12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
Пользовательское соглашение     Контактная и правовая информация
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Материал опубликовал
Подопригора Инна Юрьевна29

Дата: 26.11.2019

Класс: 7 класс

Тема: Программа телевизионных передач в Британии. Past Continuous Tense.

Цели: развитие речевых навыков (говорения, аудирования, чтения и письма);

употребление грамматических конструкций Past Continuous Tense;

развитие и воспитания у учащихся понимания важности изучения иностранного языка в современном мире;

развитие толерантного отношения к проявлениям иной культуры.

Задачи: повторить изученную ранее лексику и грамматику (Past Continuous Tense) по теме “Телевидение” в нестандартной ситуации;

применять способ взаимодействия учащихся при работе над учебным продуктом;

развивать коммуникативную компетенцию, навыки чтения, письма, аудирования;

развивать внимание и память, быстроту реакции в процессе работы на уроке при выполнении заданий;

- воспитывать культуру поведения и взаимодействия на уроке во время выполнения заданий;

- развивать осознанное определение сферы своих интересов и возможностей;

- формировать навыки по решению общих задач в коллективе с учетом ролевого поведения каждого учащегося.

Тип урока: комбинированное практическое занятие.

Ход урока

I Орг.момент (Приветствие) 1 минута

II Лексическая зарядка (лексические загадки) 2 минуты

The events that happen in the world and shown by TV? (international news)

The description of weather changes shown by TV? (weather report)

The film where we can watch real scientific events? (documentary film)

The program where we can see different styles of clothes and its presentation? (fashion)

Different stories about actors, musicians, showmen (celebrity gossips)

Very important amazing news? (breaking news)

Хоровая работа (Ученики повторяют все определения ТВ – программы)

III Подведение к теме урока 1 минута

By the way, what TV programs do you like to watch?

(Опрос учащихся, наводящие вопросы)

IV Объявление темы урока

V Проверка домашнего задания (5 минут)

Last lesson I asked you to prepare some information and reports for TV programs.

Have you done for today?

Ok, let`s check.

Подростки из Великобритании в выходной день смотрят телевизор и переключают программы.

1 переключение: Экстренный выпуск новостей!


Good afternoon!

In breaking news,

A woman from Vancouver, Canada, came from work one day and saw a two-year-old brown bear in the kitchen. He was eating porridge, so she quickly went into the next room and called for help. Eventually, the baby bear finished his meal and ran off into the forest. Luckily there was no sign of a daddy or mummy bear!

Thank you very much for your attention!

The reporter of Britain TV-7


2 переключение: Выпуск спортивных новостей


Hello everybody!

I have got an amazing news!

Lionel Messi scored an injury-time penalty as Argentina rescued a draw in their friendly with South American rivals Uruguay in Tel Aviv.

Messi's Barcelona team-mate Luis Suarez had given Uruguay a second-half lead from a free-kick before Martin Caceres handled in the area.

Messi was in the mood from the outset as he rode four challenges in the first half before retaining possession and picking himself off the floor to spin the nearest defender and play the ball wide.

Thanks for your attention!

Pupil: Its boring, maybe something else!

Pupil: Lets look the next channel!

3 переключение: (ток-шоу «Учитель или интернет – помощь для Британских подростков?)



My name is ….. and now you can see your favorite chat show “Teacher or Internet – the helping hand of British teenagers”

VI Работа по теме урока

Дискуссия (7 минут)

Учитель: Now we have opportunity to take part in chat show with …..!

I need a teacher of English, Internet Expert, and three guests – teenagers!

Who wants to be a teacher and Internet Expert?

Учитель приглашает учащихся поучаствовать в ток-шоу.

Lets start!


There is a famous teacher of English, Mr…… and the Internet expert, ……. Besides, there are three teenagers.

Some of them think that Internet can help in any situation. But the others are sure that the teacher is a main source of knowledge.

Let`s listen to our Internet assistant.

Pupil: Hello!

Well… Internet is the main source of information. All teenagers and adults can` t live a day without Internet. You can scan the text and get its translation, you can practice grammar without a teacher.

Teacher: Sorry, but I can`t agree with you. There is so much information in Internet that children can`t understand what is more important!

Pupil: Wait a minute! In Internet there is a special function – the Voice Search! So, children can say their question and they will get the exact answer. (демонстрирует на своем телефоне, голосовым поиском задает время Past Continuous).

Teacher: Ok! Let`s imagine the situation! The light was switched off and there is no Internet connection and wi-fi, so the children can`t make anything. But if the children listened to the teacher attentively at school, they would surely know how to do homework without Internet!

Pupil: So we have different opinions. Let`s ask our teenagers! what do you think about this question?

Guest Pupil: Hello everybody! I study at 7 Grade well. I always do my homework and use Internet for reports by different subjects. Its saves my time. I think that Internet helps me!

Pupil: what is your opinion?

Guest Pupil: I always listen to my teachers. I use Internet for playing computer games and watching films, listening to music.

Pupil: what can you tell us about Internet or Teacher?

Pupil: I can`t live without Internet! I can find any information in Internet. There are so many web-sites and interesting Internet channels for teenagers. I choose Internet.

Звонок в студию (телефонный звонок)

Pupil: Oh, we have online telephone calling and let`s listen to our spectacular!

Зритель Teacher: Hello! My name is Margarita. I am sixteen years old. I think that the leading role plays a Teacher, but you can use Internet as additional help. You can find some facts and get a good mark. So don’t mix these two things.


Ок! Let`s try to have an English lesson at our chat show with our famous teacher!

Объяснение грамматического материала (7 минут)

Teacher: Hello dear!

Today we are going to practice our grammar without Internet and our topic is Past Continuous Tense.

So let`s start, switch off your mobiles!

Past Continuous Tense is the action in the past that took place at a definite moment.

For example: вчера вы делали уроки в 5 часов вечера, то есть действие происходило именно в 5 часов вчера, в определенный момент. Конечно, это Past Continuous!

We form the Past Continuous Tense by means of was/ were and the verb with the ending ING.

Was – for She, he, it!

Were for plurals!

Teacher: Вопросы к ученикам! (2 минуты)

Were you watching pop concert at 4 o`clock yesterday?

Yes, I was. I was watching pop concert at 4 o`clock yesterday.

Were you watching interview with Brad Pitt at 5 o`clock yesterday?

Were you watching fashion at 6 o`clock yesterday?

Were you watching documentary film at 7 o`clock last Sunday?

Were you watching sport news at 3 o`clock yesterday?

Закрепление грамматического материала: (4 минуты)

Teacher: Open your books on page 37, Exercise 6

Упр. 6 стр. 37 письменно (Ученики выполняют письменно в тетрадях упражнение)

Взаимопроверка (слайд на экране) (1 минута)

Ученики проверяют упражнение (оценивание)

Pupil – Internet Expert:

So, you can see that Internet is very popular among teenagers. But I agree that nobody can`t change the Teacher. I wish you success in your job!

Teacher: Thank you so much! I was glad to help you!


Thank you very much our teacher and our guests!

VII Физкультминутка (3 минуты)

Pupil: Ok, and now we`ll have a Music break.

VIII Продолжение работы по теме урока

Вы любите новости? Все перемешалось? Давайте объединимся в группу и соберем пазлы, из которых Вы соберете интересные истории!

Ученики объединяются в 3 группы, собирают пазлы и определяют рассказчика

( 5 минут на пазлы)

IX Домашнее задание: Упр.7 (диалог) специальные вопросы стр.37 (2 минуты)

X Подведение итогов урока (3 минуты)

Teacher: And now we offer to look our weather report!

Pupil: Good-afternoon!

In the mornings was cloudy and raining because we couldn`t understand where we should use WAS and WERE in Past Continuous!

Pupil: In the afternoon it`s shining, because we understood that we use WAS for I, You, She, He, It and WERE for We, They!

Pupil: We expect warm and dry weather at School number Thirty-six, because we know that Past Continuous forms by means was and were and we add the ending ING to the verb!

Рефлексия: градусник

Ребята, а Вы знаете какая температура на улице? Сейчас я Вам раздам градусники, и вы отметите на них температуру.

Если урок был продуктивным, вам было все понятно, и урок понравился, поставьте отметку выше нуля. Если у Вас были затруднения, и Вы не поняли грамматический материал или лексический, поставьте отметку ниже нуля. (2 минуты)


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