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Троценко Татьяна Юрьевна107

Урок англ.яз. в 5 кл. по теме : «Travelling and leisure»

УМК Spotlight

Цель: изучение и закрепление нового материала по теме «Путешествие и отдых», с элементами формирующего оценивания.

Формы работы: фронтальная, индивидуальная, парная


Org. moment. T-Cl

Speaking act. T-CL, P1, P2

T: Good morning! How are you?

Ch: Fine, thanks

T: Glad to hear it. What date is it today? What season is it now? Look at the window, what`s the weather like today?

III Travelling and leisure

T: Look at the picture and say, what are we going to speak about today? (слайд 1)

Ch: We are going to speak about travelling.

T: Right you are. When do people usually travel? People usually travel on holidays. There are different types of holidays. Look and read types of holidays.

Now, open your textbooks on p.116 ex.1

Look through the adverts and match the holidays to the texts A-E. Write down your answers on the cards (1-2 min). T-P1- read your answers.

Exchange your cards, look at the board and check up the answers. Put 1 point for each correct answer. Return the card to your partner. (слайд 2)

2) p.116 ex.2 T-CL\P1P2

People can travel by different means of transport: by coach, by bike, on foot. How do you like to travel?

P1: I like travelling by car. and so on (слайд 3)

3) p.116 ex.3 T-CL\P1P2

Where do people go when they want to travel abroad?

T: When people want to travel abroad they go to the travel agency. Now, read the adverts A-E, look at your cards and complete the table:

two places to stay

three activities

two means of transport

places to stay: apartments, camps

activities: rock climbing, mountaineering, trekking,

mountain biking, whitewater rafting, doing shop_

ping, etc

means of transport: coach, cruise ship

countries: Spain, Egypt, Ireland

T: asks some Ps to read their answers. Put 1 point for each correct answer.

Now, read and match the people (1-5) to the holidays (A-E) (фронтальный опрос)






T: Well done!

8) p.117 ex.8 T-CL\P1P2 аудирование (детальное)

a) T: Harry Smith is going to travel abroad. Listen to the conversation and fill in the missing information in your cards.

Name: Harry Smith

Place: 1____

Date\leave: 2____July

Date\come back: 3____August

Travel by: 4____

Price: 5____

T: asks Ps to read the answers. Very good, and now look and check up the answers. (put 1 point for each correct answer) (слайд 6)

T-CL Look and tell about Mr Smith`s holidays, using your cards.

Ex: Mr. Smith went to ….

He left on the …..

He came back on the …..

He travelled by ….

It cost …… pounds

(слайд 7)

9) T-CL\P1P2

And now look at your card, at the board and count your score. What`s your score? Evaluate yourselves and put the mark in your card. (слайд 8)

10) Рефлексия:

T: Tell me, please, what have you learned at the lesson? What can you do now?

Ex: P1- I have learned types of holidays.

P2- I have learned how to talk and tell about holidays\means of transport.

Now I can: tell about holidays; make up short dialogues and so on.

T: That`s fine. So, your home task for the next lesson will be to write the letter about your summer holidays. In your letter answer the questions:

What type of holiday do you like?

Where did you go last summer?

How did you get there?

What did you do there? (слайд 9)

T: So, our lesson is over. You were very active today. Thank you for your work. See you later.

I have learnt

types of holidays

means of transport

the verb can

Now I can

tell about holidays

make up short dialogues

use the verb can

listen and fill in the missing words


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