План-конспект урока английского языка на тему «Work and play» (4 класс)

Материал опубликован 27 June 2019

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План-конспект урока “Work and play”, Spotlight 4, Module 2, Unit 4a


Цель урока: научить учащихся говорить о видах спорта, развивать умения аудирования, чтения и говорения и письма.

Задачи урока:

Практическая - учиться оперировать активной лексикой в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей;

Образовательная – расширение кругозора, знакомство с новыми лингвистическими явлениями и понятиями. Отработка навыков образования и употребления настоящего простого времени в контексте учебной ситуации.

Развивающая – развитие интеллектуальных и познавательных способностей, творческого и логического мышления. Развития чувства языка, языковой догадки, внимания. Осознание средств выражения мыслей, сенсорного восприятия, мотивационной и эмоциональной сферы. Развитие смекалки, памяти, воображения, трудолюбия, воли.

Воспитательная – формирование у учащихся мировоззрения, нравственности. Эстетическое и духовное развитие личности. Формирование положительного отношения, интереса и любви к изучаемому языку, умение работать в группах, команде, уважение к чужому мнению, развитие культуры общения.

Формы работы на уроке: фронтальная, групповая, парная.

Используемые педагогические технологии: технология проблемного обучения, технология использования игровых методов здоровьесберегающие технологии, обучение в сотрудничестве (командная, групповая работа).

Оборудование: плакат Sports Centre, пакет с предметами, презентация


Используемые сайты:




Ход урока

1. Greeting. Warm-up

– Good afternoon, children! (Good afternoon, teacher!)

– How are you? (Fine, thanks.)

1) Sing the song with the class.

- What day is it today?

- How many lessons do you have on Monday?

- Do you have lessons on Saturday? No? Is it your favourite day?

Let's sing our song "Saturday is my favourite day".СЛАЙД1

2) - What do you do on Saturdays?

– Do you like playing sports?

– How often do you play sports?

– Do your friends like playing sports?

Let's play a game and find out the topic of our lesson. Look at the whiteboard, please.

You task is to match the pictures with the words. СЛАЙД 2 (онлайн игра)

- What is the topic of our lesson?

- You're right. We are going to speak about sports.

2. Presentation.

Aim: to present adverbs of frequency and the sports vocabulary.

- Look at the board. What do you see? На доске вывешивается плакат Sports Centre.

- You can see the sport centre's timetable.

- What games can you play at this sports centre?

(Teacher plays the recording. Students listen and repeat in chorus, in small groups). СЛАЙД 5-6

- Please, look at the whiteboard. We will learn to tell how often we can do smth. For example, once a week (twice a week). Try to guess what does it mean? 
– Please, pay attention when you do smth.

One day during the week you say: once a week.

2 days during the week you say: twice a week.

3 days during the week you say: Three times a week.

- How often do you have English lessons\Nature study\Music\? (twice a week)

3. Work in pairs.

Aim: to practise speaking skills. СЛАЙД 7

You have the timetable of the sports centre at your desks. Let's discuss in pairs.

Student A: How often do they play tennis at the sport centre?

Student B: Twice a week, on Monday and Thursday.

2-3 пары учащихся разыгрывают диалоги у доски.

Динамическая пауза. CЛАЙД 8

Выполнение движений под музыку "Opposite song".

Do you know the opposite words? If I say yes, you say no.

If I stand up, you sit down.

I4. Work in groups.

Aim: to practise reading skills

1)- I've found a bag. Whose bag is it? What is it?

( items in the bag: a ticket for bus, sport centre card, a ball for table tennis, glasses, a book about animals.)

Дети делятся на 4 команды. Учитель раздает предметы из рюкзака каждой команде. Учащиеся составляют предложения по образцу.

a ticket for bus - He or she takes the bus.

a book about animals - Maybe, he works at the Animal Hospital or he has got a pet.

Do you know him? He lives in Australia. He's tall with fair hair.

Who is he?

Where does uncle Harry work?

2) Reading

Open your books at p.31. Read the text silently and choose the correct words.

Keys: 1 works 2 wear 3 wears 4 helps 5 cooking 6 playing 7 think СЛАЙД 9

3) Work in pairs.

Now you are going to find more information about Harry. Read the text again and fill in the missing words .Work in pairs. 1 or 2 students talk about uncle Harry. (заполнение factfile) СЛАЙД 10

Answer the questions, please.

– Where’s the Animal Hospital? (In Stone bridge.)

– How old is Uncle Harry?

– What does he look like?

– What is he? What does he do? (He helps sick animals.)

– Where does Uncle Harry work?

– Does Uncle Harry wear a uniform? (No, but he wears a white coat.)

– What does Uncle Harry like doing in the free time?

– Does Larry like his Uncle?

4) Extra activity

p.31 ex 6 СЛАЙД 11

– Look at the picture, please. This is a Robbie’s room. Try and guess what Robbie likes doing?

Класс разбивается на 4 команды, представители которых по очереди говорят о том, чем любит заниматься Robbie. За каждое правильное предложение команда получает балл. Например: He likes riding his bike!

He likes going to the cinema!

He likes playing table tennis!

He likes eating pizza!

5) Homework

Write about your relative at home. p. 31, ex. 5.

Write a story about your relative (mother, father, aunt, or uncle, or sister, or brother, or grandpa, etc.)

As an example, you can use the text about Uncle Harry p.31, ex. 4

5. Ending the lesson. Feedback. СЛАЙД 12

- What do you like best of all? 
- What was the most difficult task for you? 
- What was the most interesting task for you? 
Thank you for the lesson. Goodbye.

Work and play 4a
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Предварительный просмотр презентации

ЦщкаккккЦЦнн Work and play 4a

What’s your favourite day of the week? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=773TW8TYfvs

Д Let’s play

Once a week - один раз в неделю I play tennis once a week. I play tennis on Sundays. Twice a week – два раза в неделю I play hockey twice a week. I play hockey on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Three times a week – три раза в неделю I have English lessons three times a week. I have English lessons on Mondays, on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Д A: How often do they play tennis at the sports centre? B: Twice a week, on Monday and Thursday.


My uncle Harry My uncle Harry`s forty years old. He`s tall with fair hair and blue eyes. Uncle Harry`s vet. He works at the Animal in Stonebridge. Uncle Harry doesn`t wear a uniform but he wears a white coat. He helps sick animals. In his free time Uncle Harry likes cooking and playing tennis. I think my Uncle Harry is great!

name: Harry age: ______ appearance: __________ job:______ In his free time he likes__________

This is Robbie`s room. Try and guess what Robbie likes doing.

I liked… I enjoyed… It was interesting / funny / unforgettable…

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