National Dishes

Учитель: Бельская С.А. , МБОУ г. Керчь, РК. СШ№ 1 им. В. Дубинина

Тема: Еда. Питание. Национальная кухня

Цель и задачи - организовать деятельность учащихся, направленную на совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Национальная кухня», развитие речевых умений по теме «Еда», ознакомление с новой лексикой по теме, повторение ранее изученных грамматических конструкций.

Образовательная: формирование фонетических, лексических и грамматических навыков; введение и активизация новой лексики по теме; совершенствование употребления предлогов.

Развивающая: развивать навыки говорения, речемыслительные и познавательные способности, логическое мышление, память, внимание, творческое воображение, языковую догадку.

Воспитательная: толерантно выражать и отстаивать свою точку зрения, поддерживать интерес к изучению английского языка, воспитывать культуру общения, уважения к другим народам, развивать умения работать в коллективе

Тип урока : комбинированный

Оборудование: учебник Starlight 5 класс, интерактивная доска, ноутбук, электронная презентация в программе “Power Point”, аудио аппаратура, раздаточный материал, фломастеры, элементы костюмов для драматизации

Ход урок:

I. Организационный момент

2. Постановка цели урока


T. Today we are going to speak about tradi­tional food and about national dishes.

The history of the national cuisine is long. It is rich and varied.


3. Подготовка к активной учебной деятельности каждого ученика на основном этапе урока постановка учебной задачи актуализация знаний


T. People have different food habits and customs. Some people don't eat much sugar or don't drink coffee or tea. Some people eat spicy, hot food, vegetarians don't eat meat. But I know all people should start their day with morning gymnastics. So we shall begin our lesson with gymnastics for our tongues.


All I want is a proper cup of coffee

Made in a proper copper coffee pot;

I may be off my dot,

But I want a cup of coffee

From a proper coffee pot.

Iron coffee pots and tin coffee pots,

They are no use to me

If I can't have a proper cup of coffee

From a proper copper coffee pot,

I'll have a cup of tea.

4 . Сообщение нового материала первичное восприятие и усвоение нового материала

GROUP WORK Working with proverbs

T: So let’s go on our food training. It will be more exiting to compete in the proverb race. There are many proverbs concerning food. Your task will be to make these proverbs about food complete. We should have two teams: Team#1 - “KitchenMag” and Team #2 -“So Yummy”. Who will be the captains?

The first captain- “Chief Cook” and the second captain-“Head of the Kitchen”

Present your members. What are they good at?

Use words from lesson vocabulary: peel, cut, mix, boil, serve, chop, add, simmer

ST.1-I am good at peeling…

St.2- I am good at cutting and slicing…

St.3- I am good at mixing…

(The class is divided into groups of three or four. The stripes with proverbs are cut in two halves. The winners are the first to complete all the proverbs given.)

  1.  Every cook praises...
  2.  Dry bread at home is better...
  3. Too many cooks...
  4. Out of the frying pan...
  5. Don't put all your eggs...
  6. The proof of the pudding is...
  7. His bread...
  8. There is no use crying...
  9. Half a loaf is...
  10. The pot is calling...
  11. The fat is...
  12. To lengthen your life,...
 a.  Over the spilt milk.
 b. into the fire.
 c. the kettle black.
 d. his own broth.
 e. lessen your meals.
 f. than roast meat abroad.
 g.  in the fire.
 h. is buttered on both sides,
 i.  into one basket,
 j . better than none,
 k.  spoil the broth (soup).
 l.  in eating.



Keys: 1-d, 2-f, 3-k, 4-b, 5-i, 6-1, 7-h, 8-a, 9-j, 10-c, 11-g, 12-e.

6. Применение теоретических положений в условиях выполнения упражнений и решения задач

Funny listening

Gap filling

Song - Yummy, Yummy, Yummy Baccara

Yummy, Yummy, Yummy 
Yummy, yummy, yummy, I got love in my -----------
And I feel like a loving you
Love, you're such a -----------thing, good enough to --------thing
And that's just a what I'm gonna do

Ooh love to ------you, ooh love to ---------you
Ooh love, I love it so
Ooh love, you're---------, sweeter than -------------
Ooh love, I won't let you --------

Yummy, yummy, yummy, I got love in my ----------
And as ----------as it may seem
The loving that you're --------- what keeps me living
And your love is like ---------and ----

Kind a like--------, kind a like --------
Kind a like, like what you do
Kind a sounds funny but love -------------
Honey, I love you

Yummy, yummy, yummy, I got love in my tummy
And I feel like a loving you
Love, you're such a sweet thing, good enough to eat thing
And that's just a what I'm gonna do

Ooh love to hold you, ooh love to kiss you
Ooh love, I love it so
Ooh love, you're sweeter, sweeter than sugar
Ooh love, I won't let you go

Yummy, yummy, yummy, I got love in my tummy
And as silly as it may seem
The loving that you're giving is what keeps me living
And your love is like peaches and cream

Kind a like sugar, kind a like spices
Kind a like, like what you do
Kind a sounds funny but love honey
Honey, I love you

7. Самостоятельное, творческое использование сформированных умений и навыков

5. Reading Text book Starlight 5 form page 78

Read the texts and do the tasks


2) Pancakes

Pancakes are very easy to make. Try our recipe.


One cup of flour

One cup of milk

One large egg

Some salt

Some butter or oil

Lemon juice

Some sugar


Fill one cup with flour and put into a bowl. Fill another cup with milk and pour into the bowl. Crack the egg into the bowl and whisk the flour, milk and egg until the mixture is smooth. Put a very small amount of butter or oil in a pan, and when it is hot, put some mixture in the pan and move the pan to make a thin pancake. After one minute hold the pan carefully and throw or toss the pancake in the air to turn it over. Now cook the pancake on the other side.

When the pancake is ready, squeeze some lemon juice and put some sugar on it and eat it immediately. If you don’t like lemon juice, eat them with jam, chocolate sauce or ice cream. Mmm, delicious!

3. Deruny. Deruny are Potato Pancakes, which are served with hot sour cream. They are prepared from fresh chopped or grated potatoes, onions, eggs and flour. Deruny are one of the most delicious dishes. All you need is a few big potatoes, some kind of grater, salt and some flour. Put a few tablespoons of flour, and salt according to your tastes. You can also add few eggs. Then use a spoon to deposit portions of your mix onto preheated pan, do not forget to use a bit of oil. Deruny are fried on both sides, and served on the plate with sour cream.

4. Holubtsi. You will remember for all your life these cabbage rolls! They are very tasty: filled with meat, rice, sometimes with mushrooms and vegetables, holubtsi with sour cream are perfect for each occasion! This is a very delicious dish. It includes all the ingredients for a healthy meal: meat, rice, vegetables. Place the cabbage into a pot filled to approximately 1/4 with boiling water. Simmer it on low heat. Take out leafs by leaf, one at a time (carefully, they are very hot) when they become soft. Meanwhile make the staffing: take 2 pounds of grinded meat (any meat except chicken). Add 4 tablespoons of precooked rice, 1 light-fried onion and carrot. Add 3 tablespoons of plain bread crumbs. Add parsley, black pepper and salt according to your taste. Add one mashed clove of garlic. Mix it. The mixture (about 1 full tablespoon) goes into a soft boiled cabbage leaf; wrap it in rectangular shape. Put golubtsi into the same pot where leafs were boiled. Pure there 1 can (8 oz.) of tomato sauce, add water until it covers golubtsi and cook them about 1 hour 20 minutes on middle heat. Golubtsi are served hot with sour cream and dark bread

8. Обобщение и систематизация усвоенного материала


Team work

T. There are names of popular dishes below.

Game “Creative cooking” -Your task is to fill in the table faster. Here are the cards with the ingredients of dishes. You will read the list of the ingredients for 1 minute, memorize the words and you are to write them on the blackboard in the appropriate column.

Cards: 1.Cabbage holubtsi (meat stuffed cab­bage rolls)- 1 large cab­bage/ boiled rice/ filling1 /cup tomato juice/1/2 cup sour cream /a little salt and pepper /butter or ba­con fat.

2. Pancakes -One cup of flour/One cup of milk/One large egg/Some salt/Some butter or oil/Lemon juice/ Some sugar

3. Deruny (potatopan-cakes)- 3 large raw potatoes/2 beaten eggs/1 grated onion/2 tablespoons flour /a little salt /few grains pepper.

4. Borsch- cab­bage / potatoes/beetroot/celery/onions/tomato/carrots/garlic/a little salt and pepper.

Filling in the table (2 tables on the blackboard)

Cabbage holubtsi






5. SPEAKING A recipe competition

T. Now imagine that you are participating in a cross-cultural competition for the best recipe of a national dish. Work in groups of three or four. (Students, working in groups, write their recipes down and display the results to the rest of the groupmates.)

9. Домашнее задание -описать свой любимый рецепт

10. Рефлексия деятельности

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