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Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Фисенко Наталья Юрьевна18

Государственное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

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Открытый урок на тему «I was decorating the Christmas tree for two hours»

Английский язык

5 класс

Подготовила и провела учитель английского языка

Фисенко Наталья Юрьевна

Тема: I was decorating the Christmas tree for two hours

Цель: Создание условий для деятельности учащихся, направленной на достижение ими:

1. Предметных результатов:

-активизация лексического материала по теме «Holidays»;

- активизацияграмматическихнавыков: Present Progressive, Past Progressive;

- развитие монологической речи учащихся;

- развитие навыков чтения;

- совершенствование навыков перевода.

2. Метапредметных результатов:

-освоение способов деятельности (познавательной, информационно-коммуникативной, рефлексивной).

3. Личностных результатов:

- использование полученной информации в своей жизни.


Регулятивные: 1) самостоятельно ставить цели, планировать пути их достижения, умение выбирать наиболее эффективные способы решения учебных и познавательных задач; 2) корректировать свои действия в соответствии с изменяющейся ситуацией.

Познавательные: 1) пользоваться логическими действиями сравнения, анализа, обобщения, классификации по разным признакам; 2) работать с текстовыми материалами; 3) выделять, обобщать и фиксировать нужную информацию.

Коммуникативные: 1) готовность и способность осуществлять общение и вести диалог на английском языке; 2) уметь аргументировать свою точку зрения.

Личностные: 1) проявлять уважительное отношение к партнёрам, внимание к личности другого; взаимопомощь, толерантное отношение друг к другу.

Оснащение: ноутбук, проектор, интерактивная доска, ноутбуки учащихся.

Ход урока

Teacher: Good morning. Nice to see you. Say “Hello” to each other. Turn to each other and smile to each other.

Look at the slide, please. Match the pictures to the names of the holidays. (сопоставляют картинки)

Can you guess what we’ll speak about during our lesson?

We shall speak about the holidays.

Right. What holidays are we going to celebrate soon?

New Year, Christmas

Mind. You’ve got a sheet of paper where you should put your marks yourselves. So, put your mark for the first task.

So, please, open your books on page 79 and read the name of our lesson.

Lesson 2. I was decorating the Christmas tree for two hours.

The Douglas family like to celebrate holidays. Please, read what Clare is telling us about it.

It’s two o’clock now. My parents are watching the Queen’s traditional Christmas message to people in Britain on TV.

Last year at about 2 pm we were not watching the TV because it didn’t work. We were listening to the message on the radio. And I was playing with my Christmas presents all day long.

What are people in Clare’s family doing now?

They are watching the Queen’s traditional Christmas message to people in Britain on TV.

What were they doing last year at 2 pm?

They were listening to the message on the radio.

What verb forms does Clare use when she talks about actions in progress in the present and in the past?


Is + Verb with ing



Were + Verb with ing

Read the rule on page 79 and say.

The Present Progressive and the Past Progressive Tenses

Когда мы описываем действие, происходящее в определённый момент или в течение определённого периода

в настоящем (at the moment, now)

в прошлом (at 5 o’clock yesterday, all day long, the whole evening, for two hours, from 5 till 6)

мы используем:

Present Progressive – I am playing the game now. – Я играю в игру сейчас.

Past Progressive – I was playing the game all day long yesterday. Я играл в игру весь день вчера.

Итак. Давайте обратимся к алгоритму действий изучения времён в английском языке.

Название времени

Употребляется ….

Образуется …..

Сигнальные слова…

Дальше я подвожу итог всего выше сказанного

The Past Continuous is usually used when you want to emphasize the continuity of the action.

My mum was cooking traditional food when I came home.

The Past Continuous is also used to express what was happening at a precise moment in the past.

Jay and I were lighting fireworks at 7.30 yesterday evening.

The Past Continuous Form:

be + verb + ing

I was

You were

He was

She was watching TV at 5 o’clock yesterday.

We were

You were

They were

Now I’d like you choose the words which show us that we should use Past Progressive here.

at 5 o’clock yesterday, at the moment, now, all day long,

the whole evening, for two hours, from 5 till 6, since, just, always

Excellent. I’m sure you understood The Past Continuous grammar correctly.

Now it’s time to train your brain.

You’ll see two time’s boxes. Read the sentences and match them to the correct box

We are decorating the house now.

Look. The children are lighting fireworks.

Pete was playing computer games for two hours.

Jim was hanging stockings on his bed at 5.30 yesterday evening.

Jim and Celia are watching the rose show at the moment.

His mother was colouring the eggs from 5 till 6 yesterday evening.

Present Progressive

Past Progressive

Чтение полученного письма, выполнение интерактивного задания.

Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the correct form.

Just now we`ve received a very interesting letter from our English-speaking pen friend, Ben. Let`s read it!

I’m very busy now preparing for Christmas. Last year we had a great party. My parents and I were preparing for it the whole day. In the evening we were watching the Queen’s traditional Christmas message to people in Britain on TV….

What is your favourite holiday? How do you prepare for it? How do you celebrate it?...

Let’s write an answer to his letter.



December, 22

Dear Ben,

Thanks for your letter.

You ask me about my favourite holiday. Well, I like New Year’s Day most of all. Last year we were preparing for it the whole day. Mum was cooking goose and salad Olivier. Dad was decorating the house and the New Year’s tree. My sister and I were cleaning the house. Our grandmother was wrapping presents. In the evening we were having a party with our friends and relatives.

What is your number one holiday? Do you like to celebrate holidays? What are your traditional holiday dishes?

I hope to hear from you soon.

All the best,


Задание выбирают по степени сложности сами дети.

The tasks for this exercise are different.

You can choose the task which you think you’ll manage to fulfill. You’ve got 5 minutes. For each right answer of the first task you’ll get 1 token. For the second task you’ll get 2 tokens.

The task for the first group is to put missing words in the gaps. Remember that there is one extra word.

were decorating, was sweeping , was wrapping, was decorating, were preparing , were hanging, was cleaning

What were all people in Douglas family doing last Christmas Eve at about 6 pm?

The grandfather _______________the Christmas tree with lights.

Clare and Jay _____________ greetings cards on the walls and stockings on the bed.

Mum and Dad ________a lot of food.

The grandmother _______________ presents.

The children _____________ the house for Christmas.

The task for the second group. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the correct form.

What were all people in Douglas family doing last Christmas Eve at about 6 pm?

The grandfather __________ (to decorate) the Christmas tree with lights.

Clare and Jay ______ (to hang) greetings cards on the walls and stockings on the bed.

Mum and Dad _______ (to prepare) a lot of food.

The grandmother ________ (to wrap) presents.

The children __________ (to decorate) the house for Christmas.

The right variant is on the slide.

Now count your scores and tell me how many scores you have got.

I think, it was useful and interesting. All of this material you can use on our next lesson for making your own project about your house.(Я думаю, он был полезным и интересным.Весь этот материал вы можете использовать на нашем следующем уроке для работы над проектом о своём доме).

All of you worked well. Now,count your scores, that you’ve gained during the lesson. How many scores have you got?

Your marks are…

Thanks everybody.

Учительанглийскогоязыка: ФисенкоН.Ю.


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