Урок на тему «Городские люди теряют связь с природой и гармонию с ритмом»

Материал опубликован 14 August 2020

Пояснительная записка к презентации

Павлюк Эльвира Ивановна

Учитель английского языка МОУ СШ № 33, первая категория

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение «Средняя школа с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов № 33 Дзержинского района Волгограда»

Волгоградская область, г. Волгоград

Методическая разработка внеурочного урока по предмету «Английский язык» 9 класс (учебник: О.В. Афанасьева и И.В. Михеева) по теме: Городские люди теряют связь с природой и гармонию с ритмом

(City-dwellers lose touch with the land and the rhythm with nature)


Данная внеурочная система занятий посвящена чувствам, которые по той или иной причине не могут быть выражены вслух, в виду того, что все, что требуется для новой жизни для озеленения содержится всего лишь в крошечных семенах. Даны ответы на вопрос «Есть ли та, таинственная сила в крошечных семенах, которые, кажутся, совсем необъяснимыми, за пределами нашего понимания». Определены цели и задачи внеклассного мероприятия, актуальность данной работы. В процессе изучения, учащиеся обеспечиваются всем необходимым лексическим и грамматическим материалом, который позволяет успешно выполнять поставленные задачи.


Актуальность выбранной темы объясняется тем, что на протяжении всего учебного года мы, ученики, большую часть времени находимся в замкнутом пространстве классного кабинета, что отрицательно влияет на наше здоровье.


В школе сложилась система нравственного воспитания учащихся, важной частью которой является привитие учащимся любви к природе, к труду, окружающей среде. Система позволяет успешно решать задачи обучения школьников различным трудовым умениям и навыкам, обогащать их новыми знаниями о растениях и технологии их выращивания. Разработка методического материала внеурочного занятия по теме: «Городские люди теряют связь с природой и гармонию с ритмом» раскрывают тему с новой, не охваченной в базах курсах стороны. Учащиеся находятся в ситуации, когда изучаемая тема приобретает для них личностный смысл, что побуждает их участию в практической деятельности с личностных позиций. Они знакомятся с объектами, как горшечные цветы и пришкольный участок. Разговор о том, почему люди теряют связь с землей и гармонию с ритмом жизни помогает им вникнуть в ситуацию и найти способы решения этих проблем, повысить познавательный интерес к реальной жизни и мотивацию мышления. Таким образом, продуктивным видом деятельности на уроках становится дискуссионная форма общения, где учащиеся проявляют себя как личность, а именно: высказывают свою точку зрения о наших пришкольных участках; самостоятельно принимают решения в создании творческой работы с целью озеленения клумб; возьмут на себя ответственность защитить свою группу, имитируя ситуацию, которая может возникнуть в будущей профессиональной жизни. Становясь участниками проекта, ученики пробуют себя в различных социальных ролях, что содействует успешной работе в коллективе.

Идея личностно-ориентированной технологии коммуникативного обучения заключается в том, чтобы перенести акцент с упражнений, с наглядно – образцовых эссе на активную мыслительную деятельность, а именно, отбирать нужную лексику, работать индивидуально, используя дифференцированный подход в обучении, самостоятельность, работа учащихся в группе. Применить полученные знания в сочетании с современными информационными технологиями. Практика показала, что использование творческих проектов повышает интерес учащихся к предмету, формирует положительную мотивацию учебной деятельности, осуществляет дифференцированный, личностный подход в режиме педагогического сотрудничества учителя и ученика. К особенностям урока относятся использование мультимедийных презентаций по заданной тематике. Урок состоит из нескольких этапов.

Организационный момент

-Знакомство с орудиями труда для садоводства;

-Закрепление пройденных лексических единиц с помощью сопоставления слова и их лексическим значением;

-Осмысление преимуществ, работая на пришкольном участке;

-Какие последствия могут возникнуть, если не ухаживать за территорией школы;

-Защита проектов по выбранной теме: «Новая жизнь для озеленения классной комнаты содержится всего лишь в крошечных семечках», «Городские люди теряют связь с природой и гармонию с ритмом», «Я работаю на пришкольном участке каждый год».

Тема: «City-dwellers lose touch with the land and harmony with rhythm» («Городские люди теряют связь с природой и гармонию с ритмом»)

Цель урока:

сформировать умения чтения; 

сформировать лексические навыки;

предоставление приемов, создающих условия для реализации личностно-ориентированного обучения на основе технологии сотрудничества на уроке английского языка;

совершенствование УУД учащихся, при работе над практической направленностью обучения и иностранным языкам;

формирование творческой развитой личности.

Сопутствующие задачи: 

1. совершенствовать произносительные навыки; 

2. совершенствовать умения монологического высказывания. 

Образовательный аспект: обобщить пройденную лексику, улучшить навыки монологического высказывания, расширить кругозор по теме.

Познавательный аспект: ознакомление с орудиями труда для прополки, перепахивание сорняков, прополка дорожек и междурядий от сорняков, рыхление слежавшейся земли, выравнивание и рыхление поверхностного слоя перед посадкой, формирование борозд для посадки, уборка мусора и листьев на участке, поливка, регулярная прополка.

Воспитывающий аспект: развитие творческого самовыражения учащихся в презентации своего отношения к проблеме озеленения на подоконнике и на пришкольном участке, развитие целостного представления и осмысления о проблемах, связанные с внешним видом классного кабинета и цветочных клумб, проявлять заботу к окружающей среде, воспитывать чувство гордости за ответственно проделанную работу как в кабинете, так и на пришкольном участке, научить учащихся уважать мнение других;

Развивающий аспект: развитие познавательной деятельности-умение рассуждать, анализировать, умение работать в команде (компетентности: интеллектуальная, социальная); развивать критическое мышление через чтение информационного текста.

Виды речевой деятельности: говорение, чтение незнакомого текста.

Режим работы: фронтальная и групповая.

Форма урока: урок – презентация.

Тип урока: личностно-ориентированная технология коммуникативного обучения.

Речевой материал: текст «Weeds», лексические единицы:

Ход урока:

Организационный момент.

Teacher: Morning, dear boys and girls! Delighted to see you. How are you?

Students: We are fine, and you?

Teacher: I` m fine too. As far as I know, according to your likes you are not supposing to move to the country on some reasons. But have you had a thought on why we don`t pay attention to nature any more. We just pass by, tight schedules never let us up to stop and admire the charms of flowers. Look! The beauty around us starts with making small changes in our life for example, planting flower pots on our windowsill. And even more, have you got any idea on what I am driving at?

Now it is you who will guess what we are going to speak about. While I am showing you slides, you should think over and then come up with ideas. The following structure patterns displayed on the screen will help you to express your ideas.

Режим: P1………. P3.

Pupil 1: As far as I know I can admit that we shall be talking about gardening essential tools that are needed in working.

Pupil 2: If you ask me, I personally think that we shall be talking about nature to be close to.

Pupil 3: It might also be about a beautiful landscape in our school yard or on our classroom windowsill.

Teacher: I`m pleasantly surprised that you are right to the point. Do you believe me of how a positive effect it can have on us gardening on a school campus and in the classroom!

Task I. The matching task:  

Teacher: Match the words with their definitions. This task will require some knowledge about gardener`s basic tools. Match the items on the right to the items on the left. Come up with ideas using the structure patterns like this. (Знакомство с некоторыми орудиями труда для садоводства. Закрепление пройденных лексических единиц с помощью сопоставления слова с нахождением лексического значения (слайд№ 1-7)).

So, let`s get down to work!

Режим: P1………. P3.

Pupil 1: … helps me to …

Pupil 2: In the course of working in the school yard I use ... It helps me to …

Pupil 3: If it is needed to …, I …



1. Garden rake

to weed between planting, to clear up between crop rows or turn the hoe on edge to create seed surface

2. Wheel barrow

to refine the soil that has large clods in

3. Garden hoe

to smooth the soil by its back end while its fork is used for removing leaves, weeds on the ground

4. Cultivator

to transfer soil, plant, tools from one place to another

5. Shovel

to refine the soil, dig weeds

6. Garden spade

to remove vegetation from the ground after it has been planted. It isn`t used for digging.

7. Garden fork

to dig the holes for planting, to turn soil

8. Watering can

to water in newly planted seeds

9. Garden gloves

to tackle weeds, to smooth soil, to plant

10. Garden trowels

to trim hedges and keep a lawn in check around the edges

11. Gardening shears

to easy on the hand

Answers: 1-c; 2-d; 3-a; 4-f; 5-g; 6-e; 7-i; 8-h; 9-b; 10-k; 11-j.




Teacher: Thank you for your work done.

Task II.

Teacher: Now I would like you to pay your attention to the vocabulary which will contribute to express your enthusiasm or disgust in the process of working with the land. Learning vocabulary connected with tools for gardening require special skills as regular weeding, refining the soil that has large clods before planting. Let`s continue our talk, as it`s interesting for me to know if you are interested in greening.

seeds; take part in; responsibility; hands; refine the soil; rewarding; soil; get interested in; grown seedlings; born; honoring our earth; dry; can’t wait for; beyond my understanding; needed; mysterious power

Task III.

Read the text and complete the sentences from the box:

You will go deeply to understand your individual if you teach yourself to put (1) _________ on your shoulders. Nature is so miraculous, because it is always changing. One is admiring, while others are getting their (2) ________ dirty. If you are anything like others, you love growing plants from (3) __________, then it will be interesting for you to watch something pushes its way up through the (4) _______ . It seems to you that you (5) _______ the magic just by admiring these flowers. You have more than enthusiastic about while you (6) ________that has large clods before planting. It can be very (7) _________ while watching shoots until they change into (8) ________. All that is (9) _________ for a new life is contained within tiny seeds. This is a place where life is (19) _________ into the world. It`s an excellent way of (11) _______and it is never too late to (12) __________ planting. I have always been interested if there is a mysterious power in tiny seeds that seem quiet (13) ___________ . My flower pots like to be watered when the soil is (14) _________ to the touch and I (15) _________ a new green growth to appear. My observations have set me thinking on if there is that (16) _________in tiny seeds.


You will go deeply to understand your individual if you teach yourself to put (1) responsibility _________ on your shoulders. Nature is so miraculous, because it is always changing. One is admiring, while others are getting their (2) hands ________ dirty. If you are anything like others, you love growing plants from (3) seeds __________, then it will be interesting for you to watch something pushes its way up through the (4) soil _______ . It seems to you that you (5) take part in _______ the magic just by admiring these flowers. You have more than enthusiastic about while you (6) refine the soil ________that has large clods before planting. It can be very (7) rewarding _________ while watching shoots until they change into (8) grown seedlings ________. All that is (9) needed _________ for a new life is contained within tiny seeds. This is a place where life is (19) born _________ into the world. It`s an excellent way of (11) honoring our earth _______and it is never too late to (12) get interested in __________ planting. I have always been interested if there is a mysterious power in tiny seeds that seem quiet (13) beyond my understanding ___________ . My flower pots like to be watered when the soil is (14) dry _________ to the touch and I (15) can’t wait for _________ a new green growth to appear. My observations have set me thinking on if there is that (16) mysterious power _________in tiny seeds.

Task IV.

Teacher: Now, I would like to ask you if you want to have a well- designed school plot. What would you like to focus on if you wanted our school campus to be changed greatly! Use the Subjunctive Mood telling your opinion.

Режим: P1………. P8.

1. If I wanted our school to be changed greatly, I ….. (change) a school appearance.

2. If I wanted our school to be changed greatly, I …. (not /grow) plants in small spaces where their roots to be crowded.

3. If I wanted our school to be changed greatly, I …. (leave) a lot of space that results in bigger amounts of growth.

4. If I wanted our school to be changed greatly, I…. (plant) a lot of flowers.

5. If I wanted our school to be changed greatly, I .... (water) the flowers while the soil is moist.

6. If we wanted our school to be changed greatly, we…. (develop) working skills such as digging, weeding, refining the soil.

7. If I wanted our school to be changed greatly, I…. (refine) the soil not to be over dried.

8. If I wanted our school to be changed greatly, I…. (encourage) the other people to help out.

Task V.

Teacher: Now I see that your attitude to work does change to the best and your practical skills only contribute to be an active citizen in later life. Flower pots and a school campus only provide that unique opportunity to activate your awareness of the environment in a lasting way! What are the benefits of planting flower pots or working on a school garden? (Какие преимущества существуют в процессе работы над озеленением школы? (Фронтальная работа. Работа над пройденной лексикой).

Now you are asked to name benefits of school gardens.

Режим: P1………. P12

Pupil 1: Give us the responsibility to care for the plants we grow.

Pupil 2: Instill in us a sense of accountability.

Pupil 3: Allow us to take pride in the efforts we put forth.

Pupil 4: Allow us to work in an outdoor environment where we can interact and learn about nature.

Pupil 5: Learn patience and working skills.

Pupil 6: Improve learning and become more active learners.

Pupil 7: Start choosing healthy foods over junk.

Pupil 8: Improvements in emotional being.

Pupil 9: Improve our self-esteem and attitudes toward school through gardening projects

Pupil 10: Improving environmental attitude.

Pupil 11: Promote increased physical activity.

Pupil 12: Reduce discipline problems.

Task VI.

Teacher: Thank you for your work done. The problem of weeds is a continual problem in our school campus. Often what is not so enjoyable is constant maintaining of school spaces that are overgrown with weeds. It requires weeding and take up many hours of energy and work. OK! Let`s continue our talk, as it`s interesting for me to know if you are good at working. Decide what measures should be taken and which of you is better. Чтение незнакомого текста “Weeds”.


Weeds should be removed from the vegetable gardens and flower beds not to spoil the plants growth. Allowing them to mature causes the problem as they spread through the garden.

Pull seeding weeds in plant rows while they are small so they don`t damage the roots of other plants. The easiest time to dislodge weeds is after watering, while the soil is moist.

The best tools for weeding are hands. Be sure to remove the entire plant and root system of the weeds. Removing just the top does not kill the weeds. Remaining roots often send up another shoot. Never let weeds to seed. Some seeds can lay dormant in the soil for 25 to 50 years and still sprout and produce a plant. But each weed removed before it goes to seed, removes the potential for hundreds or thousands more weeds to grow next season. In any yard there is room for flower beds and we should help out to create a better world.

Pull a weed before it goes to seed and remove it from the area carefully so as to avoid leaving its babies behind.

Weeds can quickly take hold and controlling them feels like more of a battle than a leisure activity. So, what are the best ways to keep weeds under control without resorting to harmful methods such as weed killers? For weeding control is perfect a hoe, which slices off the weeds just below the surface of the soil.

A handful of weeds are naturally strong competitors. Those weeds that can compete always tend to dominate over useful plants. Not all weeds are bad, though! Many weeds stabilize the soil and add organic matter. But in other way, they can reduce a harvest crop by competing for water, light, soil nutrients, and space.


What measures should be taken not allowing weeds to spread out?

When are the weeds needed to be pulled while the soil is moist or dried?

What gardener`s tools are necessary to remove weeds before they go to seed?

What harmful effects can seeds have if they are not removed?

What should we do to create flower beds in your yard?

Why the problems of weeds happen in our school campus?

Teacher: Try to find out the reasons of having the problems of weeds in our school campus.

Task VII.

Защита презентаций по группам: Темы на выбор: «Новая жизнь для озеленения классной комнаты содержится всего лишь в крошечных семечках», «Городские люди теряют связь с природой и гармонию с ритмом», «Я работаю на пришкольном участке каждый год».

Teacher: OK! Let`s continue our talk, as it is interesting for me to know if you have a great desire to turn our school yard into a magical one? What in your opinion makes a school yard exceptional? Do you want to use the garden for in terms of teaching? As I see the groups are ready to tell me about school of the future. You should remember that your school is to be greatly distinguished with its particularities. Greening a school doesn't have to be about building a large palace or a castle. Those things are great, but it can also be as simple as teaching them to be careful around the plants just in front of a school yard. So, the group, you are welcome!

Teacher: Well done. I am pleased with unusual answers given.

Выступление команд по группам.

Group 1.

There are so beautiful flowers all around me to see, to touch and to hear. Nature is so miraculous, because it is always changing. No matter how many times I look at these wonderful flowers, they are different. It won`t be measured by how large the windowsill is or how exotic the plants are. It will be measured by my inner beauty. If you're anything like me, you love growing plants from seeds, then this presentation is for you to look at some of my unusual plants that I have grown myself. If the window pots bring myself and others joy, then my task has been accomplished. Do you love flower planting? Have you dreamt about creating flower pots on your windowsill you can be proud of? Planting can be achieved by anyone. It`s an excellent way of honoring our earth and it is never too late to get interested in planting.

Group 2.

How challenge it is to plant flower pots. It can be very rewarding because I have more than enthusiastic about while I am watching something pushes its way up through the soil than to be a casual observer! Like a mother hen, I take care of these little shoots until they change into grown seedlings. It seems to me I am taking part in the magic just by admiring these flowers that were tiny seeds before. All that is required for new life is contained within tiny seeds. I wonder what kind of miracle that is!

Group 3.

Of course, there are certain difficulties of our school campus to be greenery. Those who have never showed interest to see the plants growing then there will be at least the garden spaces to be overgrown with weeds. They are meant to have a far close connection to nature. They lose touch with the land and the rhythm of nature. And if we see the other side of the coin then we see that the more we will be involved in the process of gardening, the more we will be inspired to care for and respect our school area. The more open space we have, it is easier to the schoolboys to study, teachers to teach, and parents to see how their children study while providing wonderful hands-on learning experiences along the way. Working in a garden side will cultivate academic achievements and we`ll be able to have a deeper understanding and become better towards to the Earth.

VIII. Заключение.

Teacher: Beautiful, overgrown, luxurious, vibrant- all these words describe the appearance of our school lawn. I hope you will enjoy and you will take care of nature, get surprised at the beauty of our world. I only want to add that we should encourage people to help out to create a better environment for us all. Thank you. See you next time.

Периодические издания c адресом сайта:

Outdoors & Gardening. How to Select, Arrange, and Plant Flowers in a Planting Bed. Site on the Web: www.gardeninghelp.org

William T. Kemper Center for home gardening. Site on the Web: www.gardeninghelp.org

Buyer’s Guide: The Best Tools for weeding. Site on the Web https://forgardening.org/tools/buying-guide/tools-for-weeding/

Do weed seeds remain alive in your garden soil for many years? Site on the Web https://www.quora.com/Do-weed-seeds-remain-alive-in-your-garden-soil-for-many-years

Eric Vanderbeck. The Art and Science of School Gardening. Real School Gardens Evanderbeck@realschoolgardens.org

Периодические издания:

Joseph A. Cocannouer. Weeds Guardians of the Soil.

Karipov R. Fighting against weed plants at minimal and no soil tillage/ Science Review. – 2011. – volume 2 (8).

Eric Vanderbeck. The Art and Science of School Gardening/ REAL School Gardens Evanderbeck@realschoolgardens.org

Robert L. Zimdahl. Fundamentals of weed science.

Geoffrey A.C. Herklots. Gardening. Art and Science.

Roy Norris. Ready for FCE. Macmillan exams, 2012. Language focus –Conditionals. C. 136-137.

Предварительный просмотр презентации

City-dwellers lose touch with and the land the rhythm of nature

Match the items on the right to the items on the left Matching Exercise

Garden Rake to weed between planting, to clear up between crop rows or turn the hoe on edge to create seed surface Wheel barrow to refine the soil that has large clods in. Garden Hoe to smooth the soil by its back end while its for fork is used for removing leaves, weeds on the ground. Cultivator to transfer soil, plant, tools from one place to another.

Shovel to refine the soil, dig weeds. Garden Spade to remove vegetation from the ground after it has been planted. It isn't used for digging. Garden Fork to dig the holes for planting, to turn soil. Watering Can to water in newly planted seeds.

Gardening Gloves to tackle weeds, to smooth soil, to plant. Garden Trowels to trim hedges and keep a lawn in check around the edges. Gardening Shears to easy on the hands.

As far as I know I can admit… As far as I know I can admit… If you ask me, I personally reckon… It might be about…

Planting a flower bed I need… Planting a flower bed I need… It helps me to… In the course of working in the school yard I use… It is needed to…

Benefits of School Gardens: Give pupils the responsibility to care for the plants they grow. Instill in them a sense of accountability.

Allow them to take pride in the efforts they put forth. Allow them to work in an outdoor environment where they can interact and learn about nature.

Allow them for creative thought and active learning Teach children teamwork.

Learn patience and working skills. Improve learning and become more active learners.

Spend more time active in the outdoors and start choosing healthy foods over junk. Improvements in emotional well-being.

Improve their self-esteem and attitudes toward school through gardening projects. Improving environmental attitudes.

Increase physical activity. Beautify the school environment.

Promote increased physical activity. Reduce discipline problems.

“If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders.” “If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders.” Abigail Van Buren Quotation:

Weeds are a continual problem in our school campus Weeds starve out other plants and reduce both the quality and quantity garden yard.

Remove the weed before it goes to seed.

The best tools for weeding are hands.

Remove the entire plant and root system of the weeds.

Removing just the top does not kill the weeds.

Remove weeds from the flower beds so that less water is needed to grow desired plants.

Project on how to create a beautiful landscape in our school yard.

All these words describe the look of our school lawn.





Before After

Before After

My dream for a green school

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