12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Скоренко Анна Анатольевна20

Урок английского языка с использованием технологии ТОГИС

по теме «The problems of the environment»

11 Б класс

Учитель: Скоренко Анна Анатольевна

МАОУ «Средняя школа № 42 города Тюмени»

г. Тюмень, Тюменская область, Россия

Цели урока

Расширить лексический запас по теме «Проблемы окружающей среды».

Изучить методы поиска информации.

Ознакомить учащихся с планом работы в технологии ТОГИС.

Подобрать, проанализировать и обобщить информацию по теме.

Сравнить полученные выводы с культурным образцом.

Проанализировать полученные результаты.

Ход урока

Наименование этапа урока

Описание этапа урока


Введение в тему

Good morning, students and our dear guests! I am very glad to see you!

At first, let’s watch the video in order to guess the theme of our lesson today ( https://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=Y0LwUe8FbWc).

You are right, the theme of our lesson today is Ecological problems. The main objective is to identify the main environmental problems. At the lesson we will use ТОГИС technology.

Now let’s divide into 3 groups. I will send you pictures of the Sun, a cloud and a tree in our watsapp group. You should sit at the desk according to the pictures.

3 мин

Расширение лексического запаса

At the second stage of the lesson we will revise some words on the theme. Look at the smart board, please. Your task is to name the word according to its definition:

Ecology the relationship between living things and their environment

Shortage a situation in which there is not enough of something

Air pollution harmful substances in the air, often consisting of waste from vehicles or industry

Water pollution the contamination of water bodies caused due to human activities

Land pollution the destruction of the land through the direct and indirect actions of humans

Harmful of a kind likely to be damaging

Dangerous able or likely to cause harm or injury

Environment the surroundings in which a person, animal, or plant lives, the natural world

2 мин

Подбор ключевых слов

Now I’ll give you links on the videos from youtube or on the articles in the Internet. It’s up to you either watch the videos or read the articles.

Please, log in to our watsapp group. I’ll send you the links. You have 4 minutes for revising the information.







1 мин

Подготовка выступления по теме

Time is up! Now please in groups prepare the presentation using the information you have just known. You have 4 minutes for this task.

Now please present your projects. Each group has only 2 minutes for presentation.

14 мин.

Представление культурного образца

Now I present you the sample on our theme:

1) The first ecological problem is the Aral Sea’s problem.

Unwise use of water for irrigation led to the current state of the Aral Sea.

Tons of salt cover the former bed of the Sea. The wind blows the salt dust for thousands of kilometers. As a result, everything around suffer.

2) The second problem is The Caspian Sea’s problem.

The water level of the Caspian Sea has been rising for reasons that scientists couldn’t explain. If current increase persists, a lot of fields could be flooded by 2020.

3) The next problem is Air and water pollution.

In some cities concentrations of toxic substances are greater by tens of time than maximum permissible concentrations.

4) Wind erosion is the next problem.

Desertification is performed in the northern and central parts of the republic because much soil was lost as part of Khrushchev's Virgin Lands agricultural project.

5) One more problem is Semipalatinsk nuclear test site.

Serious threat comes from radiation, especially in the Semey region, where the Soviet Union tested almost 500 nuclear weapons, 116 of them above ground.

2 мин.

Сравнительный анализ

Now compare the work of the groups using this plan. You shouldn’t estimate your own presentation.

1) Was the problem understood by the group?

2) Was the presentation clear for you?

3) Was the theme completely developed?

2 мин.

Подведение итогов

I think our lesson today was very interesting and productive. All of you are getting good marks. Thank you for your work!

The lesson is over. Good bye!

1 мин.


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