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Мардеева Лира Нафиковна1580
Преподаватель английского языка, 1 категория, стаж 15 лет
Россия, Ханты-Мансийский АО, Радужный
Материал размещён в группе «Материалы для студентов»

Увлекательный английский

Занимательные задания предназначены для студентов СПО по английскому языку « Деловой английский», « Профессиональный английский», Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности» и т.д. Разнообразные задания помогут углубить знания английского языка. Проверить себя по грамматике и лексике в деловой сфере.


Odd One Out

Which word doesn’t belong?

laptop, mobile, filofax, pager _______filofax__________

Paris, Rome, Budapest, Germany _______________________

nil, nothing, ten, naught _______________________

receiver, handset, buttons, clock _______________________

pie, graph, summary, bar _______________________

secretary, clerk, manager, customer _______________________

flip chart, handout, leaflet, mobile _______________________

forward, send, receive, post _______________________

Easter, spring, autumn, winter _______________________

mouse, key, pencil, drive _______________________

reduce, decrease, rise, go down _______________________

Sounds the Same

Complete the sentences below with the correct spelling of the word.

We recycle our waste waste –waist

We worked into the _____to meet our deadline. knight – night

Our team has five __________ assistants – assistance

Our lawyer _____us $180 per hour. billed - build

Oh no! We have ____our train. mist - missed

It has been a difficult ______ week – weak

Let’s ____that the merger doesn’t happen prey – pray

You will find the ladies _____ahead. straight – straight

Let’s go _____ these reports through - threw

Making Comparisons

Complete the animal metaphors to describe your colleges ( hawk , mouse, sieve, bee, beetroot, bull)

He completed the whole project in two days. He’s been as busy as a _______.

She’s so clumpsy. She behaves like a _______ in a china shop.

Our new trainee is very shy and speaks as quiet as a _______.

His face went as red as a ______. He was so embarrassed.

My receptionist forgets everything. He was a brain like a ______.

Our boss sees everything. She has eyes like a _______.

A Break From the Office

Answer the questions about British Bank holidays.

What is the name of the holiday that falls on the 1st January?

N _ _ Y _ _ _ _ D _ _

What is the name of the Friday before Easter Sunday ?

G _ _ _ F _ _ _ _ _

What is the name of the day after Easter Sunday?

E _ _ _ _ _ M_ _ _ _ _

What is the first Monday in May called?

M _ _ D _ _

What is the 25th December called?

C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D _ _

What is the day after 25th December called?

B _ _ _ _ _ D _ _

Job Titles

Unscramble the letters to find the jobs.

EEPRSTNID ________________

RUPEVOSIRS ________________

ATTSSIANS ________________

KRCEL ________________

TIVEREPRTASENE ________________

ERNIENEG ________________

NNCOTTLUSA ________________

DRCTEIOR ________________

OOORNITRCAD ________________

PECSILATSI ­­­________________

MGANERA ________________

LASSMSAN ________________

Job – Knowhow

Small Talk

Find the correct response to the questions.

How are you today? _____

So, what do you do exactly? _____

How’s it going? _____

Long time no see _____

Is life treating you well? _____

What are you working on at the moment? ­­­_____

How do you do? _____

a) How do you do?

b) Things could be better, but I can’t complain.

c) Yes, I know. It’s good to see you again.

d) At the moment I’m working on a project in Wales.

e) It’s going well. And with you?

f) I’m fine. And you?

g) I’m a risk analyst.

Foreign Language Interview

Complete The sentences to be well prepared ( foreign, pronunciation, mother, fluent, native, three, confidence)

Prepare the whole interview in your mother tongue then in foreign language.

Find out about the company in your ownlanguage and the _______language.

Practise your interview with a _______speaker if possible.

Practice your interview about _______times, then relax.

Make a list of important words, questions and expressions and practice the________.

Find out if you are expected to be ________if not, then a few mistakes are okay. So relax

Speak slowly, clearly and with____________.

Meeting Business Partners

Piece the sentences together foe the seven golden rules to a successful business meeting

Be punctual but....

Do not ask too many personal questions...

A business meeting is still important ...

Dress in a neutral coloured suit – either....

Do not hold eye contact...

Do not bring a person gift...

Do not rush or rush your attendants ...

for your business partners.

even when it is held in the pub over a pint.

a few minutes earlier is acceptable.

during small talk.

into making business decisions.

black, navy or dark grey.

for too long during business meeting.


Positive and Negative

Make the positive sentences negative and the negative ones positive.

She’s Italian.

She isn’t Italian________________________

I don’t understand stocks and shares.


He doesn’t respect his colleagues.


The Marketing Department needs more staff.


We’re late and must hurry.


I read and write English fluently.


They don’t communicate and don’t listen to new ideas.


Present Simple or Present Continuous?

Complete the sentences about my colleague.

Patrick by inserting verb form a) or b)

My colleague Patrick _____________football.

loves b) is loving

He ___________everyday from April to October.

plays b) is playing

His team mates ______that he is a very good player.

think b) are thinking

At the moment Patrick _______a presentation for a meeting.

prepares b) is preparing

He ______the final draft of the handout right now.

writes b) is writing

Some or any ?

Complete the sentences by inserting either some or any.

Have you got ______of the documents?

I don’t have ______updates.

_______people don’t like the new Managing Director.

I like my colleagues. Do you know _____ of them?

______body told me that the company is bankrupt, but I don’t believe it.

You must not tell_____one.

I like to eat _______soup in the canteen.

I’m sorry but I don’t have ______answers to the problem.

T think there is ______body at the door.

I looked outside but I couldn’t see _____body.


Валери Гулотта « Занимательные головоломки на английском языке», 2009

Опубликовано в группе «Материалы для студентов»

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