План-конспект урока по теме «Животные»
Цели и задачи урока:
Закрепление лексики по теме: «Animals»
Повторение грамматики (степени сравнения прилагательных, глагола to be в прошедшем времени)
Развитие навыков говорения
Наглядные пособия:
рисунки с изображением животных, игрушки животных, корточки, плакаты с грамматическими заданиями
магнитофон, кассета
План урока: |
Организационный момент: |
а) приветствие: |
- Stand up! Good afternoon. Sit down. |
b) Объявление задач урока: |
Today we shall continue speaking about animals, |
interesting grammar exercises, we shell sing and of course we |
Now let’s begin our lesson. |
с) речевая зарядка |
- What’s the date today? |
- What’s the weather like today ? |
- What season is it now? |
- What’s season do you like best of all? |
- Why do you like winter? |
- Do you know any poems about seasons? |
Беседа по картинкам: |
T - What did these animals do yesterday? |
P - The fox danced yesterday |
P- The bears played hockey yesterday |
II. Проверка домашнего задания.
- Are you ready today?
Let’s check up your home- work.
(Учащиеся должны были нарисовать свое любимое животное и рассказать о нем)
Основная часть урока
1 -е задание - Word – box
There are animal words here. You are to find them and underline.
s |
o |
m |
n |
e |
c |
k |
i |
o |
c |
a |
t |
n |
q |
p |
a |
d |
e |
l |
d |
u |
m |
i |
t |
u |
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o |
n |
k |
a |
b |
n |
d |
o |
g |
o |
t |
b |
c |
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p |
a |
r |
o |
t |
o |
c |
d |
u |
c |
k |
f |
l |
w |
k |
t |
k |
i |
t |
t |
i |
2 задание- Was/Were.
(На доске плакат с корзиной. В корзине грибочки с заданиями)
- Here it is a task for you from donkey «eeare». You are to fill in was or were.
... Your father at home yesterday
My sister.. .not ill last year
Yesterday we... in the shop.
Where... you last month?
- I... at the seaside
When my granny ... young, she ... an actress.
Sam ... the best pupil last year.
My parents ... in London on Christmas eve.
Mike ... seven last summer.
We ... at zoo yesterday 10.Apples ... in the basket
Last summer I ... in village
3 задание - The sun.
Контроль усвоения степени сравнения прилагательных. (На доске рисунок солнца. На лучиках солнца предложения, учащиеся должны найти ошибку и исправить ее).
- Now you are to find the mistakes.
1. The elephant is the bigger animal.
Monkeys are funniest than cats
Pet is gooder than Mike
This book is the baddest
My dollis beautifuler than your
Meat is the good food for lions
Cats neck is short that giraffes
4 задание-кроссворд
- Answer the questions, please
It's the biggest animal
In big zoos animals are in ....
In safari parks there are not cages, there are
How do animals live in Safari park?
It's the funniest animal
What falls, but never rises?
5 задание - Crazy-words
- Look, please. These are crazy words. You are crazy words.
You are to mike them correct, and say what animal is it.
Tegir |
- tiger |
Folw |
- wolf |
Sahemtr |
- hamster |
Eseht |
- sheep |
Isetroot |
- tortoise |
Codiercol |
- erocodile |
6 задание - Memory game
Т.- It's a memory game.
I’ll put the animals in the box.
You are to close your eyes and say
what was / were in the box.
P. - Two pigs were in the box.
One rabbit was in the box.
5 cats were in the box.
3 frogs were in the box.
1 cow was in the box.
1 dog was in the box. T.
- Was a crocodile in the box?
P. - No, it wasn't.
T. - Was a tiger in the box?
P. - No, it wasn‘t.
7 задание - A guessing game.
- You must show us what animal is it and class must guess what animals is it.
III. Заключительная часть урока.
а) Учащиеся рассказывают стихи о животных.
Little rabbit.
Little rabbit come up and eat
Here is a carrot nice and sweet.
I am coming, children, dear
I am coming, I am here.
A mouse.
This is a mouse
She lives in a house
This is a cat
He is very fat
Because he lives in the house
And he likes to eat the mouse.
b) Звучит музыка. Дети поют песню «What can you do?»
Can you hop like a rabbit? Can you jump like a frog?
Can you walk like a duck? Can you fly like a bird?
Can you swim like a fish? And be still a good child?
As still as you wish?
Итог урока, объяснение д/з.
Подсчитываются звездочки, полученные учащимися за правильные ответы, выставляются оценки, объявляется ученик- чемпион.
Д/з. Повторить весь материал по теме «Животные».
Т. - Stand up! The lesson is over.
See you next time, good- bye!