12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовал
Елена Андреева17
Московская обл.


Учитель: Андреева Е.А.

Класс: 6 Б класс

Тема: «Экология»


систематизация знаний по теме:

социокультурный аспект – знакомство с деятельностью по охране природы уже известных экологических организаций, экологическим образованием;

учебный аспект – активизация лексики, закрепление навыков говорения по теме «Экология»;

развивающий аспект – развитие личностной активности учащихся, познавательного интереса, познавательных способностей (речь, память, внимание, воображение), мышления (способности анализировать, обобщать)

воспитательный аспект – формирование уважительного отношения к природе и ответственного отношения к экологическим проблемам, формирование потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в группе.

Области взаимодействия:

Подходы к учению – развитие коммуникативных умений, исследовательских умений, организационных умений

Человек-Творец – создание советов для сохранения чистоты в городе и окрестностях

Здоровье и социальное образование – взаимодействие в группе, опрос учащихся

Окружающая среда – описание рощи с опорой на слова, данные в упражнении

Связь с другими предметами:

литература – чтение стихотворения по теме

биология – проблемы, связанные с загрязнением окружающей среды

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, магнитофон

Оценивание: критерий А: говорение ( умение высказываться по проблеме), критерий В: ( правильность использования лексики по теме в речи )

Ход урока

Организация начала урока

Введение темы урока

T: Dear students listen to me, please. I’ll read you a poem “Hug the Earth” by Lorraine Bayes.

(На столе у каждого ученика текст стихотворения с пояснением незнакомых слов.)

Walking along feeling free,
Feeling the Earth here with me.
And I love her, she loves me.
I hug the Earth, the Earth hugs me.
She is our friend,
We’d like to be together forever.

The Earth is a garden,
It’s a beautiful place.
For all living creatures,
For all the human race.
Helping Mother Earth
We can peacefully roam.
We all deserve a place
We can call our home.

T: Please, take the papers with the words of the poem, read it and answer:

What phrases, to your mind, are the most significant phrases? Read and translate them.

What phrases are the most beautiful ones?

I think that the poem is very impressive and we can take it as a motto of our lesson.

Постановка цели

T: Who can suggest the main idea of our lesson today? What is the topic of our discussion?

Today we are to revise all the information on the theme “How Do You Treat the Earth?” (“Ecology”) – vocabulary. Сегодня мы повторим материал, изученный нами по теме “Экология” – лексика.

T: That is why our plan will be of this kind. План урока:


Environmental Groups (Culture)

Ecological Problems (Vocabulary)

Actions / Rules (Vocabulary)

Основная часть урока T: We have two ecological groups in our class. They are:

- “Friends of the Earth”

- “WWF”

T: What do these groups do? All the groups must work hard, helping each other and in the end of our lesson we’ll decide whose work was the most effective.

T: And now let’s go on to the first activity of our discussion and give English equivalents:

разрушать дикую природу (destroy wildlife)

повреждать природу (damage nature)

загрязнять воздух (pollute air)

загрязнять воду (pollute water)

вредить животным (hurt animals)

бросать мусор (throw away litter)

оставлять костер (leave fire)

портить окружающую среду (spoil the environment)

вырубать леса (cut down forests)

T: Now watch the slides about ecology in our town

T: What problems were shown in the presentation? Comment on, please.

T: Now, groups, tell me what happens in our city? Let’s check up.

T: It’s time to see what people think about the most urgent problem of our city. According to the table, rate the problems in order to the importance.

T: Well done. Now groups, prepare in 5 minutes a code of ecological rules. Let’s compare these rules with the given ones. What should you remember now? Draw conclusion. We come to the actions and rules. I can see that the problems are clear enough.

What can we do to change the situation? (We can… We must…)

T: Look at the picture on page 82 ex. 25. Is this grove before the girls cleared away the mess or after it?

T: Students from group “WWF” will describe the grove before the girls cleared the mess. The group “The friends of the Earth” will describe the cleared grove. Use the words given in the exercise.

T: We know what we can and must do ourselves, but today we have some guests from Great Britain. They are representatives of different ecological groups. Nice to meet you, dear friends. Introduce yourself, please.

Гости представляются и отвечают на вопросы учащихся.

Hello, I’m Kate Smith. I’m from “Liverpool Ecology Group”.
– My name is Jane Scott. I live in Scotland. I’m a member of the group “Friends of the Earth.”
– Glad to meet you. I’m Harry Brown, “London Wildlife Fund”.

P1. How many ecological groups are there in Great Britain?

H.B. There are 300 nature centres in British cities and more than 30 in London. Children go there with their teachers to study and enjoy the nature.

P2. Do you celebrate the Earth Day? What activities do you suggest your members?

J.S. We celebrate the Earth Day every year. Twice a month we meet and discuss how to help the nature. We build bird-tables and bird-houses, plant and water trees and flowers. Besides we pick up litter in the forest.

K.S. We have special environmental education in our country. We teach pupils how to reduce energy and water. We collect old newspapers, cans and tins to recycle. Besides we reuse plastic containers and bottles.

P3. How do you help animals?

H.B. We feed animals in our community park and we treat them if it is necessary. We also advise pupils to buy only recyclable goods.

T: The motto of every ecological organization is to “Help Nature! Protect It!” and I ask you to remember it forever. We have discussed all the items of our theme. What environmental group was the most active? Evaluate and assess your work!

T: At home read a text from the reader Lesson 5

T: Our lesson comes to the end, and now let’s sing a song: “Which land is the best?”


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