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Россия, Коми респ., Сыктывкар

4 класс, 21 неделя, Кузовлев, Unit 7, lesson 1 “What jobs do you like?”

Andy and his classmates voted on the most popular jobs. What are they?

A doctor – доктор

A teacher – учитель

A writer – писатель

A vet (veterinarian) – ветеринар

A singer – певец

A model - модель

An actor/actress – актёр/актриса

A pilot – пилот

A reporter – репортер

A sportsman – спортсмен

A police officer – офицер полиции

A farmer – фермер

Can you guess the top five jobs?

Example: She works in a hospital and helps sick people. I think she is a doctor.

She/he: a) works in a school; b) flies a plane; c) acts in plays and films; d) sings and plays music.

Vote for top five jobs in your class. What are they?

Write down the new words

Nouns – существительные

Adjectives – прилагательные

Verbs – глаголы

A job – работа

A play – пьеса

A film - ?

Popular - ?

Sick – больной

To act – играть

At school, Andy and his friends are talking about their future dream jobs.

Andy: What are you going to be, Daniel? (Кем ты собираешься стать)

Daniel: I am going to be an actor (Я собираюсь стать актером)

Megan: Oh! Emily is going to act in plays and films too!

Daniel: Really? That’s great! And we are going to be famous actors.

Megan: But I am not going to be famous. I’m going to be happy.

Read the rule.

Как рассказать о намерениях

Когда мы говорим о том, что собираемся делать, мы используем оборот to be going to”.


Подлежащее + To be (am, is, are) going to + инфинитив без to + второстепенные члены предложения.


I am going to be a teacher. I’m not going to teach English. Are you going to be an actor? – Yes, I am / No, I am not. What are you going to do?



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