12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовала
Хот Анжела683
Россия, Адыгея респ., село Красногвардейское

Тема: «English – around the world».

Класс: 8

Цели урока:

познавательный аспект: увеличение объёма знаний об особенностях распространения и влияния английского языка в мире;

-развивающий аспект: развитие самостоятельности, творческих

способностей, умения проводить

проектную работу;

-воспитательный аспект: воспитание уважения к культуре других

народов, воспитание культуры общения в

коллективной деятельности.

-учебный аспект: развитие коммуникативных умений.


учить извлекать из прослушанного текста информацию и использовать полученные сведения в работе;

учить обмениваться мнениями с партнёрами;

учить обосновывать своё мнение, аргументировать, делать выводы.

Языковой материал:

-лексический и грамматический материал по программе;

Оснащение урока:

компьютер, карточки, раздаточный материал

Время работы на уроке: 45 минут.

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока.

1. Организационный момент.

2. Представление задач урока.

II.Актуализация лексических единиц. Формирование навыков аудирования.

Прослушивание текста с извлечением информации.

III.Формирование умения выражать мнение

4. Выполнение упражнений

5 Работа класса

6.Заключительный этап урока.

Teacher: Good morning, dear children.

We are glad to see you at our lesson «English – around

the world».

What do you think we are going to speak about?

Student 1: I think we are going to speak about the role of the

English language in the world.

Student 2: I’d like to add that may be we would like to speak about

the English – speaking countries.

Student 3: In my opinion we are going to speak about different

kinds of English language.

Teacher: very good children. Let’s begin our lesson- discussion. Today we are going to speak about English

language, English-speaking countries, the influence

of the English language around the world.

By the end of the lesson we must answer these questions and make a conclusion.

1. In what countries is English spoken?

2. How many people speak English?

3. Why is English used by so many people?

4. Why has English become a world language?

5. What is the role of English language in our life?

Let’s start our lesson. We all know that English today is more widely spoken and written, than any other language in the world. English is used by at least 750 million people and about half of those speak it as a mother tongue. English has become the language of the planet, the first truly global language.

Look at this picture and let’s make a list of the English – speaking countries. (приложение 1,2)

I read the words you repeat after me.

Canada [‘kænədə]


Hawaii [ha:’waii:]

Jamaica [ʤə'meikə]


Sweden [‘swi:dn]

Ireland [‘aiələnd]

The Netherlands [‘neðələndz]

Pakistan [ֽpa:kis’ta:n]

Hong Kong [h‡‹k¶‡‹]

India [‘indjə]

The Philippines [‘filipi:nz]

Nigeria [nai’ʤiəriə]

Sri Lanka [‘sri’læk‡ə]

Malaysia [məleiziə]

Singapore [ֽsip:]

Kenya [enjə]

Zimbabwe [zim’ba:bwi]

Australia [streiljə]

New Zealand [nju:’zi:lənd]

English spoken as a first language

  Australia Canada Ireland

Jamaica New Zealand

the USA

English spoken as a second language-it is used in schools and universities and as a lingua franca

  India Kenya Nigeria Pakistan the Philippines Singapore South Africa Sri Lanka Zimbabwe

English spoken widely as a foreign language


the Netherlands


Now I’ll give you a cards with words. Listen to the text and cross out words which you will hear in the text and find one extra words. (приложение 3, 4 Text “English has no Equals”) Before we start let’s study some words from the text (Приложение 5)


Activity 3

Let’s move on to reading. The text is on the card 6(приложение 6). Three people is talking about learning English. They have different opinions about learning English. Read and translate the text and then try to express your opinion about learning English.


Teacher: To know more about English language as a world language we’ll try to do this task.

Look at the screen and complete the sentences with the appropriate words.( the expansion, the enormous economic power, a second language, a first language, as a lingua franca)

1. Becoming a world language has happened because of …. of the British Empire in the 18th and 19th centuries.

2. It has happened because of ….()

of the United States in the 20th century.

3. Now there are around 400 million speakers of English as … () in countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand and etc.

4. Many more millions of people speak English as …. (), a language used in government, business and education.

5. In countries where hundreds of languages exist, it works as …

() – a way of communicating with people from other countries.

1. Becoming a world language has happened because of …. (the expansion) of the British Empire in the 18th and 19th centuries.

2. It has happened because of ….(the enormous economic power )

of the United States in the 20th century.

3. Now there are around 400 million speakers of English as … (a first language) in countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand and etc.

4. Many more millions of people speak English as …. (a second language), a language used in government, business and education.

5. In countries where hundreds of languages exist, it works as …

( as a lingua franca) – a way of communicating with people from other countries.

Teacher: Let’s try to answer the questions of our lesson.

1. In what countries is English spoken? (It’s spoken in countries such as …..)

2. How many people speak English? (Around 400 millions speak English as a first language. Many more millions of people speak English as a second language. Hundreds of millions of people speak English as a foreign language.)

3. Why is English used by so many people?

4. Why has English become a world language? (It has happened because of the expansion of the British Empire in the 18th and 19th centuries. It was because of the enormous economic power of the United States in the 20th century.) 1. In what countries is English spoken?

5. What is the role of English language in our life? (foreign languages helps us to develop friendship and understanding among people.)


Activity 5

When we do something, we do it for a reason. That is our motivation. But why we learn English? Which reason can be a motivation for us? Let’s make a conclusion of our lesson. (составляем солнышко из фраз).

1. Summary of the lesson: Teacher: Our lesson is over. Thank you boys and girls for your work, for your active participation. It was very pleasant for me to listen to all your opinions. I wish you success. I’ll give you only very good marks for the design and presentation of your projects.

2. Home task.

Ex.7 p.52.


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