova from Egypt

Mister Pahomov from Scotland

Mister Kopytyn from New Zealand-topic

Miss Korshunova from Australia-topic

Miss Savateeva from Spain-topic



























Please look at the blackboard. I’ll recommend you to watch and learn new words

(Look and listen new vocabulary words.)

Смотрят вокабуляр по теме “At the airport

После просмотра пассажирам предлагается закрепить данные выражения в следующем задании.

So,i have some questions .

I”ll show you a word and you must find the meaning.


The next task




Everybody likes watching films, you’ll have such opportunity. Now you are going to watch extract from one of the most famous films 2016 «Sully» please watch and listen.

(Работа по отрывку из ролика.)

Просматривают два раза

Cactus 1549

-Runway four cleared fot take off

-cactus 1549 cleared for take off

-Mayday, cactus 1549

We’ve lost both engines.

-both engines

No relight on one or two cactus 1549

-if we can get it for you do you wanna try to land runway 1-3?

-departure control we can make it

-we are turning back towards La Guardia

- La Guardia Tower, Cactus 1549 trying to make 1-3

-Sully, we’re too low

We’re too low

Sully, Lorry, I love you






Узнаем у пассажиров о их самочувствии во время полета. Проходим по рядам с Соней и спрашиваем Is everything all right?


Диалог между Соней и Артемом.


































Maybe it’s time for warming up?





So, if you like our service don’t forget to put the mark.







Good afternoon passengers, this is your captain speaking. I’d like to welcome everyone on flight 7755. The time is 1;30 the weather looks good. We are currently cruising at an altitude of 33,000 feet at airspread of 400 miles per hour. The time flight is about four hours. Wish you good flight.


























Sonya: fifteen passengers















The history of Spain is one of the most fascinating in the world. Many different groups of people have settled in Spain throughout history, including Iberians, Greeks, Romans, Celts, Basques, and the Moors (Muslims who came from North Africa).

fSpain is a beautiful and diverse country located in the southwest of Europe. It shares the Iberian Peninsula with Portugal, Gibraltar and Andorra. One of the better known cities is Madrid, capital city of Spain.

Barcelona is probably one of the favourite destinations for tourists, a worldwide known city whose name recalls the awesome art of the architect Gaudi, 

A common expression in Spain, Ojalá (o-ha-LAH), meaning “I hope that” or “So it may come to pass,” derives from the Muslim war cry Wa Allah. Many Spanish cities (such as those that begin with “al”) have Arabic origins, such as Almeria, Albarracin, and Alicante.f

You are not allowed to visit Spain without experiencing the famous paella! It’s like visiting Paris without seeing the Tour Eiffel, or like ordering an American coffee in Italy.

Paella is a traditional rice dish originating in Valencia. In Spain, there are three common types of paella: Paella Valenciana (white rice, vegetables, chicken, duck and rabbit meat, land snails, beans, and spices), Seafood Paella (rice, seafood, and

seasoning) and Paella Mixta, which is actually a free-style mixture usually made of rice, chicken, seafood (including clams), vegetables, olive oil, saffron, and other spices.





















































Диалог между соней и Артемом


 Excuse me. Is it possible to have another blanket, please? I am a little cold.

- Sure. Would you like just one or two?

- One will be enough I think.

- OK. I’ll be right back with your blanket. Would you like anything else?

- Yes. Can I get something to drink too?

- Sure. We should avoid dehydration during these long flights. What would you like to drink?

- I’d like some orange juice, please. And no ice in it, of course.

- Oh yes. I’ll bring it to you in a minute. By the way you can unfasten your seat belts. It is safe to do so now. And why did you put this bag under your seat? I think it is very uncomfortable for you. You should put it on the shelf above your seat, into the locker.

- OK, thanks. I will do that. Could you tell me how long it’ll take to reach Thailand?

- Well, you know it’s a long journey. We still have 6 more hours before landing.

- Will there be any food before we land?

- Sure. We’ll serve another meal in 3 hours. But if you are hungry I can bring you a little snack if you want.

- Yes, that would be great.

- No problem. … Here you are, sir. And here is an arrival card for the immigration service. Please, fill in this form using black ink before we land.

- Thank you. But I need a black pen. Could you lend me one?

- One moment, please. Another flight attendant will be bringing pens around shortly.

- Thanks a lot.

- Enjoy your flight.





Go bananas








Опубликовано в группе «УРОК.РФ: группа для участников конкурсов»

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