12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Topic: The sights of London.

Time: 45 minutes


By the end of the lessons the students will be able to talk about London and to write a postcard about their travelling.

To develop students’ ability to read about and describe the main sights of London

To develop students’ vocabulary relating to sightseeing, famous places of London, breeds of the dogs.

To practice speaking skills.

Introduction: This lesson is devoted to revising some London sights. The lesson incorporates speaking activities, reading and some grammar.

Preparation and materials: Media Board, the map of London, video about London sights, student`s books, handouts.





Lead in

2 min.

To set the context for the lesson and generate interest

The teacher shows the video about London Sights, using an Active Board. After students are to answer the next questions: What sights of London were mentioned in the video? What places would you like to visit?

Lexis (Presentation)

8 min

To revise some vocabulary about London sights.

Part 1.

Group work

Part 2.

Teacher gives papers to the student and asks to make a mind map about sight of London. Then the teacher puts it on the black-board. The mind maps are discussed by the students.

On the Active board there is a list of sights from different cities. The students are to choose these ones that belong to London.


5 min

To revise the geographical position of three parts of London, to tell some information about them.

Three students shows the parts of London. Tell laconic description of every district. Give their own opinion on the question: What district would you like to live in?


10 min

Reading for specific information.

Using their books, students open the text about London, read it and answer the questions under the text.


15 min.

To speak about their pets. To practice speaking skills.

Part 1.

Part 2.

The teacher asks student the question: What image of London, England do you have? Come to the blackboard and write it down. Student are to write some realies (реалии), devoted to London (Lake District, Big Ben, The Tower, five o`clock tee, bulldog etc.)If students do not write some English breeds of dogs, the teacher should mention it.

As some breeds of dogs were mentions, the teacher suggested students to speak about their pet, and to show some photos.



5 min

To assess the results of the lesson.

To prevent difficulties during homework doing.

The students are to assess each other’s work. The teacher gives marks and explains home task.

Homework: Imagine that you are a guide. Think about the most interesting routes of London. Draw the map. Make an advertisement of your tour.


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