12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Talk about food and describe it in more details.

To practise all types of language skills;

To develop pupil’s communicative skills in pairs and groups.

Equipment: cards and pictures, table manners, paper and coloured pencils, computer presentation.



T: Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you!

Ps: Good morning, teacher. We are glad to see you too!

T: I see all pupils are present. How are you?

Ps: We are fine, thanks.


T: Today we are going to speak about different food we like and we don’t like to eat, about the table manners and our favourite dishes.

Main Part

Vocabulary revision

T: I’d like to know if you remember the words on the topic “Food”.

Match the name of food with the pictures I’m going to show you.

(The teacher prepares a number of pictures with different food stuff in advance and then demonstrates them to the pupils during the lesson.)


T: All of you like tasty things.

But sometimes we eat too much (many hamburgers, cookies, drink too much juice or coke) and have some problems with our health. I’d like you to tell me what things we can eat without any problems for our health.

Ps: We can eat …

T: What do you usually have for breakfast?

What do you like to drink?

Do you like fruit? What fruits do you like?

What is your favourite dish?

What can you cook?


T: Now, take your cards. You will see the plate with different food. Choose four products you like and then write what you want your mother to cook for breakfast using them.

Card 1

It is a picture of the plate with sausages, fried potato, cabbage and cucumber salad, tomato sauce and apple on it.

Card 2

It is a picture of the plate with fish, omelet, mashed potato, cheese and onion on it.

Card 3

It is a picture of the plate with a piece of pie, mushrooms, melon and lamb chops on it.

(The pupils make some notes in their copy-books and then discuss with their peers the food preferences they have)

Game “Birthday Party”

T: I am going to invite you to my birthday party. I had cooked a lot of delicious dishes for you . But first, let’s revise table manners.

Read and translate.

Sit up straight.

Keep your mouth closed when you eat.

Don’t take bread with a fork.

Don’t eat from a knife.

Don’t say you don’t like the food.

Say “Thank you” after the meal.

T: Remember these rules and never forget them when you are at the table!

Pair work

T: Our new friend has just invited us to have dinner with her. Please, be polite and don’t forget the table manners. Help yourself to the meals.

Act out the dialogues with your peers. Ask your friend to pass you some bread, some cheese and so on.

P1: Pass me the …, please.

P2: Here you are.

P1: Thank you.

P2: You are welcome/not at all.

T: Well-done, try to develop the other situations.

(The pupils act out the other dialogues and the teacher listens to them and helps the pupils if there are any difficulties.)


T: Now we’ll see how much attentive you are.

I’ll call you the names of different food and you’ll clap your hands when you hear the names of food.

Project Work

T: So, it’s time to make presents. Please, take your papers and draw the food you like most of all and the food you don’t like to eat at all and present.

(When the children are ready, they’ll work in pairs using the pictures.)

T: Please, exchange your pictures and guess what your friend likes or doesn’t like to eat.

Summing-up. Home assignment

T: Our lesson is over. You’ve worked well and you’ve got good marks. Thank you for your hard work. At home write down the names of dishes and drinks you like in your vocabularies.

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