Упражнения по совершенствованию навыков устной речи по теме «Загрязнение окружающей среды». Подготовка к ЕГЭ

Theme: Pollution and Environment
Aim of the lesson: To learn how to compare and contrast two photos on the theme pollution
Task one. Listen and repeat. Translate the words and the phrases. You will need this topical vocabulary to describe the photos.
1) nuclear reactor/ nuclear power plant
2) radiation
3) reactor
4) water and air pollution
5) radioactive contamination
6) radioactive nuclear waste
7) explosion / nuclear accident/ a massive power excursion
8) nuclear waste management
9) highly toxic water
Task two. Look at the picture and fill in the new words from task one.
1) In both photos I can see...
2) It might be …
3) Such massive power excursions cause …..
4) These photos are similar because we can see…..on both of them.
Task three. Read the text about the Chernobyl and the Fukusima disasters. Find similarities and differences. Underline them in the text.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Chernobyl disaster |
Fukusima disaster |
The Chernobyl disaster, also alternatively spelled Chornobyl disaster, was a nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April 1986 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (then part of the Soviet Union), now in Ukraine. The world’s worst nuclear accident occurred at Chernobyl in Ukraine, then part of the Soviet Union, on 26 April 1986. It is considered to be the worst nuclear power plant disaster in history and the only level 7 event on the International Nuclear Event Scale. It resulted in a severe release of radioactivity following a massive power excursion that destroyed the reactor. Massive release of radioactive fission products into the air. Date ___________ Place _________________ Explosion____________________ Pollution______________________ |
In March 2011, Japan suffered the worst nuclear catastrophe in a generation. The multiple nuclear reactor units involved in the Japanese Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster were close to one. It caused chain-reaction accidents that led to hydrogen explosions blowing the roofs off reactor buildings and water draining from open-air spent fuel pools. This situation was potentially more dangerous than the loss of reactor cooling itself. Because highly toxic water was found to have leaked into the ocean. Date_____________ Place______________ Explosion_______________ Pollution_____________________ |
Task four. Fill in the passive forms of the verb.
1) It ______to be the worst nuclear power plant disaster in history (consider)
2) Automated cooling systems ____________ within 3 months (install)
3) The countries of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus ____________ with the continuing and substantial decontamination and health care costs of the Chernobyl accident. (burden)
Task five. Describe the first photo. Describe the second photo.
Use a plan:
- What you see
- What it is considered to be
- When and where it happened
- How it happened
- What pollution it caused
Task six. Compare two photos.
1. In both photos I can see...
(На обеих фотографиях я вижу...)
2.In the first one I can see...
(На первой я вижу...)
It might be …
(Это может быть...)
I'm not sure but...
(Я не уверен,но...)
As I see it,...
(Насколько я вижу,...)
3. The other photo is similar/different.
(Другая фотография похожая/отличается.)
It must be...
(Это должно быть...)
It looks as if...
(Это выглядит,как будто....)
As far as I'm concerned,...
(Насколько я осведомлен,...)
4. From my point of view,...
(С моей точки зрения,...)