12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Ли Владислава Николаевна150
Учитель английского языка и по совместительству любящий классный руководитель 6 класса. Я очень люблю английский язык и стараюсь всё больше погружаться в него и увлечь за собой своих учеников. А еще, владею японским и изучаю корейский:-)
Россия, Нижегородская обл., Нижний Новгород
Материал размещён в группе «Учителя английского языка»

Kids box 1, 2, 3

Topic: Wild animals and body parts

Aims To practice integrated skills (listening, speaking)

Age group: 7-12

Time: 45 - 60 minutes approximately


1. Introduce the topic (5 minutes)

Greet your students, ask their names and what their favourite animals are passing a ball to each student.


2. Introducing new vocabulary (5 minutes)


Play the video and revise wild animals, pronounce all words loudly showing the animals.


3. Drilling new vocabulary

Spider Attack

Materials: Flash Cards , tape or chair
Time: 5 minutes
Game Explanation: Review the animal flashcards & separate class into two teams. Line up each team on either side of the room & have them sit down. Make a line with tape or place a chair in the middle of the room as the Goal. Shuffle the flashcards & have the students say ‘Stop!’ Do a quick or slow reveal of the card. The first team to answer correctly stands up & takes one step together toward the goal. The first team to cross the goal/touch the chair is the winner. Show the winning team the spider card. Have the team make a spider pose &, on your command, pretend to attack the losing team with a spider attack.


Animal Circle

Materials: animal Flash Cards (printed ones)
Time: 6-8 minutes
Receptive Language: instructions, flashcard vocab, ‘What’s your favourite animal?’, ‘I like...’
Productive Language: ‘I like...’, flashcard vocab
Game Explanation: Place the cards in a circle & have each student stand next to a card. Play some music & demonstrate that while the music is playing the students are to walk around the circle, & when you stop the music they’re to stand next to the animal card closest them. Start & then stop the music. When all of the students are (finally) standing next to an animal card, ask a teacher ‘What’s your favorite animal?’ With any luck the teacher will respond with ‘I like [animal represented on flashcard].’ The student standing next to that animal card is out & has to sit down. Remove his animal card from the circle & repeat, asking him the next time you stop the music what his favourite animal is. Continue until only one student remains.


4. Animals’ body parts – 20 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E48dJsivx7s 

Play the reindeer pokey and introduce animals parts of the body, repeat them several times.

Play the song again, and encourage students to sing and dance along to the song.

Drilling part

Animal Nose

Materials: 2 posters, markers, blindfold, parts of the body
Time: 10 minutes
Receptive Language: instructions, body parts

Productive Language: body parts, directions: up, down, right, left
Game Explanation: Draw a reindeer without several parts of the body (antlers, hoofs, a nose, a tail, a mouth ears) on 2 posters (this presents a good opportunity to introduce or review the vocabulary). Show the students that the animal is very unhappy without these body parts. Divide all students into 2 teams, choose a volunteer from each team. Blindfold the students and give them 2 missing parts of the body (e.g. the animal’s nose). The other students in the class shout directions (up, down, left, right, ok) to the blindfolded students so that they can put the noses in the correct location (Variations include having the blindfolded students draw the nose and other facial features) The team that will manage better with this task, wins.


5) An envelope with new vocabulary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxZWzpDvoFY

Make such envelopes with children and put small animal flashcards in them

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