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Учитель английского и китайского языков. "Знания — как и небеса — принадлежат всем. Ни один учитель не имеет права утаивать их от любого, кто о них просит. Преподавание — искусство отдавать". (Абрахам Джошуа Гешель)
Беларусь, Могилёвская область, г.Осиповичи
Материал размещён в группе «Учителя английского языка»

https://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=Gmh_xMMJ2Pw&t=29s

Английский язык 9 класс


Урок №2: по теме «You Are What You Eat »

Цели урока:

Создавать условия для формирования умений монологической и диалогической речи(умения формулировать и аргументировать свою точку зрения в процессе дискуссии).

Повышать уровень коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.

Развивать способности к критическому мышлению , анализу , обобщению.

4. Содействовать формированию культуры общения, потребности в практическом использовании языка, содействовать воспитанию сознательного отношения к здоровому питанию.

Оборудование урока :

Учебное пособие 9 класс Л.М. Лапицкая

CD запись текста для восприятия и понимания речи на слух.


Раздаточный материал.


Warming up

Good afternoon! Nice to see you. Let’s start our lesson. Our topic today is “You Are What You Eat” and we are going to discuss the problem of healthy food today. I wish you good luck at our English lesson. You look healthy and brave today. I think you follow a healthy lifestyle. Now look at the blackboard and you can see a saying on it : "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Can you comment it?(Ss’ answers).

II. Checking homework

SB, ex. 6, lesson 1. Choose a pair or group for checking the task. Listen to at least one story with the whole class.

WB, ex. 2, lesson 1. Provide the key for Ss to do the self-check. Read the correct sentences with the whole class.

Key: 1 - healthier; 2 - more energetic; 3 - better; 4 - the oldest; 5 - hotter; 6 - fitter.

WB, ex. 3, lesson 1. Check with the whole class.

Key: 2. Steve is taller than Jane, but shorter than Mr. Brown. Jane is the shortest. Mr. Brown is the tallest. 3. Mr. Brown is more active than Jane but less active than Steve. Also: Mr. Brown runs fewer miles than Steve, but more miles than Jane. Steve is the most active. Jane is the least active. 4. Steve walks more than Mr. Brown, but less than Jane. Steve is fitter than Mr. Brown, but not as fit as Jane. Jane is the fittest. Mr. Brown is the unfit test. 5. Jane sleeps more than Mr. Brown, but, not as much as Steve. Steve’s sleep is longer than Mr. Brown’s sleep and longer than Jane’s sleep. Steve’s sleep is the longest. Mr. Brown’s sleep is the shortest.

Oral speech activities

Complete the table “Food Groups”. Which foods are? You must write each of these foods into the according column.

Diary products





fat and sugar

Butter, sweets, pork, chicken, sour cream, cheese, eggs, ham, cucumbers, carrots, yoghurt, cabbage, sausages, oil, beans, peas, bread, bananas, cereal, salmon, mushrooms, green pepper, tuna fish, pasta, apple, lettuce, potato, spaghetti, pear, strawberry, onion, orange, tomato, lemon, pineapple, cherry, grapes, beef, turkey, bacon, chocolate, rice.

III. Match the words with their definition

food [fu:d] - the things that people or animals eat

vitamin ['vıtəmın] - natural substances found in food that are necessary to keep your body healthy. It is given a name using a letter of the alphabet (A,C, D…)

mineral ['mın(ə)rəl]- a substance in food that plants, animals and people need to live and grow

calcium ['kælsiəm] - a white chemical element that is an important part of bones and teeth

diet [daıət] - a limited range of foods that someone eats to improve their health

IV . Ex 1a, p. 56 Look at the food pyramid and answer the questions. Work in pairs (3-4min)(Ss’ answers)

V. Now you are going to watch a Video “5 Foods For a Healthy Life. How to Make Healthy Food. How to Create a Healthy Plate” Видео

 and choose the most useful information for yourself.

VI. Reading Activity.

Ex 2a. The words below are from a conversation with a food specialist. Read the definitions, try to guess what the words mean.

Ex 2c. Listen to the conversation with a food specialist and say if your talk was similar. Which question wasn’t asked?

Ex 2d. Listen to the conversation again and fill in the blanks.

Key: 1 - 9 0 grams; 2 - B-vitamins; 3 - energy; 4 – health skin; 5 - vitamin C; 6 - amount; 7 - fresh; 8 - a lot of is 9 - vegetable oils; 10 - butter; 11 - low-fat meat; 12 – muo healthier; 13 - provide; 14 - body; 15 - make more energy 16 - strong; 17 - milk; 18 - better.


ex. 1, Ss do the exercises together, and then read everything together.

Key to ex. 1: -A 3 ; 2 - B4; 3 - C2; 4 - D16; 5 - E13; 6 - F14;1

7 - G21; 8 - H17; 9 - II; 10 - J8; 11 - K6; 12 - L18; 13 - M23;j

14 - N19; 15 - 05; 16 - P10; 17 - Q7; 18 - R24; 19 - S15; 20 - j

T25; 21 - U20; 22 - V l l ; 23 - W9; 24 - X12; 25 - Y22.

VIII . Revision. - Now our lesson is coming to its end but I want you to revise what you have learnt at the lesson and prove “We are what we eat” (Ss’ answers)

Home assignment SB, ex. 5, 6 (to write); WB, ex. 3.

- You have done your work well today. Everybody gets a good mark for work. I believe that you will not only talk about the healthy food and will also follow healthy way of eating and care about yourselves. Don’t forget to give your day books for marks. The lesson is over . Good bye. To have a nice day.

Использованные источники:

https://schoolfiles.net/2754197 Сценарий урока английского языка в 9 классе по теме «You Are What You Eat » И.В. Шихутская учитель первой категории


Diary products






(fat and sugar)

Butter, sweets, pork, chicken, sour cream, cheese, eggs, ham, cucumbers, carrots, yoghurt, cabbage, sausages, oil, beans, peas, bread, bananas, cereal, salmon, mushrooms, green pepper, tuna fish, pasta, apple, lettuce, potato, spaghetti, pear, strawberry, onion, orange, tomato, lemon, pineapple, cherry, grapes, beef, turkey, bacon, chocolate, rice.

Diary products






(fat and sugar)

Butter, sweets, pork, chicken, sour cream, cheese, eggs, ham, cucumbers, carrots, yoghurt, cabbage, sausages, oil, beans, peas, bread, bananas, cereal, salmon, mushrooms, green pepper, tuna fish, pasta, apple, lettuce, potato, spaghetti, pear, strawberry, onion, orange, tomato, lemon, pineapple, cherry, grapes, beef, turkey, bacon, chocolate, rice.

Diary products






(fat and sugar)

Butter, sweets, pork, chicken, sour cream, cheese, eggs, ham, cucumbers, carrots, yoghurt, cabbage, sausages, oil, beans, peas, bread, bananas, cereal, salmon, mushrooms, green pepper, tuna fish, pasta, apple, lettuce, potato, spaghetti, pear, strawberry, onion, orange, tomato, lemon, pineapple, cherry, grapes, beef, turkey, bacon, chocolate, rice.

food [fu:d]

vitamin ['vıtəmın]

mineral ['mın(ə)rəl]

calcium ['kælsiəm]

diet [daıət]

- the things that people or animals eat

- a limited range of foods that someone eats to improve their health

- a substance in food that plants, animals and people need to live and grow

- natural substances found in food that are necessary to keep your body healthy. It is given a name using a letter of the alphabet (A,C, D…)

- a white chemical element that is an important part of bones and teeth

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