Урок на тему «Feelings and emotions»
Теплова Светлана Борисовна,
Учитель английского языка
МАОУ «Город Дорог»
г.Пермь, Пермский край
Пермь, 2022
Тема урока: «Feelings and emotions»
Класс: 4 (УМК Spotlight 4)
Время: 40 минут
Тип урока: обобщения и систематизации
Цель урока: Систематизировать и обобщить знания учащихся по теме “Чувства и эмоции”, развивать навыки устной речи, использовать необходимые лексические единицы и фразы при высказывании.
Задачи урока:
Воспитательные: создать условия для нравственного совершенствования личности.
Образовательные: создать условия для отработки навыков и умений в чтении, говорении, восприятии речи на слух.
Обучающие: актуализировать знания учащихся и обеспечить возможность применить на практике полученные знания о чувствах и эмоциях.
Развивающие: научить умению логически мыслить, развивать устную речь, закрепить умение наблюдать, сравнивать, сопоставлять, анализировать, оценивать других, выражать личные чувства в разных жизненных ситуациях.
Ключевые слова: happy, sad, angry, bored, scared, tired, hungry, envious, loving
Акценты: На уроке будут обсуждаться чувства и эмоции на основании короткометражного мультфильма «Сила слов» в воспитательном ключе – какие из них являются созидательными, а какие – разрушительными.
Stage |
Stage aims |
Time |
Teacher activity |
Student activity |
Interaction patterns |
Assessment tools |
Lead-in (Greeting, Warm-up, Anticipation) |
- To activate attention; - To anticipate the topic; - To motivate students; - To activate students’ background knowledge; - Developing the skills to work in pairs and respect other opinions; -Developing listening skills – listening to others;
7 min |
- Good afternoon, students. Take your seats, please. I’m glad to see you. What day is it today? What is the weather like today?
Today we will finish talking about feelings and emotions. Let’s revise the words about feelings and emotions. Match the pictures with the words. Work in groups of 4. You can see the answers on the board. Well done!
I want to know how you feel today. Ask your partner about the emotions. Work in pairs. Use the phrases “How are you? I am…” |
- Good afternoon.
Answer the questions
Match the pictures with the words (Appendix #1)
Ask questions - How are you? I am happy today
Teacher Assessment
Peer and Self-assessment |
Developing reading and speaking skills |
5 min |
I want to show you a video about a girl and her emotions. But first let’s work with the frames from the video. Look at the board, please. Pay attention to the details. Answer my questions: (Appendix #2) How old is she? Where does she live? What is the name of the girl? What is the name of her sister? |
Ss look at the frames and answer the questions. She is ten She lives in a town Her name is Rene Her sister’s name is Sunny
T-Ss |
Teacher Assessment |
While-Watching |
Developing reading and writing skills – writing the True or False task |
10 min |
Now we will watch the video. Please, do the True or False exercise while watching. Let’s check your answers: Rene is happy (F) Rene has a lot of prizes (F) Rene is envious (T) Sunny is scared of monster (F) Rene is sorry for her emotions (T) Well done! |
Ss watch the video, read the task and do it individually. Check the answers.
T-Ss |
Teacher Assessment
After-watching |
Developing reading\listening skills |
10 min |
Now let’s fill the gaps in the text about this video. Put the words from the box into the gaps. (Appendix #3) Very well! As you can see, some emotions can be bad and harmful for us, others are good. What are they? Let’s divide them into two groups – positive and negative. |
A volunteer reads his answers to the class, other Ss listen to him and compare the results
Ss divide feelings into two groups + happy, loving, glad - sad, angry, envious |
T-Ss |
Teacher Assessment
Reflection |
- Understanding the results of the lesson - Self-assessment |
8 min |
I hope everyone knows feelings and emotions now. I want you to assess yourself. You have emojis on the desks. (Appendix #4) Show me a happy face, if you have done all the tasks successfully. Show me a neutral face, if you had some mistakes, but you understood everything. Show me a sad face, if you had a lot of mistakes and you need my help. Thank you for the lesson. I hope it was interesting for you. Goodbye. |
Ss summarize the lesson results showing the emojis |
T-Ss |
Self- Assessment
Appendix #1
happy |
angry |
s |
bored |
loving |
envious |
hungry |
tired |
scared |
Appendix #2
Appendix #3
Fill the gaps with the words from the box
sad loving emotions scared sorry monster happy envious
This is the story about the girl and her 1) ________. Her name is Rene. She goes to school and has an elder sister Sunny. Sunny has got a lot of prizes. Rene is not 2) ______ for her sister. She feels 3) ________ because doesn’t win any prizes. She comes home with a 4) ______ face and write bad words in her diary. The words turn into a big black 5) _______. The monster wants to eat Sunny. Rene is 6) _______ of it. She tries to beat it but she can’t. Rene feels 7) _________ for her feelings. She writes good words about her sister in the diary. The monster goes away. Rene becomes a 8) _________ sister.
Keys: 1 - emotions, 2 – happy, 3 – envious, 4 – sad, 5 – monster, 6 – scared, 7 – sorry, 8 – loving
A ppendix #4