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Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Гербач Елена Михайловна72
Россия, Пензенская обл., Пенза

Конспект урока по теме

«Family problems. Let’s build a bridge»

9 класс

Цели урока:

Учебный аспект:

активизация ранее изученных ЛЕ по теме «Друзья и дружба. Семейные проблемы»

тренировка учащихся в употреблении новых лексических единиц по теме;

развитие умений:

  • вести диалог-расспрос с опорой на образец (уметь запросить нужную информацию, ответить на вопрос, дать совет);

    высказывать свое мнение и обосновывать его;

совершенствование умений поискового чтения (на примере текстов-писем в молодежный журнал «Shout»);

Развивающий аспект:

развитие способности логически правильно и грамотно излагать свои мысли по теме;

развитие у учащихся способности анализировать предъявленный материал, выражать свое мнение;

развитие творческих и музыкальных способностей учащихся и их эстетического вкуса;

Воспитательный аспект:

воспитание познавательного интереса учащихся;

Познавательный аспект:

знакомство с социальными проблемами в подростковой среде в странах изучаемого языка;

Лексический материал: лексика по теме “Family problems”, ЛЕ к отрывку из художественного фильма «Ice Princess», активная лексика рубрики «Giving advice».

Оборудование: раздаточный материал для учащихся (тексты-письма по теме «Family problems» из молодежного британского журнала «Shout», кластер, схема «Fishbone») компьютерная презентация по теме, DVD диск с художественным фильмом «Ice Princess»

Ход урока

Начало урока. Приветствие.

- Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you! How are you today? I am glad that you are fine.

II. Основная часть урока

  • Вызов (приемы: антиципация, кластер)

- Look at my presentation and say what the theme of our lesson is? How did you guess?

- You are right. Today we will speak about young people and the problems which worry them very much.

Many people think that being a teenager is great and exciting. But there are those who consider it is not easy to be young.

- What problems do you associate with young people? Let’s write your thoughts in the form of a cluster. Work in pairs. Fill in the cluster, you’ll have one 1-2 minutes. Let’s discuss your ideas.


- Now, let’s see if your ideas are correct. Listen to your classmate and say what other problems the girl speaks about. (учащимся предлагается послушать индивидуальное выступление ученицы)

- What other problems were mentioned in the story? Name them. (учащиеся называют свои варианты)

-In the cluster the phrase “family problems” is underlined. Do you know why?

- The problem of family conflicts exists and makes unhappy a lot of teens throughout the world. Some of them get upset or depressed when they can’t solve their problems.

3. Информативное чтение в формате технологии критического мышления (заполнение схемы «Fishbone

Look at my presentation. What can you tell us about these teens in the photos? Are they happy or not? What problems might they have? Speak about the photos. (предположения детей)

- In fact, they don’t get on well with their families and they have written the letters to the youth magazine “Shout”. A part of a newspaper, esp. tabloid, or a magazine containing letters from readers about their personal problems together with advice from the newspaper or magazine is called – Agony column.

- Read the letters and fill in your “Fishbone” schemes. Find the reasons of the conflict and the facts that can prove your point of view. (учащиеся заполняют схему)

- Let’s speak about Sasha.

What is the reason for the conflict?

What facts can you give to prove it?

What is the other reason?

Can you give any facts?

(Then children present their schemes and comment them)

- What can such relations lead to? Yes. That’s right! They can lead to a/data/files/t1477946357.docx (Приложение 1)/data/files/v1477946376.docx (Приложение 2)


4. Работа с отрывком из видеофильма «Ice Princess»

Now I invite you to watch the next part of the film “Ice Princess”. Watch it and analyse the reasons for the conflicts between Gen and Tina, Cacey and her mother. My questions will help you.

What problems does Gen have?

What does the girl really feel about skating?

What was the result of Harvard entrance interview?

Before watching the film ler’s work with the new words. Read the word combinations and match them with their Russian equivalents.



to stop feeling like an idiot for flunking Maths

to stop missing school

We won’t reschedule.

to give up the dream

to be passionate about Harvard

passion makes people do exceptional things

страсть заставляет людей делать исключительные вещи;


отказываться от мечты;

Второго шанса у вас не будет;

страстно хотеть попасть учиться в Гарвард;

перестать чувствовать себя идиоткой, получая плохие отметки по математике;

прекратить пропускать занятия в школе


Who do you feel a sympathy with in this part of the film? Why?

Casey b) Gen c) Joan Carlyle d) Tina

(Просмотр отрывка из видеофильма «Ice Princess» продолжительностью 6 мин., часть 4)

- Let’s discuss our questions.

5. Работа с текстовым материалом из журнала «Shout»

- When we write a letter about our problems to a magazine, we want to get a piece of advice from a journalist, psychologist or readers of the magazine.

- Read the version of advice given to one of the teenagers by the journalist who writes an agony column and answer the questions below:

Which letter from the three above does it answer?

What title would you choose for the letter? (My girlfriend, Life’s ruined, Tastes differ)

What expressions of advice can you pick out in the letter?

6. Развитие умений диалогической речи (диалог-совет)

Imagine the situation that Sasha, Kelly or Gen has a talk to you about her family problems. Follow the scheme of the dialogue and act out it. The phrases in the boxes can help you.

Language of advice

Have you ever thought of..?

If you want my advice…

I think you should (must)…

My advice would be to…

You’d better (do) …

Whatever you do, never…


You must talk to your mom and make her see that you are growing up;

Choose a quiet time to discuss your problem and explain ….

If I were in your place, I’d …

It is usually a good idea to…

My advice is to….

My recommendation is/would be …

In this situation I always recommend …

You have no choice but to…

Your only option is to…

is worth a try

A wise man once said ...

As the proverb says, ...

The sooner you …. the better.

- What is necessary to avoid misunderstanding? (mutual love)

7. Подведение итогов:

Students come to a conclusion: “A difficult child is a child who is unhappy”. To be happy means to be loved, to be heard, to be treated as equal.

The main idea of the lesson:

Love each other and everything will be OK. All problems will be overcome and all the gentle words will be found and this cruel world will turn to you with a kind smile. Your mother’s smile, your father’s smile, your smile… It’s good when you can feel a strong shoulder of your friends or your parents like it is sung in a beautiful song “You raise me up”. I invite you to sing it together with me.

13. Homework: Write a letter about your problems to an agony column on the site.



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